
Semiconductor Industry News Brie

2019-01-14  本文已影响13人  MemoryGuy

市场趋势Marketing Trends

1. ★★★ DRAM Market to and Moderated Bit Output in 2019 Due to Weak Demand, Says TrendForce 20190102

After contract prices of DRAMproducts turned downward sharply in 4Q18 by 10% QoQ, major DRAM manufacturershave tried to offset fall in prices by slowing down capacity expansion in 2019,as the demand outlook for PCs, servers, smartphones, and other end consumerproducts remains weak, reportsDRAMeXchange, a division ofTrendForce.

DRAMeXchange points out that,manufacturers’ capex plans are normally the most relevant indicators for theiractual bit output. In 2019, the total capital expenditure for DRAM productionis forecast at about $18 billion, an annual decrease of 10%. This CAPEX is atthe most conservative investment level in recent years.

2. ★★★ 需求持續不振,2019 年 DRAM 投資與位元產出同步放緩20190102



3. 大摩看淡 2019 年全球半导体发展,机器学习与自驾车将成亮点20190102

进入2019年之后,分析师们对于半导体产业的看法是否如同先前所提出一样的保守。根据摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley,大摩)的分析师团队于2018年12月所发布报告指出,2019年全球半导体产业周期性低潮尚未见底,对北美和亚太市场均持保留态度,将预期成长从-1%下调至-5%;至于,中国半导体产业仍存在着机会,整体未来成长点,将在于人工智能与机器学习以及无人驾驶等两大领域。

根据报告指出,2019年半导体产业整体销售金额将比2018年下降4.7%,这与2017及 2018年各自有22%及14%双位数的年度成长率形成鲜明的反差。从个别产业来分析,存储器设备的销售金额在经历前两年各自60%及30%的高幅度成长之后,将在2019年急剧下滑至仅有18%。

4. 半導體寒風將至!南韓 12 月半導體出口創 26 個月來首次年衰退20190103



5.南亞科 12 月營收雙降,2018 年全年營收年成長 54.27% 20190103


6. ★★★ DRAM Manufacturers Slash CapacityExpansion to Limit Price Drops 20190103

Almost a year ago, we wrote aboutthe then-high DRAM prices and how DDR4 was substantially more expensive than ithad been earlier in the PC cycle, regardless of clock rate. Nearly 12 monthslater, costs have come down substantially, but a new report suggests the threeDRAM manufacturers still remaining will curb their production to prevent pricesfrom falling as far as they might otherwise.

First, the good news. On January 30, 2017,we reportedthatthe price of 16GB of DDR4-2400 (F4-2400C15D-16GVB) had jumped from $81 in 2016to $196 in 2017. The good news is, pricing has come down substantially on thatRAM kit, as shown by this graph from CamelCamelCamel:

7.★ DRAM内存跌价,全球第四大内存厂商12月业绩暴跌 20190104


在全球DRAM内存芯片市场上,三星、SK Hynix及美光三家是最大的,他们占了全球大约95%的市场份额,剩下的市场空间主要是台湾厂商,包括南亚科技Nanya、Winbong华邦、Powerchip力晶等,其中南亚科在去年Q3季度的份额约为2.8%,季度营收约为8亿美元。

8. ★ 内存降价、手机被中国厂商挤压,三星Q4利润要大降38%20190108


9.Samsung pre-announces misson weak memory and phones 20190109

It should come as no big surprise that Samsung will miss its Q4 numbers. The company pre announced that profits will be 10.8T KWON (about $9.7B ) versus the 13.2T KWON analysts had predicted, close to a 20% miss. This number is also down about 39% sequentially. Revenue at 59T KWON instead of expected 62.8T KWON and down about 10%. The company blamed the miss on weak memory pricing and a more competitive smart phone environment. This should not be a shocker to investors. The bigger shock is why, like Apple, analysts didn't heed the many, many warning signs and cut number ahead of the quarter. The miss will likely drown out most of any positive tone coming out of CES this and dampen stocks that had started to recover from Apples bombshell.

10. ★★★ 中国半导体封测产业将迎来春天20190113


技术热点New Technology

1. 英特尔在7nm将依靠EUV技术实现 20190103


英特尔10纳米制程推进不如预期,导致14纳米产能供不应求,并造成2018年第四季以来的处理器缺货问题,预期要等到2019年第二季才会获得纾解。英特尔日前已宣布将扩大资本支出提升产能,并且预期10纳米Ice Lake处理器将在今年第四季量产出货。

2.16 TB MAMR Hard Drives in 2019: Western Digital 20190104

Western Digital revealed recentlythat it has begun to sample its next-generation hard drives based on microwaveassisted magnetic recording (MAMR) technology. The sampling is a prelude tomass production, which will see the first commercial HDDs based on the techreleased this year. Meanwhile, the company is working on hard drives featuringtwo actuators that will arrive in 2020 or later. Overall, Western Digitalremains confident in MAMR and expects to launch multiple generations of suchdrives. In the meantime, the firm is also admitting that it has continued toinvest in development of alternative heat assisted magnetic recording (HAMR)technology.

“We aresampling our 16 TB [MAMR-based] product today,” said Michael Cordano, presidentand CEO of Western Digital, at the company’s meeting with financial analystslast month.

3. ★★★ 国产光刻机水平究竟如何?20190105

半导体芯片制作分为 IC 设计、 IC 制造、 IC 封测三大环节, 光刻作为IC 制造的核心环节,其主要作用是将掩模版上的芯片电路图转移到硅片上。 由于光刻的工艺水平直接决定芯片的制程水平和性能水平,光刻成为IC 制造中最复杂、最关键的工艺步骤, 光刻的核心设备——光刻机更是被誉为半导体工业皇冠上的明珠。

4. ★★★ CES 2019来了,除了7nm CPU/GPU外,这些也不容错过20190105


CPU看点:AMD 7nm锐龙万众瞩目,英特尔无核显酷睿待发


主板看点:华硕ROG M11F主板获奖

显示器/TV看点:8K TV蜂拥而至,超宽屏竞逐电竞市场


5. ★ Intel’s Keynote at CES 2019: 10nm, Ice Lake, Lakefield, Snow Ridge, Cascade Lake 20190107

This year it seems that Intel isfinally ready to talk about 10nm. After next-to-nothing on the subject at CES2018, Intel is now talking about three new processor families: Ice Lake,Lakefield, and Snow Ridge. Despite the naming, it looks like Intel might becoming in out of the cold – to finally let it go – and roadmaps on upcomingproducts are being discussed.

It should be pointed out thatIntel’s presentation did not mention anything about the company’s search for anew CEO, or any updates about Intel’s increased demand for its high-end Xeonprocessors. These are matters that the company will no doubt want to save fortheir earnings release later this month.

6. 英特尔CES:10nm冰湖处理器年底出货,九代酷睿i5-9400本月上市 20190108

这几天正值CES 2019消费电子展开幕,英特尔作为重量级嘉宾今天早上也举行了主题演讲,推出了多款PC、服务器、数据中心及5G相关芯片及技术。我们先来看看一些与PC处理器相关的内容,首先是10nm冰湖(Ice Lake)处理器官宣了,使用的是Sunny Cove微内核架构,今年底率先由OEM厂商出货。此外,九代酷睿处理器也继续扩军,之前发布的三款都是K系列的,现在酷睿i5-9400处理器将于本月开始上市。

7. New Generation of Optane M.2 SSDs Coming Soon 20190108

Intel's Optane products so farfall into one of two categories. At the high end is the flagship P4800Xenterprise SSD and its derivatives for the enthusiast market. At the low endare the small M.2 modules intended primarily for caching use. It's this lattercategory that is being upgraded from PCIe 3x2 to a PCIe 3x4 host interface,moving the cache drives and small Optane SSDs more toward the mainstream NVMeSSD market.

Based on leaked roadmaps, we knowthat the original Optane Memory and its refresh Optane Memory M10 are beingreplaced by the new Optane Memory M15, codenamed Carson Beach. The Optane SSD800P is being replaced by the new Optane SSD 815P, codenamed Bombay Beach.Capacity options are changing slightly for the M15 cache modules, which offer 16GBto 128GB in M.2 2280 form factor and 16GB to 64GB in M.2 2242 size. The OptaneSSD 815P will be available in the same 58GB and 118GB capacities as the 800P.

8. AMD Ryzen 3rd Gen 'Matisse' Coming Mid 2019: Eight Core Zen 2 with PCIe 4.0 on Desktop 20190109

Blink and you miss it: AMD's keynote address this year was a whirlwind of primetime announcements for the company. The message is clear: AMD is committing itself to 7nm as the future process note that will drive the company's innovations starting in 2019. The first consumer products on 7nm will be the Ryzen 3rd Generation Desktop processors, using Zen 2 cores, offering more than competitive performance against Intel's best hardware. Also on the docket is a return to high-end graphics performance, with AMD set to release a 7nm graphics card that can spar blow-for-blow with the competition at the $700 price barrier.

9. AMD官宣7nm锐龙三代处理器:性能追上酷睿i9-9900K,能效远胜 20190110

在今天凌晨的CES2019主题演讲中,AMD发布了新一代的Radeon RXVega II,简称Radeon VII显卡,性能可战NVIDIA最新的RTX 2080显卡,售价也同为699美元。本场发布会的压轴角色是7nm锐龙三代处理器,CEO苏姿丰博士展示了首款7nm桌面处理器的阵容,是14nm IO核心及7nm CPU模块化设计,目前没有预期中16核32线程的,1个CPU核心意味着依然是8核16线程,不过7nm锐龙三代的性能有了提升,现场演示的跑分追上了酷睿i9-9900K,但133W的功耗比后者的180W要低很多,能效上是远胜现有处理器的。

10. ★★ Emerging Memories Today: Emerging Memory Companies 20190110

Most memory industry participantsview emerging memories as the eventual path of the business: There’s no doubtthat today’s memory technologies will stop scaling, and that new memorytechnologies will need to replace today’s leading technologies both in theembedded and stand-alone spaces.  Thisincludes DRAM, NAND flash, NOR flash, and SRAM. Because this outlook is held by nearly everyone in the industry, allmajor memory manufacturers are investing in alternative memorytechnologies.  The leading players areresearching multiple technologies at the same time.

11. IBM居然在CES 2019上展出量子计算机?还长得那么精致、高大上20190111

最近举行的CES展会全称是国际消费电子展(International Consumer Electronics Show),都说是消费级别的,尽管有很多很新奇、非常昂贵的新产品,但终归我们还是可以买到、用得上。但作为科技的蓝色巨人IBM竟然在CES 2019会场上展示最新的量子计算机IBM Q SystemOne?请问这电脑是我们现在能消费得起、用得着吗?而且这个量子计算机和我们想象的有点不一样,有一种科幻、精致、高大上的感觉。


System One是“世界上第一个为科学和商业用途而设计的完全集成的通用量子计算系统”,不过它却是只租不卖的,想要体验量子计算机在某些领域超强大运算能力的客户,也只能通过网络远程连接到Q System One上,甚至无法看到的它的一面以及内部构造。

恰好IBM在CES 2019展会上展览了一台Q System One量子计算机,让大家得以一睹量子计算机的真面目。由于量子计算机依靠量子遵循量子力学上进行的高速数学、逻辑运算,需要特殊的环境才能保持,还要保持在绝对零度下进行工作,对外部环境也有相当高的要求

12.★ 英特尔CES 2019回顾:10nm直面AMD 7nm竞争,做全球最棒的产品20190111

2019年的CES展会进入了尾声,作为全球第一大消费电子展,CES预示着全年的技术、产品发展方向。今年的CES展会上,AMD首次参与官方主题演讲,宣布了7nm工艺的RX Vega II显卡以及7nm锐龙三代处理器,吸引全球的目光。不过这次英特尔在CES展会上展示、发布了多款10nm工艺新产品、新技术同样也非常多,尽管风头被听上去更先进的7nm工艺抢了去,但是英特尔官方高管在采访中表示无惧7nm工艺挑战,英特尔依然是最具领导力的公司,只想做全球最棒的产品。

13.★ 记忆元件:从忆阻元到分忆抗元20190112


行业动态Industry News

1.★★★兆易创新与合肥产投将继续推进DRAM项目 20181229




2. 济南专项政策出台 国内第三代半导体产业版图初现 20190103


3. 英特爾宣布 10 奈米處理器年底問世,但仍以筆電使用優先 20190108

做為全球處理器龍頭,英特爾(intel)在本屆CES當中推出了多款PC、伺服器、資料中心及5G相關晶片及技術。首先在PC處理器的方面,10奈米代號Ice Lake處理器正式亮相,使用的是Sunny Cove核新架構,預計將於2019年底率先由OEM廠商出貨。

雖然,英特爾在2017年底推出了首個10奈米製程,代號Cannon lake的處理器,但只有一款Core i3-8121U,所以並不能真正代表10奈米處理器的量產。這使得英特爾10奈米處理器何時量產上市,一直是衝擊英特爾營運最大的不利因素之一。對此,英特爾官方一直都是表示10奈米製程處理器的正式量產時間將在2019年底的假期購物季。

4. ★ 紫光企业级3D NAND封测正式进入量产 20180108

1月7日,紫光集团官方微信公众号发文,宣布旗下紫光宏茂微电子(上海)有限公司宣布成功实现大容量企业级3D NAND芯片封测的规模量产。



5. SEMI:2020 年 8 寸供给恐过剩20190109




6. ★ CES 2019 In Photos 20190111

LAS VEGAS — It takes a lot morethan a few photos to convey the mad whirlwind that is CES. With over 180,000attendees (plus exhibitors), it is like being on a crowded, noisy, and delayedsubway train for the better part of a week.

That said, there are alwaysplenty of interesting scenes here worth capturing. One big improvement in myquality of life this year is that I captured all of my show images on asmartphone, instead of having to lug my Nikon D850 around the show floor. Iused a Google Pixel 3 — my favorite for simple single shots, as it fits nicelyin my shirt pocket and has good defaults — and a Huawei Mate 20 Pro, which hastelephoto and wide-angle lenses, and also does a great job letting me tweak itssettings for difficult scenes.

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