英语动词双宾语详解(Otto Jespersen对动词双宾语的论

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1. 双宾语现象及例子。

1.1. 双宾语现象。——间接宾语和直接宾语。

一些动词,经常性地,或者说规整地拥有双宾语;我们先提这种类型:“he gave the boy a shilling.”(他给了那个男孩一个先令。) 这儿,习惯于将“the boy”说成是间接宾语,而“a shilling”说成是直接宾语。在古英语中,和在其它古老的同语系的语言中一样,比如在德语和冰岛语中,等等,我们有两个单独的格,与格(dative)是间接宾语,宾格(accusative)是直接宾语,但是,应当记住,这些描述并未将这两种格的功能讲解透彻。

在英语中,早已不再区分与格与宾格,名词性实词,主要通过弱读-e的脱落来区分,弱读-e在很多名词性实词中是与格单数的区分标识,在使用-um结尾表示的专用与格的时候,通过主格-宾格复数的类推扩展加以区分。有时候,是代词承担了这两种旧式格的功能,旧式与格由代词me,you,us,him,her,hem(them),whom承但,旧式的宾格由代词it,this,that,what承担。前面的代词用在表示人称的场合(当表示物的时候,也使用them),后面的代词用于表示事物的场合(中性词:this和that是旧式中性用法词代词)。在现代英语中,没有丝毫事由可以把与格与宾格分开:就像把诺曼底和新英格兰说成是大英帝国的一部分一样,这是非历史的。在上面引用的句子中,我们甚至不能说,“the boy”在句中所处的位置上是与格,将其放在宾格前面,保持与宾格的区分,因为,从另一方面来说,我们在可以用相反的词序,例如,句子“give it him”,另一方面,我们还有同样的词序的例子,“he called the boy John;”“they made him their chief;” 在句子中,没有人会称“the boy”和“him”是与格。被动语句的主语被当成与与格相对的宾格的标准是不可能的。这儿不找算重复最新的与格理论的标准。


在现代英语中,确实存在着间接宾语与直接宾语的区分。这种区分的一个重要的标识就是把一个“to短语”替换成间接宾语具有可行性;但是,尽管这种检测方法适用于很多场合,但是并非总是可行。另一方面,使用to的很多场合我们并不想使用术语“间接宾语”来称呼它。使用“to短语”从而舍弃动词的间接宾语这种可能性确实是更深度的问题,也就是说,对于动词来讲,直接宾语是基础,比起间接宾语,直接宾语与动词联系更为紧密,尽管间接宾语从位置上看起来似乎更接近动词。在句子“they offered the man a reward”中,将直接宾语(“they offered a reward”)从句中分开是可能的,但是分开间接宾语(“they offered the man”)是不可能的。“a reward”是动词“offered”的宾语,但是,“the man”是“offered a reward”的宾语。因此,我们问“What did they offer?”,这显得很自然,但是,如果问“Whom (or to Whom) did they offer?”,而又不提到宾语,这显得非常不自然,也不合逻辑。也就是说,将直接宾语单独组成句子,是完整的,而将间接宾语单独组成句子,是说不通的。也可以使用被动结构来说明:我们可以说“A reward was offered”,但是我们不能在没“提供了什么”的情况下说“The man was offered”;尽管我们可以说“Who was offered a reward?”以及“What was offered?” 但是我们也不能说“Who was offered a reward?” 因此,我们可以说,在句子“a reward was offered the man”中,“a reward”是“was offered”的主语,但是,将句子调换成意义相同的句子“the man was offered a reward”,“the man”是主语,不是“was offered”的主语,而是整个组合“was offered a reward”的主语。因此,术语直接宾语和间接宾语这两种说法是完全合理的我们将会看到更多一个动词有两个宾语的情况而这里讨论的情况已不适用于这种情况(这里提到一个直接宾语,一个间接宾语),因此,另一种情况,必须用术语两个直接宾语来表示。(即双宾语分两种情况:一种是动词后接间接宾语和直接宾语这种双宾语,另一种情况是动词后接两个直接宾语这种双宾。)

一个动词有两个宾语(一个间接宾语一个直接宾语)这种组合,与在句子“they elected Dr.Brown president”中见到的现象有着严格的区分:在这个句中,没有两个宾语,而只有一个宾语。这个句子结构由两个元素组成,“Dr.Brown”作为主语元素,“president”作为谓语元素,和句子“they made Dr.Brown resign”(“他们让Dr.Brown辞职”)完全一样,动词“made”具有不定式连系式(infinitival nexus)“Dr.Brown resign”作为它的一个宾语(应该这样理解:如果把“Dr.Brown resign”拆分开成两个句子,即“they make Dr.Brown”和“they make resign”,句子意思没有一个是完整的,所以,只能放在一起整体理解,作为动词“made”的宾语)。某报纸上把这两个结构放在一起,“It is honestly true to say of Mr.Well’s books that they do a man good,for half an hour or so”[“a man good”是连接词,注意,“good”是谓语次品(次修饰词),而前面的组合it是主品(主题,中心思想)],可对比句子“The woman who makes a man a good wife also makes him a good husband”。


1.3.1 表示“给予”(give)含义的动词和其同义的动词接受间接宾语的例子:

(1) Shakespeare ,<<the Taming of the Shrew>>,Induction,1.103章节有:

giue them friendly welcome everie one.(giue—give的印刷形式,已废弃)

(2) Anthony Trollope,<>,Tauchnitz(陶赫.尼次版)1.255章节有: Give papa my best love.

he left his sister a hundred pounds.

(3) Charles Dickens,<<David Copperfield>>,London,Macmillan(出版社)1897年版556页有:

to restore a parent his child.[通常带有to]

(4) John Masefield,<<The Widow in the Bye-Street>>,London 1912年版 10页有:

There you can … stand her cockshies.

(5) Rudyard Kipling,<<Kim>> VII章节有:

they would feed him raw beef on a plate(原句是platter).

(6) Robert Herrick,<>,New York 1905年版82页有: the police fed them lies.

(7) William M.Thackeray,<<Vanity Fair>>London 1890年版119页有:

the mere chance..can procure a lady such homage.

get me some stamps.

he offered her marriage.

pay the cabman his fare.

(8) Shakespeare ,<<Measure for Measure>> III.2.263章节有:

you haue paid the heauens your function.

(9) William M.Thackeray,<>,Tauchnitz版1.173章节有: he thought he would pay the General a visit.

(10) John Galsworthy, << Maid in Waiting >>208页有:

he wanted me to find the chap a job.

(11) Shakespeare,<<As you like it>>,I.1.75章节有:

allow me such exercises as may become a gentleman.

(12) Shakespeare,<<Richard III>>IV.2.114章节有:

What you promised me.

(13) Daniel Defoe,<< Moll Flanders>>第5章节有:

who must buy the little gentlewoman clothes.

(14) H.G.Well,PF(不详)有:to buy Mary clothes.

1.3.2 表示“拒绝”(Not to give)含义的动词接受间接宾语的例子:

(1) Shakespeare,<<As you like it>>,I.2.198章节有:

to denie so faire and excellent ladies anye thing.

I can refuse you nothing.

(2) Shakespeare,<<Julius Caesar>> IV.3.206章节有:

For they haue grug’d vs contribution.

forbid you the use of that word.

(3) Shakespeare,<<Second Part of Henry VI>> II 4.110章节有:

I will barre no honest man my house.

(4) Charles Dickens,<<David Copperfield>>,London,Macmillan(出版社)1897年版94页有:

You have lost him his situation.

(5) John Locke,<< The House of Baltazar>> 111页有:

The robbers bled me eight guineas.

1.3.3 隐含表示“传递,给予”动作的动词接受间接宾语的例子:

(1) pass me the mustard.

(2) Daniel Defoe,<< Roxana >> 187页有:Amy carried him the hundred pounds.

(3) Daniel Defoe,<< Sterne>> 213页有:returning Mons. Dessein his how.

(4) Charles Dickens,<<Dombey and Son>>London 1887年Ch.D.版本237页有:

throwing her a shilling.


he pured himself out a dram.

(5)Arthur Conan Doyle,<<The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes>> Tauchnitz(陶赫.尼次版)1.239章节有:

he would bring his little boy home a box of bricks.

(6) William M.Thackeray,<>,Tauchnitz版1.45章节有: The landlady dropped the heir of Fairoaks a very respectful curtsey.

(7) Henry James,<<Roderick Hudson>>194页有:

she swept the young man a curtsey as profound as his own salutation.

(8) Williamson Webb. D(此处不详)有: but for one look she had flashed him before she went.

(9) Hugh Walpole,<< The Captives>> 26页有: he flung his niece a watery wink.

(8) it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good.

(9) set the boy another task.

(10) she smiled him her thanks.

1.3.4 动词Bear(描述感觉)和动词Win(赢得)接受间接宾语的例子:


(1) for the loue I beare my sweet Bianca.

(2) the hatred I bore those brutes.

(3) the violent hatred the Houyhnhnms bore them.

(4) the affection he bore Ethel himself was so great.

(5) he bore him company nevertheless.

(6) we bore Heaven a grudge that he was not our King.


a fast drive into the corner of the court,which won him the set.

1.3.5 动词Wish(愿望)接受间接宾语的例子:

(1) he wished Miss W. joy.

(2) I wish Jane success with all my heart.(我衷心祝愿Jane成功。)

(3) why anyone should wish him harm.

(4) to wish my father and sisters a long farewell. (是否我们可以说高频短语“wish some one well”有两个宾语,这是有分歧的,文法学家们意见不一。)

(5) he wished all the world rather well.

(6) I shall remember how well you wished me.

1.3.6 动词Intend(表示意图)等接受间接宾语的例子:

(1) I meant them no harm.

(2) I want a due sense of the honour and happiness intended me.

(3) thou ow’st heauen a death.

(4) you owe the country a good deal.

(5) the good will they ought him.

1.3.7 spare,save接受间接宾语的例子:

(1) he desired me to spare you my fine company.

(2) if you want to save them a long stretch of penal servitude.

1.3.8 动词Cause(表示“引起”含义)等接受间接宾语的例子:

(1) this caused us much trouble.

(2) the career which had occasioned the fond lady such anguish.

1.3.9 动词do接受间接宾语的例子,仅在某类短语中接受间接宾语(斜体表示do的间接宾语):

(1) this true,of doing no other person an injury from any motive.

(2) a warmth of heart which did him credit.

(3) it does a man good to see the energy of that boy.

(4) I had done her foul wrong by my doubts.

(5) Will you do me another favour?(对比被动式:I am now come to see justice done a worthy man.)

1.3.10 动词make接受间接宾语的例子:

(1) the joiner made her a stool.

(2) to make their kettle drum a new skin.

(3) they were the best [boots] he had ever made me.

(4) I made the Captain a very low bow.

(5) I made my gentleman a distant bow.

1.3.11 动词work接受间接宾语的例子:

he had tried to work me so great a mischief.

1.3.12 动词tell和其它“交流”动词接受间接宾语的例子:

(1) he told his wife the secret.

(2) The lover whispers his mistress that the coach is ready.( whisper:私下说。)

(3) I’ve a whole desk full of verses he wrote me when he was in Trinity College.

(4) the world does not write down a man his good luck as being generally conducive to his happiness. he wired (telegraphed,(tel)phoned) them the sad news.

(5) Alworthy failed not to read Tom a very severe lecture.

(6) to read us terrible lessons.

another poem he wanted to read me.

(7) I…play you one of my adagio movements…play us so always.

(8) to inform me this [more usual:of this].

(9) he taught his children French. (注意:一般认为teach后的两个双宾语都是直接宾语,习惯用法。)

(10) to shew virtue her owne feature.

(11) show me that letter.

1.3.13 句子“this cost him a lot of money”分析。

一般分析认为,这个句子有一个间接宾语和一个直接宾语;<>(牛津词典)称“him”是间接宾语,“a lot of money”是副词性宾语(不管怎么说,可能就是这个意思),但是,又说这个动词是不及物动词,因为它没有被动式——术语“不及物”(intransitive)的一种很奇怪的用法。动词“bet”和“fine”也有类似结构,在它们的用法中,使人感兴趣的,是将人称称为直接宾语,而将余下的部分称为度量的次修饰语:I have bet Scaife twenty-five pounds;the magistrate fined him five shillings.(注意,有点微妙,也就是说,这种动词看似有间接宾语和直接宾语,但是,存细分析,将句子拆分开,作为次修饰语的部分,并不是动词的作用对象。)

1.3.14 句子“I buy me clothes”分析。

“I buy me clothes”=“buy to (for) me clothes”:这种同样的人称代词作为主语(没有self的反身代词,这里指me,用在这里指myself)又作为间接宾语的这种用法,现在并不像以前那么常见了,甚至对应的带self的反身代词作间接宾语也不常用,尽管偶尔可见:通常,代词用在这里感觉像是多余的。下面是反身代词作间接宾语的例子:

(1) how will you do for a husband ? Why I can buy me twenty at any market.

(2) I made me a large tent.

(3) till we could have … materials provided for building us a house.

(4) I bought me ploughs.

(5) one day I bought me a Cannary-bird.

(6) I shall never get me a wife if I live to the age of eagles.

(7) I’d buy myself that.

(8) he ordered himself a dozen oysters.

(9) It’s not often you play yourself a tune.

(10) the Seraph lit himself a cigarette.


“she poured herself out a glass of wine.” (herself是间接宾语)

“she poured out a glass of wine herself.”(herself是主语的同位语)

1.4.情感间接宾语(affective indirect object)。

有一种特别的类型称为兴趣与格”(dative of interest,dativus,ethicus),或许更好的称呼叫情感间接宾语”(the affective(or emotional) indirect),通过引入人称的元素使得表达风格更为生动,但是对于表达思想来说,不是必要的元素(即去掉后句子同样完整)。例如:

(1) he pluckt me ope his doublet.

(2) Come me to what was done to her.

(3) Nothing introduces you a heroine like soft music.

(4) He could knock you off forty Latin verses in an hour.



(1) we do it wrong,being so maiesticall To offer it the shew of violence.

(2) in the morning he would give orders of providing it a nurse.


(1) a malice,giuing itselfe the lie.

(2) this intolerable disinclination to dying to give it its mildest name.

(3) if I had given it a thought,but I gave it none until afterwards[或give this a thought].

(4) he had given the subject anxious consideration.

(5) you had only to give imagination rein.

(6) his rage...this will giue it start againe.

(7) he expressed his sorrow for her distress,wish it a happier conclusion.

(8) The opera lacked the life-blood of the stern old Northland.The Englishman could not give it that.

(9) he allowed his imagination full play.


(1) Shakespeare Shr I.1.12章节有:“Pisa Gaue me my being,and my father first”含义可能是“...and gave my father being before me.”

(2) Marlowe F 332页有:So he will spare him 24 years: him是间接宾语,years是直接宾语;或者,him是直接宾语,years是时间的次修饰语?

(3) Shakespeare Oth I.3.163章节有:“she shish’d that Heauen had make her such a man”,我们可以将her当成间接宾语,或者将“her such a man”作为“连接宾语”。

(4) Shakespeare I.2.8章节有:“knocke me here soundly”,句中将me(情感间接宾语)作为直接宾语就是刻意的制造误解。


Charles Dickens,David Copperfield. London. 1897年版 29页有:“I gave Mr Peggotty to understand that she was as jolly as I could wish.”


例如:“he told(wrote,wired,telegraphed,(tele)phoned) his sister the sad news”——his sister,很明显,是间接宾语。下面的语录中,整个句子或者从句充当直接宾语:

(1) George Meredith,<<The Ordeal of Richard Feverel>> Longdon 1895年版412页有:“Richard is very gay”,Miss Doria whispered her brother.

(2) Barrie ,<<Margaret Ogilvy>> Tauchnitz(陶赫尼茨)平装版,1897年版77页有:popping into telegraph offices to wire my father that we should not be home till late.

(3) Rudyard Kipling,<<Puck of Pook’s Hill>> Tauchnitz(陶赫尼茨)平装版,166页有:I wrote my mother I was happy.

(4) Bennett <<How to live on 24 Hours>> Longdon,1912年版,365页有:I’ll telephone him you’re on the way.

同样的动词,我们有一种常用法,在句中,直接宾语没有表达出来(从上下文可以推断或判断):“He told his sister,who told their father.”在句中,说话者并不是说“他或她告知了什么”,因为,从整个情况或上下文环境看是显而易见的事情(“告知这个故事,告知了你想知道的”),和我们说“Yes,I know”(=“I know what you are alluding to ,or,what you mentioned,etc.”)一样。但是,下面句子的情况有点不一样,我们不能按同样的方式补上直接宾语(在理解句子时,可以将省略的直接宾语补上,方便理解),更可取的办法是称这个组合构成的宾语为直接宾语,保留将组合中包含的另一个宾语称为“间接宾语”的这个称谓

(1) he has always been at my elbow,whispering me.

(2) she had written some cousins in Kentucky(美式英语使用频率相当高)。

将“written some cousins”称为直接宾语,而“some cousins”也可以称为间接宾语。(下同)

(3) she had telegraphed the editor.

(4) there’s nothing for me but to wire her the first thing in the morning.

(5) After telephoning Cutter, Dr. Mount?

(6) they were signaling me to come up.

在这些句子中,不可能有错误。因为,人不可能是类似whisper,write这类动词的直接宾语(也就是说,这样的用法本身就不会产生歧义或混淆)。但是,即便是这样,很多作家为了清晰起见,也选择在此种位置加入to;对于采用人称作为直接宾语这样的动词,加入to也是必要的:“she sent me”,很自然就理解为人称“me”是直接宾语(即对于接受人称作为直接宾语,但是也有可能人称不是直接宾语);因此,有必要说成“he sent to me”=“he sent someone to me”(加上to以示区别)。


间接宾语放置位置的一般规则是:间接宾语位于动词之后,直接宾语的正前面,极个别情况下,通过补语副词将间接宾语与直接宾语隔开例如,“he sometimes gave me up his bedroom”。

在大部分有两个宾语的组合中,一个宾语表示人称,另一个宾语表示事物,几乎在每一种情况下,人称都表示间接宾语,事物都表示直接宾语。对人称而言,感觉更有趣的是,首先引导提到他们的名字,因此,我们得出这个间接宾语首先出现这个主要规则,然后,在极少数情况下,间接宾语被转换到表示事物(即,在少数情况下,间接宾语也可能是事物,而非人称)。然而,有代词的情况下,事情在某种程序上来说, 要复杂很多。

2.1 代词作为宾语, 且间接宾语位于直接宾语之前的例子。


(1) he scheauwed him ou.

(2) lend you him I will.

(3) Monsieur,tell me them [impressions].

(4) Bring me him down like a ripe apple.

(5) as nature has denied me them [ideas].

give me her back for one moment.

(6) I grudged him you.

(7) the door cautiously opened and showed me him.


(1) give me it again.

(2) Then in Heaven’s name,my good friend,tell me it.

(3) [I] offer’d you it kneeling.

give her the child! or if you scorn…give me it:I will give it her.

(4) he told us it himself.

(5) I’ll tell you it just as it happended.

(6) it was me that gae him it.

2.2 代词作为宾语, 且间接宾语位于直接宾语之后的情况和例子。


(1) give him the money.

(2) bring me some.

(3) show me that letter.



(1) Pretty pearls—never gave ‘em(them) the ironmonger’s daughter—使用them的情况极少见,一般使用it。

(2) And I will giu’t your honour.

(3) Caue it a Judges clearke.

(4) giue it his sonne for an apple.

(5) give it the gentleman.

(6) give it the Colonel.

(7) I shall give it my Reader as well as I can remember.

(8) I’d give it those two heavy pug-faced chaps.


they often gave me money,and I gave it my old nurse.


(1) scheau hit him.

(2) I graunte it thee.

(3) yf the kynge wolde graunte it hym.

(4) Ile haue a starling…and giue it him.

(5) I may show it these.

(6) to tel it you.

(7) why don’t you present it him of your own accord?

(8) let me tell the story,as mother told it us.


Fate did not tell me it,you know.

为什么相比与别的代词,it经常会按这样的位置(指作间接宾语,位于直接宾语之前)安放呢?Fehr (Anglia Beibl. 1911.37)将其原因归结为为了押韵:位置沉降(‘dip’,“senkung”之意)的原因,即放在动词之后的原因是,比起名词性实词来讲,it是更为弱读的词(例如,“offer it the girl”),甚至比代词me,you,him更为弱读(例如,give it him)。但是,也不完全是这样的原因,如果是这样,那我们本应该期望像“show him the girl”这样的组合,“him”是直接宾语,而“the girl”是间接宾语,这种情况应该更为常见才对,但事实上,这种情况极为少见。因此,可能有两个并存的原因(1) it是中性词,(正如上面所示)事物的名称,几乎总是作为直接宾语:因此,不用担心像其它代词组合一样,会有来自it组合的混淆。(2) it从发音上来讲,可能表示早期的“it to”,其首先演变成[ittə,itə],然后弱读的[ə]脱落,演变成[it],正如“at the (atte) laste”演变成“at last”一样

2.4 两个宾语都是代词的时候,间接宾语与直接宾语的次序问题。

Ellis提出了这个规则“当两个宾语都是代词的时候,宾格在前,he gave it me,而不是he gave me it,因此,在句子he gave her him中,her是宾格;假如我们希望将her置为与格(dative),我们必须使用前置词,例如,he gave him to her.”——但是,这种说法太过于绝对;这里给出一些观察到的例子,如果一个代词表示一个事物,而另一个代词表示人称,则在这种场合不会引起混淆,换句话说,假如it是them的复数:

(1) I tolde hem thee.

(2) I gaue them him…I giue them you againe.

(3) The man that gaue them thee.

(4) The great man would have supplied them [rifles] me at once.

(5) why do you never come and let me show them [books] you?

(6) she said the Emperor had given them [snuffboxes] her.

(7) I’d give them you for breakfast again.


(1) ich chulle senden hine ou.

(2) we deliuer him you.

(3) will you…giue me this maid? As freely,sonne,as God did giue her me.

(4) thou gauest them [men] me.

(5) Give him us! We have not seen blood for many a day.


(1) I don’t wonder at people giving him to me for a loiver.

(2) they showed her to him.

(3) his work was giving her to him more surely than any caresses.


Shakespeare,<<Henry V>> IV.3.124章节:They [the French] shall haue none [no ransom],I sweare,but these my joynts:Which if they haue,as I will leaue vm them,Shall yield them little.


(1) search me them out and bring them me (从语气上说,第一个me是弱读,第二个me稍重读。)

(2) you gave me yourself.

sent someone to me”(加上to以示区别)。




(1) Giue to dogges what thou denyest to men.

(2) For use alone Was death invented? or to us deni’d This intellectual food.

(3) When I that knew him fierce and turbulent Refused her to him,then his pride awoke.

尽管,“I gave the boy an apple”和“I gave an apple to the boy”在实用中是同义的,但是,如果我们像平常一样说,“the boy”和“to the boy”具有相同的格(与格),或者“to the boy”和与格相当,这样说可能就是错误的。两个结构可能含义是一样的,或者几乎就是指同样的事物,而从文法角度讲,是不同的:“I happened to see it”和“I saw it accidentally”是同义句,但是“happened”是一个动词,而“accidentally”是一个副词。“To replace B by A”和“to substituted a for B”指同一件事情,但是,前者A不是宾语,而后者B是结构的宾语,等。“to短语”的放置位置,除了作为动词的间接宾语,与动词还有另一重关系;不仅是物理上距离动词较远(通过连接),而本质上与动词的关系也较为松散,与其它由前置词和其宾语组成的次修饰成分表征的方式完全一样,而间接宾语,正如我们所见,尽管,其关系并没有动词与主语,或者直接宾语的关系那么紧密,但,仍然与动词紧密关联。假如误用了来自不同语言,例如拉丁语或者甚至是古英语的不同结构的术语,就有可能不能真正地理解英语的这种结构。


(1) To you I giue my selfe.

(2) “What does that teach thee?” A. was silent. “To me it teaches this…”

(3) To him they showed everything,to me nothing.


To whom did you give it? (还原为直接一点的意思或许是“Who(m) did you give it to?”),俗语化比起“Who(m) did you give it?”更为通用。


(1) Who did I say that to?—Straker. He’s just told me.

(2) the man to whom my father gave me,and to whom I gave myself.

(3) It was the same with the older girls,those to whom she taught sewing.

显然,如果间接宾语更短,相比于更长,更容词组织成“间接宾语+直接宾语”这样的顺序。上面给出的所有例子,要么是一个代词,要么是一个单独的名词性实词,或者,至少是一个相对较短的组合作为间接宾语。但是,如果我们在句子中使用“to”而又采用和上面相反的顺序,会导致头重(top-heavy)脚轻:注意区别,“Friends do one another good turns;”“I don’t go about doing them to anybody I meet.”。


you need to give the tools to him who can handle them.


(1) she gave largely to hospitals.

(2) he that gives to the poor lends to the Lord;let us lend our heavenly Father a little of our children’s bread.


(1) I haue giuen you euery herbe…And to euery beast of the earth, and to euery foule of the aire.

(2) Giue(give) none offence,neither to the Jewes,nor to the Gentiles.

(3) all that life was ended; and he bore it no more ill-will or good-will than a man bears to a colourless dream of the night.

(4) in common parlance we give a writer the credit of his rhythm,as we do to Milton.

Onions提到,在一些组合中,难觅“to短语”的踪影,例如:deny,do(to do one a favour), forgive,pardon,play(play one a trick),reach(reach me my hat),save(it saves me a deal of trouble),以及spare.——但是,偶尔,“to”也用在deny之后;牛津词典上也有一些关于reach带to和unto的例子。


(1) he Beethoven to us;

(2) To would be impossible in keep(bear) me company.


(1) I never gave it a thought.

(2) it gave her some uneasiness.


give rise to,give birth to a son,give way to (也有不这么用的,例如,“give the victors way”),he gave himself up to study,give one’s heart to the subjet.

类似的还有:pay attention to(a teacher,a young lay,one’s work),pay need to,make love to。


(1) Leave that to me=‘ let me take care of that ’,或者‘he left him to his own resources’。

(2) I leave the readers of these things to their own reflections.


Such dutie as the subiect owes the Prince,Euen such a woman oweth to her husband.


(1) we owe the discovery of the prismatic spectrum to Sir Isaac Newton.

(2) she owed it to him that she had turned to the Alps.

(3) he owed to the spirit of the old town also that power of receiving lasting impressions…


they owed it go Denys to wipe out the memory of the past;


It was owing to him to do him so much justice.

一定数量的动词,主要是拉丁语源的动词,从其含义上来说,可以预期它们可以带一个间接宾语,几乎总是与“to”结合,例如:ascribe,allot,assign,attribute,cede,dedicate,describe,discover,distribute,explain,formulate,hint,impute,introduce,lease,mention,picture,point out,preach,propose,recommend,reveal,refer,relate,speak,state,suggest。


4.1 双直接宾语现象的引出。


(1) strike him. strike a heavy blow. => strike him a heavy blow.

(2) I envy you. I envy your beauty. => I envy you your beauty.

(3) hear me. hear one word. => hear me one word.

(4) answer me. answer this question. => answer me this question.

(5) ask John. ask a question. =>ask John a few questions.

(6) take the boy (out). take a long walk. => take the boy a long walk.



4.2 双直接宾语现象的典故和类似结构。

(1) he struck my ravisher such as blow.

(2) he struck the table a heavy blow with his right hand.

(3) the mule caught the camel two kicks in the ribs.

(4) don’t catch that rude fellow one in the eye.

(5) I hit my face such a rap by calling the coach to stop.

(6) Jimmy longed to hit the man a swipe.

(7) I drank…nor envy’d them the grape Whose heads that turbulent liquor fills with fumes.

(8) I cannot envy you your situation.

(9) the poor worm who envies us His love.

(10) Heare me one(a) word.

(11) have the goodness to heare me my third act.

(12) Maria was hearing them their Catechism.

(13) take those fourteen little boys and hear them some reading.

(14) he hears his children their lesssons.

(15) she suffered him all the decent freedoms he could wish to take.

(16) suffer me one more word.

(17) Answere me one thing.

(18) Come,answer me this at your leisure.

(19) Let me ask my sister pardon.

(20) to take her out a walk. the carriage went for Jos to the Club,and took him an airing.

(21) John took me a new walk across the common.

(22) I shall never forget the drive he took me.

(23) And forgiue vs our debts,as we forgiue our debters.

(24) O forgiue me my sinnes.

(25) I doe entreat Thou pardon me my wrongs.

4.3 动词understand,led双宾语现象分析。


(1) I understood you that it might be possible to buy it off.

(2) I understood him that you were at Oxford.

当然,这是句子“understood you (him) to say”的简写,分析有点不同:“you to say”是不定式连接宾语,而内容从句成为了“say”的宾语。我们甚至有三个宾语:they bet each other vast sums that “Clasher” would do it in a canter.

“Lead one a dance”似乎与“take one a walk”并行存在;相应的短语是“lead him a dreary life”(Sterne 84页:“they led him a busy life on’t”;同样出处19行有“what a dance he may be led.”还有,“he led his clerks a dire life”,“I led that boy a dog’s life”,将人称作为间接宾语或许更好。

4.4 动词teach,call双宾语现象分析。

“teach”可以看作是属于双直宾语的这类动词因为我们可以说“he teaches boys only,not girls”,我们也可说“he teaches French;”(这在逻辑上都讲得通可以独立成句)而在句子“he teaches the boys French”“the boys”是间接宾语显得更加自然(所以,区分双直宾语,并没有一种死的规则,非此即彼,而是视句子含义,灵活应用,可以这样分析,也可以那样分析,只要合情合理。)。


(1) he has taught that long to our Dick…has taught me two songs.

(2) the sort of woman who will teach it to him.

(3) all the grossest lies were taught to the doctors by the people.


“He called her names”也可以当成是一个双直宾语的恰当例子,这种习惯用法,可能是由类似“he called her (a) slut”引起,句中,我们有一个“连接宾语”;对比下面的句子:

(1) calling her all the whores and hard names he could think of.

(2) by calling the poor girl all the damned jades and fools(and sometimes worse names)that she could think of.



(1) kissing her mother good night.

(2) I think I must kiss you good-bye.

(3) he stooped to kiss her a welcome to the sweet twenties.

(4) he had patted Mac [a dog] good-bye.


ready to smile us an adieu——句中,将us称为间接宾语似乎更为自然。

he kissed her a hearty,unintelligible kiss—the first for twenty years——这儿,除了宾语“her”之外,我们还有一个“同源宾语”。



例如,“they dismiss them the society.” 注意,也可以说成“dismiss them”,但不能说成“dismiss the society”,在被动式中,只有要称可以作为主语,这个准则也适用于动词“banish”:例如,“Are you content to banish me thy presence? ” 相似的结构还有“to let someone blood”,例如,“our surgeon was oblig’d to let above thirty of them blood.”在这儿,原来是有一个与格;但是,在被动式中,总是“he was let blood”,从来不会将“blood”作为主语。

再看另一个结构“He painted the door a different colour from the wall”:这个结构类似上面已经提及过,与名词性实词的谓语关联(“the door is another colour than the wall”)。



they made him President:一个宾语(由一个主语部分和一个谓语部分组成的连接式)

they gave him a blow:两个宾语,间接宾语和直接宾语。

they hit him a blow:两个直接宾语。

they hit him another way:直接宾语和次修饰成分。

5. 双宾语现象总结。

Otto Jespersen通过列举历史文献中应用双宾语的句子(由于例句距离现在有一定的时间间隔,读上来有点生硬),对双宾语现象进行了描述性的分析。但是,并没有给什么判断。这可能就是语言现象的特点:具有一定的规则,但是在某些方面又有违背这种规则的特例,所谓,存在即合理。总结起来,大致可以归为几点:

(1) 双宾语现象是确定存在的,分为两种结构:一个间接宾语+一个直接宾语;两个直接宾语。

(2) 判断两个直接宾语的一般方法:将两个宾语分开组成句子,如果从意义上行得通,那么可以把它们两个当成直接宾语,否则一个是直接宾语,一个是间接宾语。

(3) 对于两个直接宾语的判定,似乎不能武断地认为就是两个直接宾语,也可以分析为一个直接宾语+一个次级修饰语,有些语言现象,没有唯一答案,也没有标准答案,分析合理即可。

(4) 关于双宾语的位置问题,也没有固定的顺序,大部分是间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后,但是,由于弱读关系,习惯性用法,文法关系等原因,间接宾语和直接宾语的位置,并非固定不变。

(5) 动词ask和teach后接两个直接宾语,是从语义理解判定,还有的用法,可能是ask和teach的类似用法错误地扩展开来,形成语言习惯,这就是违背规则的情况,需要特别注意。对于语言,似乎正是处处是规则,又处处又违背规则的现象。

来源:<<A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles >> Otto Jespersen

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