
外刊汇总 | 外媒如何评价华为5G折叠手机?

2019-02-27  本文已影响24人  福州翻译Ivy

2月24日,华为在巴塞罗那举办的2019世界移动通信大会(MWC)推出收款5G可折叠只能手机Mate X。



The race to build the best foldable phone is officially on.

race, 竞赛,之前在一篇关于《流浪地球》的外刊解读文章中也遇到过这个词>>>口碑爆棚!纽约时报眼中的《流浪地球》:

China's Film Industry Finally Joins the Space Race(中国电影业终加入太空角逐)

还有之前常说的军备竞赛arms race.

关注后面的小词on, be officially on正式开始。

同样用到race一词的还有Financial Times的报道:

Huawei has joined Samsung in the race to persuade consumers they need to spend more than $2,000 on a new type of foldable smartphone by unveiling its Mate X device at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona yesterday.

华为(Huawei)已加入三星(Samsung)的行列,试图说服消费者花2000多美元购买一款新型可折叠智能手机,该公司昨日在巴塞罗那举行的世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)上发布了其Mate X设备。

Not to be outdone by Samsung's Galaxy Fold, Huawei announced its very own foldable phone called the Mate X at Mobile World Congress.

Not to be...状语,逻辑主语是主句主语Huawei。outdone原型outdo, 近义词outperform,A比B表现更好。注意out-词缀,有“超越,超过”的意思。

类似outdo, outperform,还有哪些词或词组可以表达“把……比下去,比……好”呢?这里做个小结:

eclipse:[often passive,常用被动态] to become more important, powerful, famous etc than someone or something else, so that they are no longer noticed使失色,盖过 The economy had eclipsed the environment as an election issue. 经济作为竞选话题已经盖过环境问题。

overshadow: to make someone or something else seem less important使〔别的人或事〕显得较不重要,使相形见绌[黯然失色] Her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet. 她对政治的兴趣开始盖过了想当诗人的愿望。

beat: [T not in progressive,不用进行式] especially spoken to be much better and more enjoyable than something else赛过,胜过 Fresh milk beats powdered milk any time. 新鲜牛奶任何时候都比奶粉好。

Outshine: vt. If you outshine someone at a particular activity, you are much better at it than they are. 优于; 使···相形见拙。Jesse has begun to outshine me in sports.杰西开始在体育上使我相形见绌。

pale beside / next to sth | pale in comparison with: to seem less important when compared with sth else 相形见绌;显得逊色 Last year's riots pale in comparison with this latest outburst of violence. 去年的骚乱与最近这次暴乱相比,可说是小巫见大巫。


put sth/sth to shame,When machines can put humans to shame in performing the routine job-specific tasks that Infosys once took offshore, it makes sense to think about the skills that computers find harder to learn. 既然在执行日常的、与特定工作相关的具体任务时(印孚瑟斯一度迁往离岸的那些工作),机器已经能让人类相形见绌,那么思考那些电脑较难掌握的技能便顺理成章。

Watching a Huawei spokesperson fold and unfold the screen was truly a sight to behold. 

这句话还蛮押韵的,固定词组be a sight/joy/pleasure etc to behold赏心悦目的事物,比如The beauty of the garden was a pleasure to behold. 花园美景,赏心悦目。

这个词容易让人想起一句谚语,Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.各花入各眼。顺便记忆啦~

He made the Galaxy Fold look like an unfinished prototype in comparison.


◆TheWall Street Journal◆

Just days after Samsung Electronics Co. launched the industry’s first mainstream foldable-screen smartphone, China’s Huawei Technologies Co. upped the ante with a competing device and an even more stratospheric price tag.

up/raise the ante 固定词组:to increase your demands or try to get more things from a situation, even though this involves more risks增加筹码,提高要求


◆New York Daily News◆

Begun, the fold wars have.


Financial Times也用了一个词组形容了华为在这场竞争中火力全开的架势

Huawei is on the offensive at the annual telecoms industry event.


be/go on the offensive发起进攻。

Less than a week after Samsung introduced the Galaxy Fold, Chinese tech giant Huawei rolled out the Mate X, a razor-thin 5G phone that folds in half with no gap.


第一篇文章中的announce sth., 第二篇的launch, 还有这里的 roll out,还有unveil, release, put into market, bring to market



