
你两岁多的孩子有压力 - Your 31-month-old:

2019-05-18  本文已影响17人  吴和平vip

-------------------IN THIS ARTICLE---------
Your 2-year-old now / 你两岁多孩子的现状
Your life now / 你现在的生活
Recommended this week / 本周推荐

Your 2-year-old now / 你两岁多孩子的现状

Most of the time, your preschooler is probably a happy kid. But did you know that very young children can get stressed out, too? Common stressors for preschoolers include having too many planned activities, the lack of a stable routine, feeling sick, a move, a separation from a beloved caregiver, or the arrival of a new sibling. Some signs a child is feeling pushed or stressed:
大多数时候,你两岁多的孩子是一个快乐的孩子。但是你知道吗,很小的孩子也会有压力? 两岁多的孩子常见的压力来源包括:有太多的计划性的活动、缺乏稳定的日常生活常规、感觉不舒服、搬家、与心爱的照顾者的分离焦虑,或者有新的兄弟姐妹的降生。以下这些迹象表明两岁多的孩子感到被压迫或有压力:

Give your child extra TLC during stressful times. Reassess what's going on in her life and see if you can put more security and stability back into it. For example, if you think the problem might be too much activity (and all the related rushing and nagging), scale back your plans.

(译者插播:scale back是一个好词,今天(2019-05-18)有个新闻就是“The US may scale back restrictions on China’s Huawei”,读者可以自行搜索学习)

Your life now / 你现在的生活

Here's a way to break a behavior you don't like, whether it's playing with food, whining, or screaming: Look the other way. Child development experts call this "ignoring to extinction." Sometimes it's your lively annoyed reaction that a child is really after when she misbehaves in a way she knows you don't like. If you try this strategy, beware: You might first get a so-called "extinction burst," where the behavior escalates for while. That happens because your child is working all the harder to see if she can get a rise out of you. Keep on ignoring and the behavior is likely to go the way of the dinosaur.





