

2021-07-23  本文已影响0人  生信师姐


hmmsearch is used to search one or more profiles against a sequence database. For each profile in hmmfile, use that query profile to search the target database of sequences in seqdb, and output ranked lists of the sequences with the most significant matches to the profile.To build profiles from multiple alignments, see hmmbuild.

Either the query hmmfile or the target seqdb may be ’-’ (a dash character), in which case the query profile or target database input will be read from a stdin pipe instead of from a file. Only one input source can come through stdin, not both. An exception is that if the hmmfile contains more than one profile query, then seqdb cannot come from stdin, because we can’t rewind the streaming target database to search it with another profile.

The output format is designed to be human-readable, but is often so voluminous that reading it is impractical, and parsing it is a pain. The --tblout and --domtblout options save output in simple tabular formats that are concise and easier to parse. The -o option allows redirecting the main output, including throwing it away in /dev/null.


Usage: hmmsearch [options] <hmmfile> <seqdb>
用法:hmmsearch 参数 hmm文件 序列数据库

1. Options directing output 输出定向选项

-o <f> : direct output to file <f>, not stdout  

-A <f> : save multiple alignment of all hits to file <f>  

--tblout <f> : save parseable table of per-sequence hits to file <f>  

--domtblout <f> : save parseable table of per-domain hits to file <f>  

--pfamtblout <f> : save table of hits and domains to file, in Pfam format <f>

--acc : prefer accessions over names in output

--noali : don't output alignments, so output is smaller

--notextw : unlimit ASCII text output line width

--textw <n> : set max width of ASCII text output lines [120] (n>=120)

2. Options controlling reporting thresholds 控制报告阈值的参数:

-E <x> : report sequences <= this E-value threshold in output [10.0] (x>0)
-T <x> : report sequences >= this score threshold in output
--domE <x> : report domains <= this E-value threshold in output [10.0] (x>0)
--domT <x> : report domains >= this score cutoff in output

3. Options controlling inclusion (significance) thresholds 控制包含(显著性)阈值的参数:

--incE <x> : consider sequences <= this E-value threshold as significant

--incT <x> : consider sequences >= this score threshold as significant

--incdomE <x> : consider domains <= this E-value threshold as significant

--incdomT <x> : consider domains >= this score threshold as significant

3. Options controlling model-specific thresholding 控制模型特异性阈值的参数

--cut_ga : use profile's GA gathering cutoffs to set all thresholding
使用文件的GA gathering cutoffs来设置所有的阈值

--cut_nc : use profile's NC noise cutoffs to set all thresholding
使用文件的NC noise cutoffs来设置所有阈值

--cut_tc : use profile's TC trusted cutoffs to set all thresholding
使用文件的TC trusted cutoffs来设置所有阈值

4.Options controlling acceleration heuristics 控制加速启发式?搜索的参数

--max : Turn all heuristic filters off (less speed, more power)
--F1 <x> : Stage 1 (MSV) threshold: promote hits w/ P <= F1 [0.02]
--F2 <x> : Stage 2 (Vit) threshold: promote hits w/ P <= F2 [1e-3]
--F3 <x> : Stage 3 (Fwd) threshold: promote hits w/ P <= F3 [1e-5]
--nobias : turn off composition bias filter

5. Other expert options 其他的一些参数

--nonull2 : turn off biased composition score corrections
-Z <x> : set # of comparisons done, for E-value calculation
--domZ <x> : set # of significant seqs, for domain E-value calculation
--seed <n> : set RNG seed to <n> (if 0: one-time arbitrary seed) [42]
--tformat <s> : assert target <seqfile> is in format <s>: no autodetection
--cpu <n> : number of parallel CPU workers to use for multithreads


hmmsearch  \
    --domtblout Ensembl.txt   \
    PF01535.hmm \




target length输入序列总长度;query length 输入的查询序列也就是蛋白结构域的总长度;筛选的时候不应该筛选这两个长度,没有意义;应该看后面的两个\color{red}{from \ to} 看看这两条序列从哪里到哪里比对上了; 一般我们会筛选第7列的E-value值;

In protein search programs, the --domtblout option produces the domain hits table.

There is one line for each domain. There may be more than one domain per sequence.

The domain table has 22 whitespacedelimited fields followed by a free text target sequence description, as follows:

(1)target name: The name of the target sequence or profile.

(2)target accession: Accession of the target sequence or profile, or - if none is available.

(3)tlen: Length of the target sequence or profile, in residues. This (together with the query length) is useful for interpreting where the domain coordinates (in subsequent columns) lie in the sequence.

(4)query name: Name of the query sequence or profile.

(5)accession: Accession of the target sequence or profile, or - if none is available.

(6)qlen: Length of the query sequence or profile, in residues.

(7)\color{red}{E-value}: E-value of the overall sequence/profile comparison (including all domains).

(8)score: Bit score of the overall sequence/profile comparison (including all domains), inclusive of a null2 bias composition correction to the score.

(9)bias: The biased composition score correction that was applied to the bit score.
(10)\color{red}{\#}: This domain’s number (1..ndom).

(11)\color{red}{of }:The total number of domains reported in the sequence, ndom.

(12)c-Evalue: The “conditional E-value”, a permissive measure of how reliable this particular domain may be. The conditional Evalue is calculated on a smaller search space than the independent E-value. The conditional E-value uses the number of targets that pass the reporting thresholds. The null hypothesis test posed by the conditional E-value is as follows. Suppose that we believe that there is already sufficient evidence (from other domains) to identify the set of reported sequences as homologs of our query; now, how many additional domains would we expect to find with at least this particular domain’s bit score, if the rest of those reported sequences were random nonhomologous sequence (i.e. outside the other domain(s) that were sufficient to identified them as homologs in the first place)?

(13)i-Evalue: The “independent E-value”, the E-value that the sequence/profile comparison would have received if this were the only domain envelope found in it, excluding any others. This is a stringent measure of how reliable this particular domain may be. The independent E-value uses the total number of targets in the target database.

(14)score: The bit score for this domain.

(15)bias: The biased composition (null2) score correction that was applied to the domain bit score.

(16)from (hmm coord): The start of the MEA alignment of this domain with respect to the profile, numbered 1..N for a profile of N consensus positions.

(17)to (hmm coord): The end of the MEA alignment of this domain with respect to the profile, numbered 1..N for a profile of N consensus positions.

(18)\color{red}{from\ (ali\ coord)}: The start of the MEA alignment of this domain with respect to the sequence, numbered 1..L for a sequence of L residues.

(19)\color{red}{to\ (ali\ coord)}: The end of the MEA alignment of this domain with respect to the sequence, numbered 1..L for a sequence of L residues.

(20)from (env coord): The start of the domain envelope on the sequence, numbered 1..L for a sequence of L residues. The envelope defines a subsequence for which their is substantial probability mass supporting a homologous domain, whether or not a single discrete alignment can be identified. The envelope may extend beyond the endpoints of the MEA alignment, and in fact often does, for weakly scoring domains.

(21)to (env coord): The end of the domain envelope on the sequence, numbered 1..L for a sequence of L residues.

(22)acc: The mean posterior probability of aligned residues in the MEA alignment; a measure of how reliable the overall alignment is (from 0 to 1, with 1.00 indicating a completely reliable alignment according to the model).

(23)description of target: The remainder of the line is the target’s description line, as free text. As with the target hits table (above), this table is columnated neatly for human readability, but you should not write parsers that rely on this columnation; parse based on space-delimited fields instead.


