Fits~ Overview – Fits
概述 – 拟合
Fits是AIDAPro的核心对象。 其主要用于从工作区中的位号数据估计模型。 除了父拟合组外,拟合由以下定义:
AIDAPro推荐的辨识方法是,首先对数据进行非参数拟合(FIR),从简化模型中获得初始参数模型。使用此参数模型作为数据参数模型拟合中的初始估计。 详情请参见第27页的“AIDAPro辨识”。
单击AIDAPro树中的fit(拟合)打开Fit Summary (拟合概述)窗口。此窗口将显示以下可编辑字段:Fit名称,描述及区域笔记。
Name(名称) 拟合名称
Description(描述) 拟合描述
Notes (注释) 与Fit相关的注释;
**FIR fit: ** 拟合的FIR模型是最新的?还是由于模型参数,模型阶数,模型结构或数据集的变化需要重新构建?
Parametric fit from data:(从数据中参数拟合) 拟合的参数模型是最新的?还是由于模型参数,模型阶数,模型结构或数据集变化需要重新构建?
在该窗口指定拟合所需使用的数据。 工作区内的所有数据段都列在此处。选中要用于此处拟合的数据段。如果选中了多个数据段,则拟合中将使用所有段的并集所跨越的时间。
Overview – Fits
A Fit is a particular identification completion of a fit group, resulting in a set of candidate model relationships. When a new fit is created, it inherits from the parent fit group the inputs/outputs and structure definition.
Fits are the core object of AIDAPro. This is where you estimate models from tag data in the workspace. In addition to parent fit groups, fits are defined by:
• Name, description and notes.
• Data to be used in the fit.
• Certain fit options such as resample multiple, ramp flag for ramp variables, prefilter options, etc.
The recommended identification approach in AIDAPro is to first obtain a parametric model from model reduction of a non-parametric fit (FIR) of the data. Use this parametric model as an initial estimate in the parametric model fit of the data. See “AIDAPro Identification” on page 27 for more details.
Using Fits
Clicking on a fit in the AIDAPro tree opens the Fit Summary window. This window displays editable fields for the Fit name, a description and area for notes.
This window also contains information about the parametric models contained in the fit, such as if they are up-to-date or need re-fitting because of some changes made to either the fit or the parent fit group.
General Window Fields
**Name ** Fit Name
**Description ** Fit Description
**Notes ** Notes related to the Fit
**FIR fit: **Is the fit FIR model up to date or does it require rebuilding due to a change in model parameter, model order, model structure or data set?
Parametric fit from data: Is the fit parametric model up to date or does it require rebuilding due to a change in model parameter, model order, model structure or data set?
The data used by the fit is specified on this window. All the segments in the workspace are listed here. Select the ones you want to use for this fit. If multiple segments are selected, the time spanned by the union of all the segments is used in the fit.
All the bad slices contained in a segment for the tags in the parent fit group are shown for the selected segments only. These bad slices of data are not used in the AIDAPro engine computations. Note that you cannot edit these segments in this table. Open the Bad Slicing dialog box to edit the bad slice.