Morning, I dress myself like every day in white
Check my head, my bowl and try to do everything right
As a novice of this group I only follow the leader
Strolling on my sandals humble to my feeder
Back in my cottage I learn the holy scriptures well
Try to memorize every line until the bell
Meditation time has come and I move myself to the hall
We have to sit straight so I push my body against the wall
Hands move in devotion to the floor
Slowly bending till my head touch the ground
After three times moving up and start the sound
Monotonous chanting I move away from the door
My eyes close softly and chanting goes on
Vibrations of the sound
Makes the mind spinning around
After a few minutes I am gone
The mind splits away from body and earth
Coming to a platform wide and unseen
No fixed color not even green
It brings you back at days far before birth
A place not cold no fire
Every thing is striped of all desire
Time is of no essence and has no place
Even me has lost all face
We are one with universal thoughts
No limitations are brought
To stop the mind from expanding further on
Yes I have the feeling it is easy to pass the sun
Slowly one little question glows up in space
Why are we so busy what is the race
Is time our only limitation
Or are we afraid of our own creation
Arnaud van der Veere