坚持英语学习打卡 之 翻译篇(22)

今日翻译打卡第22天,完成Unit 14英译汉部分。这一章涉及到经济贸易相关的翻译,需要积累相关专业术语。
1.With the growing use of the Internet, one could be fooled into thinking the odds of success in finding the elusive, top-performing trade partner will be increased.
技巧点拨:注意原文be fooled的处理,译为“产生错觉”,而odds表示“几率”或者“胜算”,注意odd表示“奇怪的,零散的”。
2.Surprisingly, this hit-and-miss approach to international expansion is not exclusive to small and medium-sized companies. Many well-recognized companies spin the same wheel of chance.
技巧点拨:注意两组英文表达,hit-and-miss表示“随机的,偶然的,仅靠运气的”,而spin the same wheel of chance表示“同样仅依靠运气”。
3.Low expectations born of previous poor performance by agents and distributors have led many companies to settle for figure that in no way reflect a meaningful market share.
技巧点拨:翻译时注意分清英文句子结构究竟有几层,然后可以译成几个分句。这句话首先previous poor performance by agents and distributors导致了Low expectations是第一层意思,Low expectations又导致many companies to settle for figure,而that in no way reflect a meaningful market share则是修饰figure,注意此处的figure可以理解为数字代表的销售业绩。
4. 重难点词组表达积累
agent 代理商
distributor 分销商
joint venture 合资企业
happenstance 偶然事件
ice on the cake 多此一举,画蛇添足
spin-off 副产品
mediocrity [miːdɪ'ɒkrɪtɪ] 平庸之才
pragmatic [præg'mætɪk] 实用的
invariably 不变地,总是