
2017-04-19  本文已影响0人  skytoup
1.经过一轮测试之后, 发现文章有点错漏, 小修改一下, 增加命令四

每次要出包的时候, 总要打开XCode, 然后点击Product-Archive, 等待好几分钟的各种build, 然后还要手动上传到AppStore, 甚至还要上传到蒲公英fir等...

很久以前就看了很多关于iOS自动打包ipa的文章, 看着感觉很简单, 但是因为一直没有AppleDeveloper账号可以给我用, 到了真的要搞自动打包的时候, 才发现到处都是坑。


  1. xcedebuild: 生成Archive、导出ipa, 还有其它功能...
  2. xcrun: 把*.app打包成ipa, 还有其它功能...


一. xcedebuild打包Archive文件

xcedebuild -workspace ${path to *.xcworkspace} -scheme ${scheme} -destination generic/platform=iOS archive -configuration Release ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO -archivePath ${export path *.xcarichive}

二. xcedebuild*.xcarchive导出ipa

xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat IPA -archivePath ${path to *.xcarchive} -exportPath ${export path *.ipa} -exportProvisioningProfile ${ProvisioningProfileName}

三. xcrun打包ipa

xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v ${path to *.app} -o ${package path *.ipa}

四. 最新的正确xcodebuild导出ipa

xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ${path to *.xcarchive} -exportPath ${export path to dir} -exportOptionsPlist ${path to export options *.plist}

exportOptionPlist: 新建一个plist文件, 里面是一个Dictionary, key-value如下, 都是可选值, 不需要全部填上

  1. compileBitcode: Bool

For non-App Store exports, should Xcode re-compile the app from bitcode? Defaults to YES.

  1. embedOnDemandResourcesAssetPacksInBundle : Bool

For non-App Store exports, if the app uses On Demand Resources and this is YES, asset packs are embedded in the app bundle so that the app can be tested without a server to host asset packs. Defaults to YES unless onDemandResourcesAssetPacksBaseURL is specified.

  1. iCloudContainerEnvironment

For non-App Store exports, if the app is using CloudKit, this configures the "" entitlement. Available options: Development and Production. Defaults to Development.

  1. manifest : Dictionary

For non-App Store exports, users can download your app over the web by opening your distribution manifest file in a web browser. To generate a distribution manifest, the value of this key should be a dictionary with three sub-keys: appURL, displayImageURL, fullSizeImageURL. The additional sub-key assetPackManifestURL is required when using on demand resources.

  1. method : String

Describes how Xcode should export the archive. Available options: app-store, ad-hoc, package, enterprise, development, and developer-id. The list of options varies based on the type of archive. Defaults to development.

  1. onDemandResourcesAssetPacksBaseURL : String

For non-App Store exports, if the app uses On Demand Resources and embedOnDemandResourcesAssetPacksInBundle isn't YES, this should be a base URL specifying where asset packs are going to be hosted. This configures the app to download asset packs from the specified URL.

  1. teamID : String

The Developer Portal team to use for this export. Defaults to the team used to build the archive.

  1. thinning : String

For non-App Store exports, should Xcode thin the package for one or more device variants? Available options: <none> (Xcode produces a non-thinned universal app), <thin-for-all-variants> (Xcode produces a universal app and all available thinned variants), or a model identifier for a specific device (e.g. "iPhone7,1"). Defaults to <none>.

  1. uploadBitcode : Bool

For App Store exports, should the package include bitcode? Defaults to YES.

  1. uploadSymbols : Bool

For App Store exports, should the package include symbols? Defaults to YES.



使用第一个命令前, 需要确保你的项目的签名配置好, 证书下好最新的


第二个命令的-exportProvisioningProfile填的只是你的发布证书的名称, 不是那一串id


第二个命令打包出来的*.ipa不能用来上传到AppStore, 一直报CocoaPods里面的第三方库签名错误


打包出来的*.ipa需要上传到AppSotre的话, 可以使用第三个命令, xcrun那一个


使用第三个命令打包出来的*.ipa, 上传到AppStore之后, 登录到iTunes Connect-APP-所有构建版本查看到上传的*.ipa正在构建。但是过了一会儿, AppleDeveloper账号的邮箱就会收到一封报错的邮件, 大概是说你的*.ipa包里面, 缺少了一个SwiftSupport文件夹

经过各种搜索之后, 原来需要把xcrun打包出来的*.ipa解压, 然后新建一个文件夹, *.xcarchive里面的SwiftSupport文件夹copy进去, 还有把ipa解压出来的move进入, 最后打个zip包, 再改成ipa后缀就可以上传到AppStore了(应该吧, 还没测试😂)


经过一轮测试之后, 发现用这个xcrun这个命令打的包需要自己吧SwiftSupport文件加到压缩包, 其实有一个命令没有那么麻烦的...

使用上面的第四个命令使用*.xcarchive把ipa导出, 导出的*.ipa里面会包含了SwiftSupport, 还不需要自己把它加进去


在踩到了第五个坑之后, 在github发现了一个iOS的打包、发布库...
懒得自己搞的可以使用这个库, 感觉还是挺不错的


github: package-ipa

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