
PHPER 值得看的一些视频

2015-04-07  本文已影响522人  lkinga7




PHP must watch



Architecture and Design

Performance and Scalability






A list of interesting conference talks and great videos on PHP. Inspired byjs-must-watch

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Composer, Autoloading, Namespacing, and PHPUnit– Tuts+ Code[23:53]

Clean Code I: Arguments– Uncle Bob, not PHP-specific[53:33]

Clean Code II: Functions– Uncle Bob, not PHP-specific[51:30]


PHPCraft SouthAfrica Keynote 2014– Rasmus Lerdorf[1:00:43]

It Was Like That When I Got Here: Steps Toward Modernizing a Legacy Codebase– Paul M. Jones at Nashville PHP[47:44]

My Take on PHP– Fabien Potencier at dotScale 2014[18:19]

The Modern Developer Toolbox– Pablo Godel at PHPNW14[49:55]

PHP-FIG:History and Future– Phil Sturgeon at PHP CRAFT SouthAfrica 2014[1:05:01]

PHP 5.NEXT: The New Bits– Davey Shafik at PHP UK Conference 2014[42:40]

Your (coding) standards matter– Volker Dusch at PHPNW13[45:00]

HHVM in 2014– Elizabeth Smith at php[tek] 2014[58:58]

In Depth Composer– Jordi Boggiano at Laracon EU 2013[46:49]

HTTP and Your Angry Dog– Ross Tuck at Laracon 2013[52:14]

Introduction to NoSQL– Martin Fowler at GOTO Conference 2013[54:51]

Vagrant Provisioners In A Nutshell– Erika Heidi at PHP UK Conference 2014[47:01]

Debugging: Past, Present and Future– Derick Rethans at PHPNW14[45:09]

0x0F Ways to be a Better Developer– Lorna Mitchell & Ivo Jansch at PHPNW13[40:02]

Your code sucks, let’s fix it– Rafael Dohms at Kings of Code Festival 2012[47:24]

Ansible Orchestrate your Infrastructure– Jeremy Coates at PHP Day 2014[52:37]

Architecture and Design

Inheritance, Polymorphism, & Testing– Misko Hevery, Clean Code Talks 2008[38:24]

Global State & Singletons– Misko Hevery, Clean Code Talks 2008[54:08]

Don’t be STUPID, Grasp SOLID– Anthony Ferrara at PHPNW13[32:30]

Hexagonal Architecture– Chris Fidao at Laracon 2014[38:43]

Unbreakable Domain Models– Mathias Verraes at PHP UK Conference 2014[1:03:25]

Practical Event Sourcing– Mathias Verraes at phpDay 2014[43:38]

Decoupling the Model from the Framework– Mathias Verraes at Laracon 2014[53:35]

API Design: It’s Not Rocket Surgery– Dave Ingram at PHP UK 2013[36:40]

The Template Is Not The View: A Brief Introduction to Action-Domain-Responder– Paul M. Jones at Nomad PHP[12:56]

Action-Domain-Responder– Paul M. Jones[52:33]

Designing HTTP Interfaces And RESTful Web Services– David Zuelke at SymfonyLive Paris 2012[1:00:54]

Web Frontend, API Backend– Lorna Mitchell at PHPNW14[45:42]

RESTing with Symfony 2– Lukas Kahwe Smith at Symfony Camp[56:52]

PHP Annotations: They Exist!– Rafael Dohms at Laracon 2014[49:48]

Aphorisms of API Design– Larry Garfield at Forum PHP 2013[43:54]

Asynchronous PHP– Christopher Pitt at PHP CRAFT SouthAfrica 2014[47:39]

GOTO Conference Keynote – Microservices– Martin Fowler[26:25]

Practical Refactoring– Stefan Koopmanschap at PHPNW14[52:27]

Introducing Dependency Injection– Rob Allen at PHPNW13[39:40]

Don’t screw it up, how to build durable web APIs– Alessandro Cinelli and Alessandro Nadalin at PHP Day 2014[45:39]

Beyond Design Patterns– Anthony Ferrara at PHPNW14[49:23]

Principles of Agile Design– Uncle Bob, not-PHP specifc[29:35]

Beyond Frameworks– Stewart Stuart Herbert at PHP UK Conferences[49:52]

Performance and Scalability

High Performance PHP– Anthony Ferrara at PHPNW14[44:38]

Caching Best Practices– Eli White at PHP UK 2014[1:03:29]

Scaling PHP in the Real World– Dustin Whittle at PHP CRAFT SouthAfrica 2014[33:35]

Scaling e-commerce with PHP– Simonas Šerlinskas at High Load Strategy 2015[30:14]

Processing events at scale– Mariusz Gil at High Load Strategy 2015[29:17]

Profiling PHP Applications– Bastian Hofmann at PHP UK 2014[1:03:44]

Bottleneck Analysis– Ilia Alshanetsky at PHP UK Conference 2013[50:28]

Scaling a High Traffic Web Application: Our Journey from Java to PHP– Dr. Aris Zakinthinos, 2012[1:18:37]


Web Security And You– Eli White at PHP UK Conference 2014[1:04:23]

Security Is Not a Feature, It’s a State of Mind– Elizabeth Smith at php[tek] 2014[1:06:50]

Understanding the OWASP– Gary Hockin at PHPNW14[44:09]

Password Storage (And Hacking) in PHP– Anthony Ferrara at PHP Benelux Conference 2013[39:30]

Application Logic Security– Ilia Alshanetsky at PHPBenelux 2013[54:09]


PHPUnit Best Practices– Sebastian Bergmann at Atlanta PHP UG[1:01:55]

Emergent Design with PhpSpec– Marcello Duarte at phpDay 2014[49:34]

Using PhpSpec to build quality into a Symfony app– Jakub Zalas at SymfonyLive London 2013[40:53]

Design How Your Objects Talk Through Mocking– Konstantin Kudryashov at Laracon EU 2014[1:00:40]

Codeception, because tests can have frameworks too!– Luka Mužinić at phpDay 2014[25:15]

Behat v3! Behavioral-Driven-De­velopment, Functional Tests and Selenium- Ryan Weaver at GrPhpDev 2014[1:04:23]

Test, Transform, Refactor– Marcello Duarte at PHP UK Conference 2014[52:28]

Unit Testing– Misko Hevery, Clean Code Talks[32:07]

Don’t Look For Things– Misko Hevery, Clean Code Talks 2008[37:56]


Silex Anatomy– Igor Wiedler at PHP Benelux 2013[46:31]

Standardization, the Symfony Way– Fabien Potencier at Laracon 2013[1:00:05]

The State of Laravel– Taylor Otwell at Laracon 2014[1:00:17]


Intl Me This, Intl me That– Andrei Zmievski at PHP UK Conference 2014[51:56]

Lisp– Igor Wiedler at Laracon EU 2014[56:00]

Be Awesome in PHPStorm– Jeffrey Way~[2:00:00](series)

Symfony must watch– must watch videos about Symfony


Include Hack – HHVM – PHP++– Paul Tarjan, Sara Golemon at OSCON 2014[42:06]

PHP Under The Hood– Davey Shafik at PHP UK 2014[36:19]

Abstract Machines– Igor Wiedler at Laracon 2014[1:00:43]

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