

2019-04-24  本文已影响10人  教书匠阿伦

As concerns grow about the effect of harmful social media content on our children, we look at what tools are available for parents to regulate what kids see and how long they spend online. The struggle to prise them away from a life spent online is a familiar one for manybeleagueredparents. Ouryoungstersspend hours on Instagram chasing "likes" - and often coming up against cyber-bullying - or playing games,obsessingabout YouTube influencers or surfing between different "friendship groups" onWhatsApp.


So how can we keep them safe from harmful content?Content filtering softwarehas been around for many years, but parents have often been too tech-shy to work it properly. And it often required children tohand overtheir passwords - a potential cause of family rows.


Indeed, a 2018 survey of young people between the ages of 11 and 16 by Internet Matters, an online safety not-for-profit organisation, showed that 65% werein favour ofparental controls. Anne Longfield, the Children's Commissioner for England, thinks it is good parenting to set limits. "The internet can be a great resource, but it can also be the wild west for children. We wouldn't think it was OK to drop our children off in the park at night if they were younger," she says. "In the same way we shouldn't think it is OK for them toroamthe internet without any guidance orrestrictions.”

事实上,2018年由网络安全非营利组织Internet Matters对11-16岁年轻人进行的一项调查显示,65%的人赞成家长控制。英国儿童事务专员Anne Longfield认为,设定限制是一种良好的教育方式。“互联网是巨大的资源,但它也可以是孩子们的洪水猛兽。如果孩子还小,我们就不应该夜晚把他们一个人扔在公园。同样,我们不应该让他们在没有任何指导或限制的情况下在网络世界游荡。”

"Once children reach a certain age, their peers will tell them, or they will stumble upon ways to get around parental controls," he says."No matter what technology you put in place, it will neverpreventyour childfrombeingexposedto things you wish they did not experience. This is why building trust with your children and continuing to talk about technology use is so important."


--Source: Bloomberg






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