
2022-03-23  本文已影响0人  macbooks

Welcome to Edinburgh, the world's leading festival city



Welcome to Edinburgh, the world's leading festival city.

Edinburgh International Science Festival

Edinburgh International Science Festival, founded in 1983, is the world's first public science festival. The two-week festival gives audiences amazing experiences through a diverse program of inspiring events. Alongside the annual festival in Edinburgh, the organization has a strong focus on education and runs a touring program that visits schools around Scotland throughout the year.

Edinburgh International Book Festival

Edinburgh International Book Festival is the largest public celebration of the written word in the world, which was first held in 1997. Every August around 1,000 writers and thinkers from across the world gather with the audiences in Edinburg. Here book lovers can rub shoulders with world-renowned authors --- or just relax in the sunshine with a deckchair, a drink and a favorite read.


