5.10 第十周
Translation Drill for Passive Voice
5.17 第十一周
②Now, the apparent brightness of a star depends on two factors: how much light it radiates (its luminosity), and how far it is from us.
译:众所周知,恒星的表观亮度决定于两个因素:多少光被辐射出来(它的绝对星等)以及它离我们多远。(来源:时间简史 第三章)
④The computer works with high calculating speed, high stability and lower consumption.
改译:这台计算机计算速度快,稳定性强(高) ,且损耗小。
5.24 第十二周
5.31 第十三周
Logic Errors in Translator
2.4 前后概念不一致
2.7 复合判断
2.8 判断内概念之间逻辑关系混乱
摘要: 概念反应在文字上,都是通过词语来表达的,在翻译过程中,如果用以表达某一概念的词语使用不当,就会导致概念不准确的逻辑问题...
1. 概念转移
例 1. Using this program, experimental time is reduced, while RAPD pattern is not changed, thus, it increases efficiency of RAPD-analysis. [原文:采用这一方案,缩短了实验时间而保持 RAPD图谱不变,因而提高了 RAPD分析的效率。]
上述译文中的分词短语Using this program为—悬垂修饰语。它所要求的逻辑主语是人,即use的施动者,但在句法结构上却以experimental time为逻辑主语,也就是说,using的真正逻辑主语(其施动者)所表达的概念被换成了句子的主语experimental time,导致概念发生转侈。
2. 概念跃迁
例 2 At present, little has been done in the studies on genetic diversity as well as biodiversity in our country. [原文:目前,关于生物多样性,特别是遗传多样性的研究在我国开展得很少。]
原文中的“遗传多样性”是“生物多样性”的ー个方面。换句话说,“生物多样性”包含“遗传多样性”,二者在逻辑上是属种关系, 前者为属概念,后者为种概念。原文对此已表达明确,但译文却将“遗传多样性”译成与“生物多样性”并列的概念,即把“遗传多样性”升级成为与“生物多样性”同一级别的概念(也可理解为把“生物多样性”降到与"遗传多样性”同一级别的概念),使二者由属种关系变为全异关系,自然也就不能表达原文的意思。
改译: At present, little has been done in the studies on biodiversity,especially on genetic diversity in our country.
虽然原译和改译均是强调genetic diverisity,但二者的表达效果是不同的。
例:这个区是近十多年来黑子面积最大、 活动最激烈的太阳活动区,发生了连续的太阳 大耀斑、X射线事件和特大质子事件。
译文1:There have been in this region the largest sunspots, the most violent activities,continuous large scale flares,X-ray events and great proton events.
译文2: In the recent ten years,the most violent solar activities,including the largest sunspots,the continuous large-scale flares,X- ray events and the great proton events occurred in this region.
译文1把最激烈的太阳活动”与“太阳黑 子”、“太阳大耀斑”、“X射线”和“特大质子事 件”都看成同一并列的概念,从而造成逻辑混 淆,主次不明。实际上,前者即最激烈的太阳 活动”是概括性的总概念,而后者“太阳黑子”、 “太阳大耀斑”“X射线”和“特大质子事件”是 解释说明总概念所包含和产生的四个现象,也可以用such as)译出了四种代表太阳最激烈活 动范畴的现象。
3. 概念外延扩大
例 3 The contents of 4 important volatile components of apple such as ethyl acetate , n-butyl alcohol n-butyl acetate and n-hexyl acetate would be decreased when fruits were irradiated with 0.7〜2.0 kGy of γ rays. However, irradiation has no effects on the pure chemicals. [原文:0.7〜2.0 kGy γ射线辐照减少了苹果中4种挥发性成分即乙酸乙酯、丁醇、乙酸丁酯和乙酸己酿的含量,但同样的剂量对物质的纯品则没有影响。] (AANS 3:36)
原文中的“上述四种物质的纯品”被译为the pure chemicals (化学纯品),原有的概念外延被大大扩展,使其内涵大大减少,将本来明确的意思变得不完整或模糊不淸。
改译:The contents ot four important volatile components in apple fruits, including ethyl acetate, n-butyl alcohol, n-butyl acetate and n-hexyl acetate decreased when the fruit was irradiated with 0.7〜2.0 kGy of γ rays, but the irradiation with the same dosage produced no effect on the pure preparations of the above four substances.
4. 概念不呼应
汉语可以说“速度快”,而英语只能说The speed is high,而不能说The speed is fast。这在语法上属词语搭配问题,而在逻辑上则是前后不同概念之间的呼应问题。概念呼应就是不同概念之间的相互联系和制约,表现在若使用某一概念A以后,与之有关的概念B则受A的制约或限制。如上面所谈到的speed与high是相互呼应的,而speed与fast是不呼应的。不同语句中的ー些概念有时也存在呼应问题。
例 4 The conditions and factors that have influences on the agent to remove arsenic from wastewater were discussed. The result showed that the production and application of the agent are simple, effective, and economical. [探讨了这种净化剂(the agent) 在含砷废水处理中的应用条件和影响因素。结果表明,该净化剂的生产及处理含砷废水的工艺简单、经济、髙效。] (EC 14:85)
照常规,从discussion当中只能得出conclusion而不是result,按照 ALD的解释,result —词的意思为 that which is produced by an activity or cause; outcome; effect. 在科技论文中 result ー词一般指研究得到的结果。显然,原译中的the result与前面的discuss不相呼应。
改译:Both the application conditions and the efficiency-affecting factors of the agent in removing arsenic from wastewater were investigated, and the result showed that the technological processes for both the production and the application of the agent are simple in operation, low in cost,and high in efficiency.