商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 2 Vocab
Vocabulary【Advertising Methods】

Advertisers use many different strategies to reach consumers.
Here are some of the most common ones.
product demonstrations
In a product demonstration, potential customers are shown how a product works.
Because they can see a product being used in person, they may be more likely to buy it.
Traditionally, product demonstrations have been held by salespeople in physical stores.
Nowadays, brands also use online channels, such as social media.
demonstration: 演示
Word-of-mouth refers to when customers tell other people about a brand or product they like.
When people are satisfied with a product, word-of-mouth may happen naturally.
But companies can also encourage it by rewarding customers.
For example, some companies give customers discounts if they recommend a product to a friend.
word-of-mouth: 口碑
product placement
Product placement is a practice in which a brand pays to feature its products in movies or TV shows.
For example, if a character in a television show is drinking a brand of soda, that soda is likely a product placement.
While product placement is initially very expensive, it can result in a large increase in sales or brand exposure.
product placement: 广告植入
feature: 占据重要位置
digital advertising
Digital advertising refers to any form of advertising or marketing that appears online.
It commonly includes social media, email, and search engine marketing.
Digital advertising allows companies to leverage analytics platforms to gather sophisticated data from users.
appear: 出现
appearance: 外表
leverage: 利用
- How do some companies encourage word-of-mouth among customers?
> they give customers discounts - Companies can encourage word-of-mouth by rewarding customers with gifts or discounts.
- Sometimes brands create hashtags on social media to raise awareness and encourage word-of-mouth.
- What areas of marketing are included in digital advertising?
> social media, Email and mobile marketing - Through analytics platforms, detailed data can be collected based on how people interact with online advertisements.
- In 2017, the amount of money US companies spent on digital advertising surpassed traditional advertising.
- It's reported that Hershey's saw a 65% increase in sales after it spent 1 million dollars on product placement in the movie E.T.
- If you see a character in a movie using a certain brand, it is likely a product placement.
hashtag: 标签
surpass: 超过