45、August 26,1952

2022-02-11  本文已影响0人  四月不见
                        26th August, 1952

Miss Helene Hanff
14 East 95th Street
New York 28, New York

Dear Helene,
    I  am  writing once again to thank you
on  behalf of all here for your three very
exciting  parcels which arrived a few days
ago. It is really too good of you to spend
your  hard-earned  cash  on us in this way
and I can assure you that we do appreciate
your kind thoughts of us.
    We  had  about  thrity volumes of Loeb
Classics come in a few days ago but alas,
no Horace, Sappho or Catullus.
    I am taking a couple of weeks’ holiday
commencing September 1, but as I have just
bought  a car we are completely “broke” so
will  have to take things easy. Nora has a
sister  who  lives  by  the  sea so we are
hoping she will take pity on us and invite
us to stay with her. It is my first car so
we  are  all  very  thrilled  with it—even
though it is an old 1939 model. So long as
it gets us to places without breaking down
too often we shall be quite happy.

                    With all good wished,
                    Frank Doel

Loeb Classics 洛布经典文库
breaking down 抛锚

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