Day 12 | Daily Note | The Gay Ge

2017-12-15  本文已影响0人  豌豆和小怪兽

THE EVIL THAT MEN DO 人的恶行 | Chapter 9 | THE TWO BROTHERS 两兄弟 | Chapter 10
2017年12月15日, 星期五

compromise one's integrity

There is something curious about Tseyu; less headstrong than his brother, he had always, without compromising his integrity, nevertheless been able to look out for himself and to choose a safe and obscure position, living in the company of some great scholar.

integrity在这里意思为“quality of being honest and morally upright 诚实而正直”。

compromise在这里的意思为“to do something which is against your principles and which therefore seems dishonest or shameful”,有“放弃;背离;违背(原则、信念);达不到(标准)”等意思。compromise在这个意思下与名词的搭配之一就有integrity

compromise+NOUN compromise your integrity

原文对应子由without compromising his integrity的中文译文为“洁身自好,使清誉不受沾染”。这个搭配字面上的翻译更贴近“不违背正直”,有坚守原则,光明磊落的意味。


compromise themselves

柯林斯在以上释义中用了themselves,然而在牛津四中,compromise oneself的搭配是与compromise one's principle并列的另一个词条:

在牛津七中“~ sb/ sth/ yourself”也单独作为一个义项列出,意为“to bring sb/ sth/ yourself into danger or under suspicion, especially by acting in a way that is not very sensible (尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险,使受到怀疑”。

我认为,当提及“使自己声誉受损”时,柯林斯对compromise的英文释义中的“If someone compromises themselves”和例句中的“government who have compromised themselves 使自己名誉受损的政府成员”,都是compromise与oneself的搭配,带有贬义,表示对名誉的损伤;而原文译文中“使清誉不受沾染”则恰恰相反,是正面的、褒义的表达,语意里带有出淤泥而不染的感觉,手法上是“沾染”和“洁身自好”的互文和呼应。


to and fro

Later, when Chang Fangping retired and moved to Shangchiu, then called Nanking, or "Southern Capital," Tseyu had himself appointed to a post there also, and in the following years Su Tungpo always stopped at Chang Fangping's house on his way to and from the capital, asking and getting advice from him as from an uncle.

to and from the capital,这里应该就是两个介词用and并列,仍作为介词,中文译文对应为“往返京都”。

有意思的是,to and fro是一个长的相像意思也相近的短语:

to and fro

词组to and fro在字典中标明是副词词性,例句如

to-ing and fro-ingto and fro类似,是作为名词使用,除了“往复”,亦有“纷繁”:

to-ing and fro-ing

另外,在剑桥中写作“to-ing and fro-ing”,在朗文中则作“toing and froing”。


Tseyu was taller, and had a plumper, rounder face, with plenty of loose flesh round his cheeks, while Su Tungpo had a more muscular build, with the right proportion of bone and muscle.


plump:丰满的;胖乎乎的;圆滚滚的;You can describe someone or something as plump to indicate that they are rather fat or rounded.


上图是以前在有道app首页推荐看到截取的,完整版见网页:近义词辨析 | "你不胖,你只是肉肉的!",用英语应该怎么说

If Your Majesty will look at these pictures and take my suggestions for abolishing reforms, if it does not rain within ten days, you can behead me on the execution ground outside the Shiianteh Gate as a punishment for lying to Your Majesty.

It began to rain. Truly God was pleased!

读到这里的时候,也仿佛跟着神清气爽而喜上眉梢。这时候慢慢觉得作者安排Chapter Six GODS, DEVILS, AND MEN是一步大棋,为后文做足了铺垫。苏东坡的祈雨,“喜雨亭”("Pavilion of Joyful Rain"),救民于水火(all his life he was fighting floods and drought);而王安石变法忤逆天意,山崩(landslide on a sacred mountain)荒旱(the widespread famine)涂有饿孚(families being separated and refugees roaming over the countryside)。

It took a visible demonstration of God's anger and the curious gatekeeper of the palace to put Wang Anshih out of power.


"Floods and droughts are natural calamities; they occurred even in the regime of the ideal emperors Yao and Tang. All we need to do is to carry on with a good government."


How many political crimes have been committed in history in the name of "the people"







