2019-04-09 本文已影响0人
音频:牛传《How anansi got his stories》,牛六《The treasure chest》
动画:《Curious George》
1.Go to KFC
M: Hello!
S:Hello! What can I do for you?
M: I am so hungry. Do you have a menu?
S: Yes. Here is the poster. Hambergers, potato chips, juice, chicken leg and icecream.
M: Okey, I like to eat hambergers and potato chips, so I want to have a hamberger and a pocket of potato chips. How much is it?
S: 9 kuai.Okey, here is 点餐单,下面是二维码,你可以扫码付款。
M: Oh, I need to wait?
S: Yes.
M: Okay.
S: Your meal is ok.
M: Vow, thank you!

2.The pet shop

3.Visit the tropical plant garden.

指读:《The lucky penny》