
2015-03-28  本文已影响0人  Majulah_SG

<Developing the leader within you>
John C.Maxwell

Content page:

0. Introduction

1. The Definition of Leadership: INFLUENCE.

2. The key to leadership: PRIORITIES

3. The most Important ingredient of leadership: INTEGRITY

4.The Ultimate test of leadership: CREATING POSITIVE CHANGE

5. The Quickest way to gain leadership: PROBLEM-SOLVING

6. The extra plus in leadership: ATTITUDE

7. Developing you most appreciable asset: PEOPLE

8. The indispensable quality of leadership: VISION

9. The price tag of Leadership: SELF-DISCIPLINE

10. The most important lesson of leadership: STAFF DEVELOPMENT.


【leadership】the effectiveness of your work will never rise above your ability to lead and influence others. 是的,你工作效率,取决于你的领导能力和影响力。我在公司干劲足足的,身边的同事也就刷刷的上来了。

Your leadership skills will determine the level of your success, and the success of those around you. 领袖技巧决定了你的成功程度,和你身边人的成功程度。

Leadership can be taught. Link them up with desire and nothing can keep you from becoming a leader. 领袖能力可以训练的,只要你渴慕。 渴慕!!

The book is supply the principles. You must supply the** 【desire 渴慕】**!

People don’t want to be managed. They want to be lead.人不喜欢被管理,喜欢被带领。

Inspiring others to do better work is the accomplishment of a leader.

1. The Definition of Leadership: INFLUENCE.

What is leadership?

Fact of influence

The leader in any group is quite easily discover

whose opinion most valuable? Whose opinion got ppl quickly agree. When discussing the issue, the one others watch the most.

Need to settle

what kind of influencer you want to be?
Will you grow leadership skill in you?

The levels of leadership

  1. position: title, appointment, like open the door.
  2. permission: foundation. love, with your heart, Focus on **fulfill their need and desire. **follower loves the leader.
  3. production: everyone is result-oriented, problem are solved with minimum effort. follower admires the leader.
  4. people development: develop key leader, empower them, follower is loyal to the leader.
  5. personhood

leadership is getting people to work for you when they are not obligated.---Fred Smith.

my time invested with her brought a positive change. she will never forget what i have done for her. Interesting her time invested in the lives of others has greatly helped me. The core of leaders who surround you should all be people you have personally touched or helped to develop in some way.

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