推酷《Guru Weekly》第三十二期
推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读。
Node.js Style Guide
15 Ways to Write Self-documenting JavaScript
The Taxonomy of Reactive Programming
Angular 2 – Best Practises to Level Up
Build Your First Thing with WebAssembly
Quick Tip: Detecting Your Location With JavaScript
Angular 2 CRUD, modals, animations, pagination, datetimepicker and much more
The rendering process of a web page.
Six ways to declare JavaScript functions
Jump into the future of css with postcss
Timing asynchronous functions in JavaScript ES6
An Introduction To Redux
Memory optimization for feeds on Android
Model-View-Controller (MVC) in iOS: A Modern Approach
Android SQLite Database Tutorial
Improving Stability with Private C/C++ Symbol Restrictions in Android N
Building a Review App with Ionic 2, MongoDB & Node
Issue #211
How I start in go by Peter Bourgon
Functor and monad examples in plain Java
REST in Rust
Close Encounters of the Java Memory Model Kind
Dynamic structures in C++
Ruby Classes
Web Service Efficiency at Instagram with Python
Microservices With Spring Boot, Axon CQRS/ES, and Docker
How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers
14 High-Performance Java Persistence Tips
More scenes from the life of a system architect
Picking SQL or NoSQL? – A Compose View
One year as a Data Scientist at Stack Overflow
In deep learning, architecture engineering is the new feature engineering
Methods for Finding Related Reddit Subreddits with Simple Set Theory
A Practical Introduction to Deep Learning with Caffe and Python
Detecting cats in images with OpenCV
Algorithm ensures that random numbers are truly random
Exploiting Recursion in the Linux Kernel
Monitoring and Tuning the Linux Networking Stack: Receiving Data
Writing my first interpreter in C for fun
An open-source and cross-platform launcher based on Electron is basically finished
React UI Libraries
Beautiful Circular Seekbar library for android inspired by analog clock
Simple JavaScript App Skeleton (React, Bootstrap, Babel/ES6, StandardJS, Browserify..)
Swift Style Guide
Mac CLI – OS X command line tools for developers
MassDNS – A high-performance non-recursive DNS resolver in C