
2017-03-19  本文已影响0人  年纪已大勿扰谢谢

1. slate(n/v):(n) a thin piece or plate of this rock or a similar material, used especially for roofing or as a writing surface

                            a list of candidates, officers, etc., to be considered for nomination, appointment, election, or the like

                        (v) to plan or designate (something) for a particular place and time; schedule:

  e.g: About a year later, I wrote another piece for slate with the headline, “ The Cootie Factor.”

 synonyms: record, schedule  

2. gravestone(n): a stone marking a grave, usually giving the name, date of death, etc., of the person buried there.

   e.g: He kneeled by the gravestone of Corporal James Cavaco and placed a rock on top of it.

  synonyms: headstone, stone

3.lockout(n): the temporary closing of a business or the refusal by an employer to allow employees to come to work until they accept the employer's terms.

 e.g: Local businesses that rely on the traffic generated by hockey games are feeling the effects of the lockout.

 synonyms: removal, discharge, rejection

4.obituary(n/adj):(n) a notice of the death of a person, often with a biographical sketch, as in a newspaper.

                        (adj) of, relating to, or recording a death or deaths

e.g:Far better to write a novel about Richard C. Holbrooke than a biography, let alone an obituary.

synonyms: announcement, eulogy

5.demise(v/n): (n)  death or decease

                       (v)  Law. to transfer (an estate or the like) for a limited time; lease

  e.g: As so many of our civil institutions erode, why contribute to the demise of another?

  synonyms: collapse, failure, ending

6. infographic(n): Often, infographics. a visual presentation of information in the form of a chart, graph, or other image accompanied by minimal text, intended to give an easily understood overview, often of a complex subject:(信息图)

e.g: An infographic released by Sohu Business points to the obvious culprits: industrial emissions, coal, and vehicular exhaust.

7. fixate(v):  to fix; make stable or stationary

   e.g: As we know, Democrats and Republicans fixate on different polls

   synonyms: obsess, direct

8. bucket (n): a deep, cylindrical vessel, usually of metal, plastic, or wood, with a flat bottom and a semicircular bail, for collecting, carrying, or holding water, sand, fruit, etc.; pail.

              (v):  to lift, carry, or handle in a bucket (often followed by up or out).

   e.g: Early one morning I was passing out hot water, when a man showed me a bucket of blood from his slashed wrists and asked for help

   synonyms: can, kettle

9.bloodlust: 杀戮欲/ 嗜血术

10.monger(n): (n)a dealer in or trader of a commodity

                (v):  to sell; hawk.

  synonyms: trader, merchant, dealer

11.autopsy(n): a detailed, part-by-part analysis

   e.g:I would go to dissection classes, cut up a human cadaver, and then go home and write about what I had learned and felt.

  synonyms: postmortem, dissection

12. comatose(adj): lacking alertness or energy; torpid(不省人事的)

    e.g: The daughter had also been exposed and was comatose before she and her mother each received A 250 cubic centimeter transfusion

   synonyms:drowsy, cold

13.barb(n/v/adj): (n)a point or pointed part projecting backward from a main point, as of a fishhook or arrowhead

                          (v)to furnish with a barb or barbs

   e.g: Nora could arm and disarm within a sentence, could wield a barb and its curative salve within a phrase

   synonyms:    spur, spike(刺), prong(刺)

14.maniacal(adj): 狂野的,粗暴的

   e.g: You've been quoted as saying you were a "thug" when you were younger and that your behavior was "maniacal

   synonyms: mad, raving

15. pundit(n): a learned person, expert, or authority(专家,评论员)

     e.g:At least one pundit blamed Hollande himself for staying mum, as it were, and not explicitly defusing Twittergate himself.


16. jeremiad(n): a prolonged lamentation or mournful complaint( 哀诉,悲叹)

  e.g:  Hanneh Breineh, in a friendly manner, settled herself on the sound end of the bed, and began her jeremiad.


17. aristocratic(adj) : of or relating to government by an aristocracy.

   e.g:  You will rent a furnished apartment in some aristocratic quarter

    synonyms: noble ,dignified.

18. sitcom(n): situation comedy.(情景喜剧)

     e.g: How many times can you watch a sitcom featuring a family sitting in the living room insulting each other?

     synonyms:fun, humor

19. snob(n): a person who imitates, cultivates, or slavishly admires social superiors and is condescending or overbearing to others.

    e.g: He was educated, like Fleming, at Eton, but unlike his creator, he was no snob.

   synonyms:  highbrow, braggart, upstart

20. philharmonic(adj/n):  (adj)  fond of or devoted to music; music-loving: used especially in the name of certain musical societies that sponsor symphony orchestras (Philharmonic Societies) and hence applied to their concerts(交响乐/爱好音乐的)

                                    (n): a symphony orchestra or the society sponsoring it.

   e.g:  On Monday morning, the philharmonic announced that financier Henry R. Kravis will donate that impressive sum to the symphony.

  synonyms: orchestra ,symphony(交响乐)

21.niche (n/v/adj): (n): an ornamental recess in a wall or the like, usually semicircular in plan and arched, as for a statue or other decorative object.(合适的职业)

                           (adj): pertaining to or intended for a market niche; having specific appeal:

                            (v): to place (something) in a niche

    synonyms: calling, vocation, slot, berth(停泊).

    e.g: Still, Nutella seems highly aware of the importance of erring on the side of niche.

22. doomsayer(n): a person who predicts impending misfortune or disaster

23. oratory:(n)  skill or eloquence in public speaking(华丽的词藻,演讲术)

                         the art of public speaking, especially in a formal and eloquent manner.

      synonyms: rhetoric, delivery, declamation

     e.g: And like Reagan, Obama is a Great Communicator, his oratory energizing people for change.

24. throe (v/n): (n) a sharp attack of emotion.

     synonyms:  upheaval, tumult, chaos, turmoil

      e.g: “You will not throe me off my guard thus,” said Henry, sternly.

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