
2018-05-03  本文已影响10人  传说中的王子姐姐

【我在悦读0423】day23 王子姐姐



《The power of yet》

一 、阅读收获

001 选择决定命运

002 知道的概念越多越清晰,就更聪明



TED视频《The power of yet


I thought that was fantastic.(我觉得这个是非常令人震惊的事)

First of all , we can praise wisely, not praising intelligence or talent. But praissing the process that kids engage in: their effort, their strategines, their focus, their perseverance, their improvement.

(首先,我们要有智慧地赞美,不是赞美他们的聪明或才能。而是要赞美孩子参与的过程: 他们的努力,他们的策略,他们的专注,他们的坚持,他们的进步。)

This process praise creates kids who are hardy and resilient. (赞美他们的进步会培养出坚韧不拔的孩子。)

In one study, we taught them that every time they push out of theircomfort zoneto learn something new and difficult, the neurons in the brain can form new , stronger connections,and over time they can get smarter.


Befort ,effort and difficulty made them feel dumb,made them feel like giving up,but now ,effort and difficulty, that’s when their neurons are making new connections,stronger connections. That‘s when they’re getting smarter.

Let’s not waste any more lives,because once we know that abilities are capable of such growth,it becames a basic human right for children,all children,to live in places that create that growth,to live in places filled with yet.


insight into 顿悟,洞察,洞悉

Critical 关键的;极重要的;批评的

Informative 提供信息的,增长见识的

Growth mindset 成长型思维

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