2022-07-16 本文已影响0人
- 创建计数变量和标志,以了解计数器是否停止或运行。
- 为每个按钮添加动作
- 在获取第二个按钮的动作中,使用输入对话框获取第二个值,并使标志为假。
- 在开始动作中,使标志为真,但如果计数为零,则为假。
- 在暂停动作中,使标志为假
- 在复位动作中,使标志为假,将计数值设为零,并将文本设为标签。
- 制作一个定时器对象,每隔100毫秒调用其方法。
- 8.在定时器动作中检查标志,然后递减计数的值,并将文本设置为标签。
# importing libraries
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
import sys
class Window(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
# setting title
self.setWindowTitle("Codeye Countdown ")
# setting geometry
self.setGeometry(100, 100, 400, 600)
# calling method
# showing all the widgets
# method for widgets
def UiComponents(self):
# variables
# count variable
self.count = 0
# start flag
self.start = False
# creating push button to get time in seconds
button = QPushButton("Set time(s)", self)
# setting geometry to the push button
button.setGeometry(125, 100, 150, 50)
# adding action to the button
# creating label to show the seconds
self.label = QLabel("//TIMER//", self)
# setting geometry of label
self.label.setGeometry(100, 200, 200, 50)
# setting border to the label
self.label.setStyleSheet("border : 3px solid black")
# setting font to the label
self.label.setFont(QFont('Times', 15))
# setting alignment ot the label
# creating start button
start_button = QPushButton("Start", self)
# setting geometry to the button
start_button.setGeometry(125, 350, 150, 40)
# adding action to the button
# creating pause button
pause_button = QPushButton("Pause", self)
# setting geometry to the button
pause_button.setGeometry(125, 400, 150, 40)
# adding action to the button
# creating reset button
reset_button = QPushButton("Reset", self)
# setting geometry to the button
reset_button.setGeometry(125, 450, 150, 40)
# adding action to the button
# creating a timer object
timer = QTimer(self)
# adding action to timer
# update the timer every tenth second
# method called by timer
def showTime(self):
# checking if flag is true
if self.start:
# incrementing the counter
self.count -= 1
# timer is completed
if self.count == 0:
# making flag false
self.start = False
# setting text to the label
self.label.setText("Completed !!!! ")
if self.start:
# getting text from count
text = str(self.count / 10) + " s"
# showing text
# method called by the push button
def get_seconds(self):
# making flag false
self.start = False
# getting seconds and flag
second, done = QInputDialog.getInt(self, 'Seconds', 'Enter Seconds:')
# if flag is true
if done:
# changing the value of count
self.count = second * 10
# setting text to the label
def start_action(self):
# making flag true
self.start = True
# count = 0
if self.count == 0:
self.start = False
def pause_action(self):
# making flag false
self.start = False
def reset_action(self):
# making flag false
self.start = False
# setting count value to 0
self.count = 0
# setting label text
# create pyqt5 app
App = QApplication(sys.argv)
# create the instance of our Window
window = Window()
# start the app
how to convert exe later?