1-Tie a small piece of bright-colored fabric 布片to your luggage.Saves a lot of time to check if it's your bag or not.在行李箱上缠一小片颜色鲜艳的布片,这样能节省你找箱子的时间。
2-when you want cross words out you don't want to be legible,instead of scribbling over them, write random letters and words over the original.
3-Use a rubberband to keep a door from latching如果门老是关来关去,你可以用一根橡皮圈来固定住。
4-Does your dorm smell bad?Tape a dryer sheet over the AC unit and turn it on.
5-For people who use their phone to watch things often and are tired of learning it onto something where it will fall down after a while:Use your sunglasses!
6-How to waterproof your shoes。怎样让鞋子防水?试试在鞋子表面涂一层蜂蜡。
7-Take a picture of business cards people hand you, just in case you lose it.
8-When ironing a button-up shirt, flip it inside-out to easily iron over the button side.
9-Put old newspaper at the bottom of your bin to absorb food juices.
10-Tumble dry shoes without ruining them.用甩干机干鞋子的时候,不要把鞋子放到里面搅,可以用一根鞋带缠住在外面甩。
11-Keep a card like this in your wallet ,ideally in a highly visible place. It could save your life someday.
12-How to put away all your Christmas decorations.收纳圣诞节装饰品的一个好方法。
13-When traveling , keep a bar of scented soap in the same compartment as your dirty laundry . it will keep your clothes smelling clean.旅行的时候可以在装衣服的地方放一小块香皂,即使衣服没洗,闻起来也会感觉很干净。
14-Cut a hole on the top corner of the juice carton, so that it won't explode all ove your table.在纸盒装的饮料的顶部开一个小洞,可以避免洒的桌子上到处都是。
15-Bounce batteries to see if their good or bad . Drop them on a table from about 6 Inches. if they give one small bounce around around any more than that , they are dead or on the way out.
16-Use a coozie to cover your stick on hot days.
**天气特别热的时候,用绝缘套套在汽车推杆上防止烫手。 **
17-When taking a picture , squint your eyes to make your smile look much more genuine.
18-Use a clean Dustpan to fill a container that Doesn't fit in the sink.
19-Need an inexpensive cookbook holder?Try a pants hanger.
20-Use your cellphone light underneath a water bottle to make a lantern that distributes light better than the diret beam.把手机放在塑料瓶里,分散的光源可以当作一个轻便的小提灯。
21-Use a spring from an old pen to keep your charger from bending ,and breaking
22-Quick and easy iphone speaker.
23-Use binder clips to fix broken keyboard feet.键盘松了,可以用长尾夹将四个小角固定住。
24-Wrap a wetpaper towel around your beverage and put in the freezer. In about 15 minutes it will be almost completely ice cold.用一张湿纸巾将饮料外瓶保住放入冰箱,15分钟不到就能完全变成一瓶冰饮了。
25-Put pancake mix in a ketchup bottle for a no mess expericence.
26-Clean out an old lotion bottle for your beach bag and put your phone , money ,and keys in it for safer keeping at the beach.沙滩度假时,为了财务安全,你可以将一个旧的沐浴露的瓶子洗干净,然后把钱、手机、钥匙装进去。
27-Use a muffin tin to serve condiments 调味品at a BBQ.(it will also cut down on dish washing)在进行BBQ的时候,可以用一个松饼罐来装调味品,这样既方便又不用洗盘子。
28-Doritos are great for kindling if you can't find any .如果你实在找不到用来点火的东西,多滋薯片也能当一种非常好的引火物。
29-Use nail polish to identity different keys
30-Use a hanging shoe rack to store cleaning supplies.(and keep them away from the kids)用吊钩将鞋架挂在门上用来装清洗用品,这样能节省很大的空间。(注意不要让小孩子碰到。)
31-Freezes grapes to chill white wine without watering it down.相比冰块,用冰葡萄给白酒降温,可以避免白酒被稀释。
32-Use paper clips to orgranize your cables
33-Almost finished you jar of nutella?end it with ice cream.你的巧克力酱真的吃干净了吗?试试再加点冰淇淋。
34-Sick of having a box full of tangled cords
35-Unroll the Rim to increase the capacity将小杯的边缘展开,能增大它的容量。
36-To remove the stem from strawberries, use a straw.草莓上面的叶子不好去除?试试用根吸管。
- bright-colored 颜色鲜艳的
fabric 布片 legible清晰的,易读的
scribble 乱写,乱涂
rubber band 橡皮圈
Tumble 摔倒,打滚
decoration 装饰品
scented soap 香皂
laundry 洗衣店
carton n.纸箱 V.用盒包装
Bounce 弹力,弹跳
stick n.棍 V.坚持,粘住
squint 斜视,眯着眼看
genuine 真实的,诚恳的
Dustpan 簸箕
hanger 衣架,挂钩
spring 弹簧,春天
speaker 扬声器
binder clips 长尾夹
towel 毛巾,纸巾
lotion 洗液,洗涤剂
kindle 点火,燃起
nail polish 指甲油
shoe rack 鞋架
cleaning supplies清洗用品
grape 葡萄 tangled 杂乱的
一To Be Continued
原文作者:Brian Lee 查看原文