VirtualBox Mac版官方卸载代码

2018-02-06  本文已影响0人  肆不肆傻

VirtualBox Version 5.2.6 r120293 (Qt5.6.3)

# $Id: VirtualBox_Uninstall.tool 118839 2017-10-28 15:14:05Z bird $
## @file
# VirtualBox Uninstaller Script.

# Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Oracle Corporation
# This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
# available from This file is free software;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
# VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
# hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.

# Override any funny stuff from the user.
export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH"

# Display a simple welcome message first.
echo ""
echo "Welcome to the VirtualBox uninstaller script."
echo ""

# Check for arguments and display
if test "$#" != "0"; then
    if test "$#" != "1" -o "$1" != "--unattended"; then
        echo "Error: Unknown argument(s): $*"
        echo ""
        echo "Usage: [--unattended]"
        echo ""
        echo "If the '--unattended' option is not given, you will be prompted"
        echo "for a Yes/No before doing the actual uninstallation."
        echo ""
        exit 4;

# Collect directories and files to remove.
# Note: Do NOT attempt adding directories or filenames with spaces!
declare -a my_directories
declare -a my_files

# Users files first
test -f "${HOME}/Library/LaunchAgents/org.virtualbox.vboxwebsrv.plist"  && my_files+=("${HOME}/Library/LaunchAgents/org.virtualbox.vboxwebsrv.plist")

test -d /Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox/          && my_directories+=("/Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox/")
test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxStartupItems.pkg/    && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VBoxStartupItems.pkg/")

test -d "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/LaunchDaemons/"    && my_directories+=("/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/LaunchDaemons/")
test -d "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxDrv.kext/"     && my_directories+=("/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxDrv.kext/")
test -d "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxUSB.kext/"     && my_directories+=("/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxUSB.kext/")
test -d "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxNetFlt.kext/"  && my_directories+=("/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxNetFlt.kext/")
test -d "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxNetAdp.kext/"  && my_directories+=("/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxNetAdp.kext/")
# Pre 4.3.0rc1 locations:
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxDrv.kext/          && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxDrv.kext/")
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxUSB.kext/          && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxUSB.kext/")
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxNetFlt.kext/       && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxNetFlt.kext/")
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxNetAdp.kext/       && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxNetAdp.kext/")
# Tiger support is obsolete, but we leave it here for a clean removing of older
# VirtualBox versions
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxDrvTiger.kext/     && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxDrvTiger.kext/")
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxUSBTiger.kext/     && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxUSBTiger.kext/")
test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxKEXTs.pkg/           && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VBoxKEXTs.pkg/")

test -f /usr/bin/VirtualBox                        && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VirtualBox")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxManage                        && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxManage")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxVRDP                          && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxVRDP")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxHeadless                      && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxHeadless")
test -f /usr/bin/vboxwebsrv                        && my_files+=("/usr/bin/vboxwebsrv")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxBugReport                     && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxBugReport")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxBalloonCtrl                   && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxBalloonCtrl")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxAutostart                     && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxAutostart")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxDTrace                        && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxDTrace")
test -f /usr/bin/vbox-img                          && my_files+=("/usr/bin/vbox-img")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VirtualBox                  && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VirtualBox")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxManage                  && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxManage")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxVRDP                    && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxVRDP")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxHeadless                && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxHeadless")
test -f /usr/local/bin/vboxwebsrv                  && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/vboxwebsrv")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxBugReport               && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxBugReport")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxBalloonCtrl             && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxBalloonCtrl")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxAutostart               && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxAutostart")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxDTrace                  && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxDTrace")
test -f /usr/local/bin/vbox-img                    && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/vbox-img")
test -d /Library/Receipts/VirtualBoxCLI.pkg/       && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VirtualBoxCLI.pkg/")
test -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.virtualbox.startup.plist && my_files+=("/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.virtualbox.startup.plist")

test -d /Applications/              && my_directories+=("/Applications/")
test -d /Library/Receipts/VirtualBox.pkg/          && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VirtualBox.pkg/")

# legacy
test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxDrv.pkg/             && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VBoxDrv.pkg/")
test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxUSB.pkg/             && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VBoxUSB.pkg/")

# python stuff
python_versions="2.3 2.5 2.6 2.7"
for p in $python_versions; do
    test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/  && my_files+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/")
    test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/VirtualBox_constants.pyc && my_files+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/VirtualBox_constants.pyc")
    test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/              && my_files+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/")
    test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/__init__.pyc             && my_files+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/__init__.pyc")
    test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi-1.0-py$p.egg-info        && my_files+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi-1.0-py$p.egg-info")
    test -d /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/                         && my_directories+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/")

# Collect KEXTs to remove.
# Note that the unload order is significant.
declare -a my_kexts
for kext in org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetFlt org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetAdp org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv; do
    if /usr/sbin/kextstat -b $kext -l | grep -q $kext; then

# Collect packages to forget
my_pkgs=`/usr/sbin/pkgutil --pkgs="${my_pb}vboxkexts|${my_pb}vboxstartupitems|${my_pb}virtualbox|${my_pb}virtualboxcli"`

# Did we find anything to uninstall?
if test -z "${my_directories[*]}"  -a  -z "${my_files[*]}"   -a  -z "${my_kexts[*]}"  -a  -z "$my_pkgs"; then
    echo "No VirtualBox files, directories, KEXTs or packages to uninstall."
    echo "Done."
    exit 0;

# Look for running VirtualBox processes and warn the user
# if something is running. Since deleting the files of
# running processes isn't fatal as such, we will leave it
# to the user to choose whether to continue or not.
# Note! comm isn't supported on Tiger, so we make -c to do the stripping.
my_processes="`ps -axco 'pid uid command' | grep -wEe '(VirtualBox|VirtualBoxVM|VBoxManage|VBoxHeadless|vboxwebsrv|VBoxXPCOMIPCD|VBoxSVC|VBoxNetDHCP|VBoxNetNAT)' | grep -vw grep | grep -vw VirtualBox_Uninstall.tool | tr '\n' '\a'`";
if test -n "$my_processes"; then
    echo 'Warning! Found the following active VirtualBox processes:'
    echo "$my_processes" | tr '\a' '\n'
    echo ""
    echo "We recommend that you quit all VirtualBox processes before"
    echo "uninstalling the product."
    echo ""
    if test "$my_default_prompt" != "Yes"; then
        echo "Do you wish to continue none the less (Yes/No)?"
        read my_answer
        if test "$my_answer" != "Yes"  -a  "$my_answer" != "YES"  -a  "$my_answer" != "yes"; then
            echo "Aborting uninstall. (answer: '$my_answer')".
            exit 2;
        echo ""

# Display the files and directories that will be removed
# and get the user's consent before continuing.
if test -n "${my_files[*]}"  -o  -n "${my_directories[*]}"; then
    echo "The following files and directories (bundles) will be removed:"
    for file in "${my_files[@]}";       do echo "    $file"; done
    for dir  in "${my_directories[@]}"; do echo "    $dir"; done
    echo ""
if test -n "${my_kexts[*]}"; then
    echo "And the following KEXTs will be unloaded:"
    for kext in "${my_kexts[@]}";       do echo "    $kext"; done
    echo ""
if test -n "$my_pkgs"; then
    echo "And the traces of following packages will be removed:"
    for kext in $my_pkgs;       do echo "    $kext"; done
    echo ""

if test "$my_default_prompt" != "Yes"; then
    echo "Do you wish to uninstall VirtualBox (Yes/No)?"
    read my_answer
    if test "$my_answer" != "Yes"  -a  "$my_answer" != "YES"  -a  "$my_answer" != "yes"; then
        echo "Aborting uninstall. (answer: '$my_answer')".
        exit 2;
    echo ""

# Unregister has to be done before the files are removed.
if [ -e ${LSREGISTER} ]; then
    ${LSREGISTER} -u /Applications/ > /dev/null
    ${LSREGISTER} -u /Applications/ > /dev/null

# Display the sudo usage instructions and execute the command.
echo "The uninstallation processes requires administrative privileges"
echo "because some of the installed files cannot be removed by a normal"
echo "user. You may be prompted for your password now..."
echo ""

if test -n "${my_files[*]}"  -o  -n "${my_directories[*]}"; then
    /usr/bin/sudo -p "Please enter %u's password:" /bin/rm -Rf "${my_files[@]}" "${my_directories[@]}"
    if test "$my_rc" -ne 0; then
        echo "An error occurred durning 'sudo rm', there should be a message above. (rc=$my_rc)"
        test -x /usr/bin/sudo || echo "warning: Cannot find /usr/bin/sudo or it's not an executable."
        test -x /bin/rm       || echo "warning: Cannot find /bin/rm or it's not an executable"
        echo ""
        echo "The uninstall failed. Please retry."
        exit 1;

for kext in "${my_kexts[@]}"; do
    echo unloading $kext
    /usr/bin/sudo -p "Please enter %u's password (unloading $kext):" /sbin/kextunload -m $kext
    if test "$my_rc2" -ne 0; then
        echo "An error occurred durning 'sudo /sbin/kextunload -m $kext', there should be a message above. (rc=$my_rc2)"
        test -x /usr/bin/sudo    || echo "warning: Cannot find /usr/bin/sudo or it's not an executable."
        test -x /sbin/kextunload || echo "warning: Cannot find /sbin/kextunload or it's not an executable"
if test "$my_rc" -eq 0; then
    echo "Successfully unloaded VirtualBox kernel extensions."
    echo "Failed to unload one or more KEXTs, please reboot the machine to complete the uninstall."
    exit 1;

# Cleaning up pkgutil database
for my_pkg in $my_pkgs; do
    /usr/bin/sudo -p "Please enter %u's password (removing $my_pkg):" /usr/sbin/pkgutil --forget "$my_pkg"

echo "Done."
exit 0;
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