
Trainings of October 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th for the 1st group starting from 08:20 to 10:20 am, Where I have got about 16 kids for 二三四五六年级 from 西中街小学.
And from 10:30 to 12:30am, I had about 24 kids from the age category of 10, 11 and 12年。The weather was good, and the kids really enjoyed.
1.Warm up
I started with some simple movements with ball in order to get familial with ball, then coordination exercises without ball, their Motor learning ability and make then awake for performing well in following drills.

2. Technical drills
Here I used a formal setting of 2 kids for a group, the target was to work on basic football skills ( Driblling, pass and shootning), I impasided on correct technical movement of each skill.
With the same setting, I always ended by make kids competing, either by number or executed ball exchange within a limited time, or by number of pass executed or goals scored within a limited time.

3. Match
They played together 4 V 4, I tried to group them by they age and skills ability, some rules was established in order to apply those techniques in real football game environment.

4. Cooling down and Evaluation
Here it time for relaxing and rewarding the best players and motivating each and every kids for his effort.