保罗·乌切洛(Paolo Uccello,1397-1475年),15世纪最具个性的画家之一,意大利文艺复兴早期世俗画画家,曾师从马萨乔。
乌切洛名作《圣罗马诺之战》(英语:Battle of San Romano,意大利语:Battaglia di San Romano)为三幅组画,c.1450,182 x 323 cm,木板蛋彩画,三个场景分别是:《尼科洛·达·托伦蒂诺率领佛罗伦萨军队》,伦敦,国家美术馆;《贝纳迪诺·德拉·恰尔达被杀下马》,佛罗伦萨,乌菲兹美术馆; 《米凯莱托·达·科蒂诺拉的反攻》,巴黎,卢浮宫。乌菲兹美术馆的藏品是仅有的有艺术家签名的一幅。
三幅画 局部1424年,当马萨乔在佛罗伦萨新圣母大殿绘制那幅《圣三位一体》湿壁画的时候,他可能并未察觉长久伫立在他身后目瞪口呆、目光灼热的一位同行。这个人就是保罗·乌切洛,一个在马萨乔年轻早亡后,将画面中的透视关系钻研到极致的怪才。
Bernardino della Ciarda Thrown off his HorseUCCELLO, Paolo
Bernardino della Ciarda Thrown off his Horse
Tempera on wood, 182 x 323 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
This is the central panel of the three paintings representing the battle won by Florence against Siena allied with Visconti, the ruling family of Milan. It took place on June 1st 1432 in San Romano, half way between Florence and Pisa. The picture shows the conclusive combat between the captains of the two armies: Niccolò da Tolentino unseating Bernardino della Ciarda.
这是三幅画的中央一幅, 图为两军将领之间的决战:骑着白马的佛罗伦萨军队司令尼科洛·达·托伦蒂诺(Niccolò da Tolentino)将贝纳迪诺·德拉·恰尔达(Bernardino della Ciarda)打下马。
Bernardino della Ciarda Thrown off his Horse (detail) Bernardino della Ciarda Thrown off his Horse (detail) Niccolò da Tolentino Leads the Florentine TroopsParticularly lovely are the background landscapes, especially in the Florence panel, with scenes of grape harvesting and hunting rediscovered after the 1954 cleaning.
Niccolò da Tolentino Leads the Florentine Troops
Tempera on wood, 182 x 320 cm
National Gallery, London
In all three the battle scene is interpreted in terms of a chaotic melee of horsemen, lances and horses in a desperate struggle, portrayed through an endless series of superimposed and intersecting perspective planes. As in the stories from the life of Noah in Santa Maria Novella, here too the movement which should animate the scenes appears to be frozen, as it were, by the isolation of the individual details, all realistically portrayed. See, for instance, the elaborate heavy armour, the leather saddles, the gilded studs, the horses' shiny coats, and of course the splendid "mazzocchi', the huge multifaceted headgear that Uccello often included in his pictyres due to the specific difficulty of painting it in proper perspective.
Niccolò da Tolentino Leads the Florentine Troops (detail) Niccolò da Tolentino Leads the Florentine Troops (detail) Micheletto da Cotignola Engages in BattleMicheletto da Cotignola Engages in Battle (detail)UCCELLO, Paolo
Micheletto da Cotignola Engages in Battle
Tempera on wood, 180 x 316 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris
In the Louvre panel there is a formal subtext created by strong decorative elements, such as the tights of contrasting colours worm by the soldiers on the left, or the arrangement of the lances, which form a series of patterns and movements that echo the horses and their riders. As could be expected, foreshortening and perspective are devices favoured by the artist. The landscape has been sacrificed to the figural action.
National Gallery, London Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence Musée du Louvre, Paris2022/09/19