Enroll in the new App Store Smal

Enroll in the new App Store Small Business Program (报名参加新的App Store Small Business 计划)
December 3, 2020 ( 2020年12月3日 )
Enrollment is now open for the new App Store Small Business Program, designed to accelerate innovation and help propel your small business forward. Featuring a reduced commission rate of 15% on paid apps and in-app purchases, this program helps you invest more resources into your business so you can continue building great apps. The vast majority of developers on the App Store who sell digital goods and services are eligible — simply complete a short enrollment form.
新的App Store小型企业计划现已开放注册,旨在加速创新并帮助推动小型企业发展。此计划可将付费应用和内购的佣金率降低15%,可帮助您将更多资源投入到您的业务中,从而可以继续构建出色的应用。App Store上销售数字商品和服务的绝大多数开发人员都有资格-只需填写一份简短的注册表格即可。
How it works (这个怎么运作)
The new App Store Small Business Program is designed to accelerate innovation and help propel your small business forward with the next generation of groundbreaking apps on the App Store. It features a reduced commission rate of 15% on paid apps and in-app purchases, so you can invest more resources into your business to continue building quality apps that customers love.
新的 App Store 小型企业计划旨在加速创新,并借助下一代突破性的应用程序来推动您的小型企业向前发展。 应用商店。 它可将付费应用程序和应用程序内购买的佣金率降低15%,因此您可以在业务中投入更多资源,以继续构建客户喜爱的高质量应用程序。
The basics (基础知识)
- Existing developers who made up to 1 million USD in proceeds in 2020 for all their apps, as well as developers new to the App Store, can qualify for the program and the reduced commission.
- If a participating developer surpasses the 1 million USD threshold, the standard commission rate will apply for the remainder of the year.
- If a developer’s proceeds fall below the 1 million USD threshold in a future calendar year, they can re-qualify for the 15% commission the year after.
- Developers must identify any Associated Developer Accounts to determine proceeds eligibility.
- 到2020年,他们所有应用程式的收益最高可达100万美元的现有开发人员,以及 应用商店, 可以参加该计划并减少佣金。
- 如果参与开发的开发商超过了100万美元的门槛,则标准佣金率将适用于今年剩余时间。
- 如果开发者的收益在未来一个日历年内跌破一百万美元的门槛,他们可以在第二年重新获得15%的佣金资格。
- 开发人员必须标识任何关联的开发人员帐户才能确定收益资格。
Associated Developer Accounts (关联的开发者帐户)
To ensure that all participants are fully eligible as small businesses, you’ll need to list all of your Associated Developer Accounts when you sign up for this program. An Associated Developer Account is an Apple Developer Program account that you own or control or an Apple Developer Program account that owns or controls your account. For additional information, see the FAQs below.
Proceeds eligibility (收益资格)
To participate in the program, you and your Associated Developer Accounts must have earned no more than 1 million USD in total proceeds (sales net of Apple’s commission and certain taxes and adjustments) during the 12 fiscal months occurring within the 2020 calendar year, and have earned no more than 1 million USD during the current year. For additional information, see the FAQs below.
App transfers (应用迁移)
App transfers are not allowed while participating in the program. If you initiate an app transfer after December 31, 2020, or accept a transfer of an app that was initiated after December 31, 2020, you will no longer be eligible to participate in program. For additional information, see the FAQs below.
Enrolling is simple (注册很简单)
The vast majority of developers on the App Store who sell digital goods and services are eligible — simply complete a few steps to enroll.
To enroll, you’ll need to:
- Be an Account Holder in the Apple Developer Program,
- Review and accept the latest Paid Apps agreement (Schedule 2 to the Apple Developer Program License Agreement) posted December 2020 in App Store Connect, and
- If applicable, list all of your Associated Developer Accounts.
绝大多数的开发商 App Store店 出售数字商品和服务的人都符合资格-只需完成几个步骤即可注册。
- 成为帐户持有人 苹果开发者计划,
- 查看并接受最新 付费应用 协议(附表2 苹果开发人员 计划许可协议)发布于2020年12月 [应用商店连接]>(https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/),然后
- 如果适用,请列出所有关联的开发人员帐户。
Get started today (立即开始)
Submit your enrollment by December 18, 2020, at 10 a.m. PST to receive program benefits by January 1, 2021.
提交报名者 2020年12月18日, 在 太平洋标准时间上午10点 通过以下方式获得计划利益 2021年1月1日
Frequently asked questions (经常问的问题)
When will my adjusted proceeds go into effect? (我的调整后收益何时生效?)
If you’re already a member of the Apple Developer Program and submit your enrollment for the App Store Small Business Program before December 18, 2020, at 10 a.m. PST, your proceeds are adjusted by January 1, 2021
如果您已经是 苹果开发人员 在2020年12月18日太平洋标准时间上午10点之前计划并提交您的App Store小型企业计划注册,您的收入将在 2021年 1月1日 调整。
If you’re already a member of the Apple Developer Program and submit your enrollment for the App Store Small Business Program after December 18, 2020, at 10 a.m. PST, your proceeds will be adjusted fifteen (15) days after the end of the fiscal calendar month in which your enrollment is approved. For example, if your enrollment is approved on February 10, 2021, your proceeds are adjusted starting March 14, 2021.
如果您已经是 苹果开发人员在2020年12月18日太平洋标准时间上午10点之后,对App Store小型企业计划进行编程并提交您的注册申请,您的收益将在批准注册的会计日历月结束后的十五(15)天进行调整。例如,如果您的入学申请于2021年2月10日获得批准,则收益将从2021年3月14日开始进行调整。
If you become a member of the Apple Developer Program and submit your enrollment for the App Store Small Business Program after December 18, 2020, with no proceeds, your future proceeds will be adjusted upon the approval of your enrollment.
如果您成为 苹果开发人员 计划并在2020年12月18日之后提交您的App Store小型企业计划注册,但无收益,您的未来收益将在注册获得批准后进行调整。
How do I estimate whether I’m eligible for the program based on my proceeds? (如何根据我的收益估算我是否有资格参加该计划?)
Your eligibility is based on your total App Store proceeds converted into United States dollars (USD) in the 2020 calendar year. Proceeds are your sales net of Apple’s commission and certain taxes and adjustments. To estimate your proceeds, use the payments deposited into your bank account and your tax and adjustment details in App Store Connect.
您的资格取决于您在2020日历年内App Store的总收益转换为美元(USD)。收益是您的销售净额,扣除苹果的佣金和某些税金和调整额。要估算您的收益,请使用存储在银行帐户中的付款以及App Store Connect中的税款和调整明细。
- If your bank account currency is in USD. Add the total App Store payments deposited into your bank account in 2020. Then modify that amount with any taxes and adjustments from the Payments and Financial Reports section of App Store Connect. For taxes and adjustments in other currencies, use the USD exchange rate shown in App Store Connect for each month.
- 如果您的银行帐户货币是美元。将2020年存放在您银行帐户中的App Store付款总额相加。然后使用App Store Connect的Payments and Financial Reports部分中的任何税金和调整额修改该金额。有关其他币种的税金和调整项,请使用App Store Connect中显示的每月美元汇率。
- If your bank account currency is not in USD. You’ll need to convert your App Store payments deposited into your bank account in 2020 into USD. Use a publicly available exchange rate that corresponds with the end of each fiscal month in Apple’s fiscal calendar to calculate your total USD proceeds. Then modify the total USD amount with any taxes and adjustments from the Payments and Financial Reports section of App Store Connect.
- 如果您的银行帐户货币不是美元。您需要将2020年存入银行帐户的App Store付款转换为USD。使用与Apple会计日历中每个会计月末对应的公开可用汇率来计算您的美元总收益。然后使用App Store Connect的“付款和财务报告”部分中的所有税费和调整项修改总USD金额。
Make sure to add the proceeds for any Associated Developer Accounts.
Why do I need to list my Associated Developer Accounts? (为什么需要列出我的关联开发者帐户?)
The App Store Small Business Program is intended for small businesses and individual developers. If your organization controls other Apple Developer Program accounts or is controlled by another account that sells digital goods and services on the App Store, the collective proceeds from these related organizations must not exceed the 1 million USD threshold in order to qualify for the program.
App Store小型企业计划适用于小型企业和个人开发人员。如果您的组织控制其他 Apple Developer Program 帐户或由在App Store上销售数字商品和服务的另一个帐户控制,这些相关组织的总收益不得超过100万美元的门槛,才有资格参与该计划。
How do I know if I have an Associated Developer Account? (我如何知道我是否有关联的开发者帐户?)
As the individual or legal entity who accepted the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, you have an Associated Developer Account if any of the following apply:
作为接受 Apple Developer Program 计划许可协议,如果满足以下任何条件,则您具有关联的开发者帐户:
- You have majority (over 50%) corporate, individual, or partnership interest in the ownership or shares of another Apple Developer Program account.
- 您拥有另一个 Apple Developer Program 帐户的所属 公司、个人或合伙权益的 所有权或股份的占比超过50%。
- Another Apple Developer Program member has majority (over 50%) corporate, individual, or partnership interest in the ownership or shares of your account.
- 另一个 Apple Developer Program 成员拥有您帐户所属 公司、个人或合伙权益的所有权或股份的占比超过50%
- You have ultimate decision-making authority over another Apple Developer Program account.
- 你对另一个 Apple Developer Program 账户有最终决策权。
- Another Apple Developer Program member has ultimate decision-making authority over your account.
- 另一个 Apple Developer Program 成员对您的帐户拥有最终的决策权。
What details about my Associated Developer Account will I need to provide? (我需要提供有关我的关联开发者帐户的哪些详细信息?)
In addition to stating how many Associated Developer Accounts you have, you must provide the following details for each account:
- Name (individual or organization) (名称(个人或组织))
- Team ID (团队编号)
- Account Holder email address (帐户持有人的电子邮件地址)
- Description of relationship between you and the account (您与帐户之间的关系描述)
Why are app transfers not allowed? (为什么不允许应用迁移?)
The App Store Small Business Program is designed to be simple and easy for the vast majority of developers to apply and qualify for the program. We are not able to support the many complex scenarios and risk of unfair abuse that arises if a developer subsequently chooses to transfer apps between accounts and wishes to remain in the program.
App Store小型企业计划的设计旨在使绝大多数开发人员都能轻松,轻松地申请和获得该计划的资格。如果开发人员随后选择在帐户之间转移应用程序并希望保留在 App Store Small Business Program 中,我们将无法支持许多复杂的情况以及不公平滥用的风险。
If I have additional questions who should I contact?(如果我还有其他问题,应该联系谁?)
Apple Developer Support can help. Receive guidance by phone or email by contacting us.
- propel vt. 推进;驱使;激励;驱策
- groundbreaking adj. 开创性的 n. 动工
- threshold n. 入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值
- fiscal adj. 会计的,财政的;国库的
- scenario n. 方案;情节;剧本;设想
- abuse n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习 vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂
- arises v. 出现;发生;站立
- subsequently adv. 随后,其后;后来