
IELTS Writing Task 2 016-Advanta

2018-08-13  本文已影响9人  若水Dewlight

(2017 Cambridge IELTS 12 Real Test 6 Rivised Edition)



Due to religious, economical or cultural factors, in some regions or countries, there are no family planning considerations, hence a large sum of young people spring up and take up the majority of the body of population. To my mind, there are more benefits than drawbacks for a nation having more youthful population. (本段从超生原因入手提出人口年轻化的问题并给出了我自己的观点。)


Admittedly, more young adults in a society means more competitive job market and more expensive housing and education, greater body of youth can provide more sufficient source of workforce for the industry, as a result, the social economy could develop more actively. In addition, greater wealth could be produced to meet the needs of people. What’s more, the older citizens can also enjoy more assurance of pensions and retirement welfare and live a carefree senior life. On the country, in a society full of 80s or 90s, the burden of the young to financially support the older compatriots and physically look after them would be tremendous. (本段先抑后扬论证了人口年轻化的第一组好处。)

3、主体#2 段

Nevertheless, some opponents of younger society may argue that the older folks’ spiritual life quality might suffer if there were more youths, because some elders might be forced to retire earlier and make room for the young, and they might have fewer chances to contribute to their beloved former employer and therefore experience some degree of low sense of self-esteem or even depression. While in my opinion, senior nationals can offset the above awkward scenario by pursuing lifelong learning, providing consuling service to the business world or authoring autobiography to share their precious insights and life stories with other people, giving back to the society and achieving an rewarding older life without feeling gloomy or upset. (本段再次沿用主体#2段的先抑后扬的手法从人口年轻化给老年人带来的心理冲击着手论证对这一问题的对策。)


In summary, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages in a world with more young adults than older ones. We should encourage people to take into account the huge benefits of a more youthful nation for both the individuals and society and fulfill the ideal of sustainable development in terms of population reproduction while at the same time avoid the downsides of overpopulation or population explosion. (本段重申主旨总结全文。)




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