
Holy Quran: Sura 003 Aya 138

2019-12-15  本文已影响0人  Yusuf_

هَٰذَا بَيَانٌ لِلنَّاسِ وَهُدًى وَمَوْعِظَةٌ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ

Hatha bayanun lilnnasi wahudan wamawAAithatun lilmuttaqeena


Translator 译文(Translation)
马坚 这是对于世人的一种宣示,也是对于敬畏者的一种向导和教训。
YUSUFALI Here is a plain statement to men, a guidance and instruction to those who fear Allah!
PICKTHALL This is a declaration for mankind, a guidance and an admonition unto those who ward off (evil)
SHAKIR This is a clear statement for men, and a guidance and an admonition to those who guard (against evil).

对位释义(Words Interpretation):

No العربية 中文 English 曾用词
序号 阿文 Chinese 英文 Used
3:138.1 هَٰذَا 这个,此 This 见2:25.20
3:138.2 بَيَانٌ 一个宣示 a clear statement
3:138.3 لِلنَّاسِ 对世人 For people 见2:83.17
3:138.4 وَهُدًى 和引导 and guidance 见2:97.16
3:138.5 وَمَوْعِظَةٌ 和教训 and an admonition 参2:275.28
3:138.6 لِلْمُتَّقِينَ 对于谨慎,敬畏者 For the cautious 见2:2.7

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