
2018-09-11  本文已影响0人  按捉老虎

今天我们来讲讲大家比较熟悉的状态栏wifi icon和数据icon显示逻辑。
一般在正常使用情况下,当手机连接wifi的时候,状态栏就会显示wifi icon,而当wifi断开的时候,状态栏就会显示4G 3G等等的数据icon。那么显示wifi或者4G的依据是什么呢?手机在某些网络状态下,会不会有wifi和4G icon同时显示的现象呢?下面我们就带着这个疑问,去了解下wifi和4G icon显示的逻辑。

  1. 首先我们看下wifi的显示逻辑
    public void notifyListeners(SignalCallback callback) {
        // only show wifi in the cluster if connected or if wifi-only
        boolean wifiVisible = mCurrentState.enabled
                && (mCurrentState.connected || !mHasMobileData);
        String wifiDesc = wifiVisible ? mCurrentState.ssid : null;
        boolean ssidPresent = wifiVisible && mCurrentState.ssid != null;
        String contentDescription = getStringIfExists(getContentDescription());
        if (mCurrentState.inetCondition == 0) {
            contentDescription +=
                    ("," + mContext.getString(R.string.accessibility_quick_settings_no_internet));

        IconState statusIcon = new IconState(wifiVisible, getCurrentIconId(), contentDescription);


   public void handleBroadcast(Intent intent) {
        String action = intent.getAction();
        if (action.equals(WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION)) {
            state = intent.getIntExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_WIFI_STATE,
            enabled = state == WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLED;
            Log.d("SIGNALICON", TAG + ",handleBroadcast,WIFI_STATE,state = " + state + ",enabled = " + enabled);
        } else if (action.equals(WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION)) {
            final NetworkInfo networkInfo = (NetworkInfo)
            connecting = networkInfo != null && !networkInfo.isConnected()
                    && networkInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting();
            connected = networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected();
            Log.d("SIGNALICON", TAG + ",handleBroadcast,NETWORK_STATE,connecting = " + connecting + ",connected = " + connected);


  1. 下面我们就需要重点关注下数据icon的显示逻辑了
      final boolean dataDisabled = (mCurrentState.iconGroup == TelephonyIcons.DATA_DISABLED)
                && mCurrentState.userSetup;
      boolean showDataIcon = mCurrentState.dataConnected || dataDisabled;
        Log.d("SIGNALICON", mTag + ",notifyListeners======dataDisabled = " + dataDisabled
                + ",dataConnected = " + mCurrentState.dataConnected + ",showDataIcon= " + showDataIcon);
        IconState statusIcon = new IconState(mCurrentState.enabled && !mCurrentState.airplaneMode,
                getCurrentIconId(), contentDescription);

        int qsTypeIcon = 0;
        IconState qsIcon = null;
        String description = null;
        // Only send data sim callbacks to QS.
        if (mCurrentState.dataSim) {
            qsTypeIcon = showDataIcon ? icons.mQsDataType : 0;
            qsIcon = new IconState(mCurrentState.enabled
                    && !mCurrentState.isEmergency, getQsCurrentIconId(), contentDescription);
            description = mCurrentState.isEmergency ? null : mCurrentState.networkName;
        boolean activityIn = mCurrentState.dataConnected
                && !mCurrentState.carrierNetworkChangeMode
                && mCurrentState.activityIn;
        boolean activityOut = mCurrentState.dataConnected
                && !mCurrentState.carrierNetworkChangeMode
                && mCurrentState.activityOut;
        showDataIcon &= mCurrentState.isDefault || dataDisabled;
        Log.d("SIGNALICON", mTag + ",notifyListeners,dataDisabled = " + dataDisabled
                + ",isDefault = " + mCurrentState.isDefault + ",showDataIcon= " + showDataIcon);

        Log.d("SIGNALICON", mTag + ",notifyListeners,showDataIcon= " + showDataIcon + ",mStyle = " + mStyle);
        int typeIcon = (showDataIcon && mStyle == STATUS_BAR_STYLE_ANDROID_DEFAULT) ? icons.mDataType : 0;
        int dataActivityId = showDataIcon && !showMobileActivity() ? icons.mActivityId : 0;
        callback.setMobileDataIndicators(statusIcon, qsIcon, typeIcon, qsTypeIcon,
                activityIn, activityOut, dataActivityId,
                icons.mStackedDataIcon, icons.mStackedVoiceIcon,
                dataContentDescription, description, icons.mIsWide,
                mSubscriptionInfo.getSubscriptionId(), mCurrentState.roaming,
                networkIcon, volteIcon, showDataIcon);

如上,在MobileSignalController中,就是核心的数据icon的显示,其中我们关注的是typeIcon,这个icon就是显示的4G,3G icon,所以我们详细分析下typeIcon 的逻辑

int typeIcon = (showDataIcon && mStyle == STATUS_BAR_STYLE_ANDROID_DEFAULT) ? icons.mDataType : 0;

从这里我们可以清晰的看到,typeIcon 是受showDataIcon的控制

boolean showDataIcon = mCurrentState.dataConnected || dataDisabled;

showDataIcon &= mCurrentState.isDefault || dataDisabled;



    if (mNetworkToIconLookup.indexOfKey(mDataNetType) >= 0) {
            mCurrentState.iconGroup = mNetworkToIconLookup.get(mDataNetType);
        } else {
            mCurrentState.iconGroup = mDefaultIcons;
        mCurrentState.dataConnected = mCurrentState.connected
                && mDataState == TelephonyManager.DATA_CONNECTED;

        Log.d("SIGNALICON", mTag + ",updateTelephony,connected = " + mCurrentState.connected
                + ", mDataState = " + mDataState + ",dataConnected = " + mCurrentState.dataConnected);

        mCurrentState.roaming = isRoaming();
        if (isCarrierNetworkChangeActive()) {
            mCurrentState.iconGroup = TelephonyIcons.CARRIER_NETWORK_CHANGE;
        } else if (isDataDisabled()) {
            mCurrentState.iconGroup = TelephonyIcons.DATA_DISABLED;

找到了mCurrentState.dataConnected和mCurrentState.iconGroup赋值的地方,我们主要关注mDataState 即可。

在class MobilePhoneStateListener extends PhoneStateListener {}中我们找到了mDataState 的出处

        public void onDataConnectionStateChanged(int state, int networkType) {
            mDataState = state;
            mDataNetType = networkType;
            Log.d("SIGNALICON", mTag + ",onDataConnectionStateChanged,state = " + state
                    + ", networkType = " + networkType);
            if (mDataNetType == TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_LTE && mServiceState != null &&
                    mServiceState.isUsingCarrierAggregation()) {
                mDataNetType = TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_LTE_CA;

可见mDataState 是从PhoneStateListener callback中上报的,该值主要对应了不同的连接状态,可以看下framework定义。TelephonyManager.java中

    ** Data connection state: Unknown.  Used before we know the state.
     * @hide
    public static final int DATA_UNKNOWN        = -1;
    /** Data connection state: Disconnected. IP traffic not available. */
    public static final int DATA_DISCONNECTED   = 0;
    /** Data connection state: Currently setting up a data connection. */
    public static final int DATA_CONNECTING     = 1;
    /** Data connection state: Connected. IP traffic should be available. */
    public static final int DATA_CONNECTED      = 2;
    /** Data connection state: Suspended. The connection is up, but IP
     * traffic is temporarily unavailable. For example, in a 2G network,
     * data activity may be suspended when a voice call arrives. */
    public static final int DATA_SUSPENDED      = 3;


09-11 16:38:45.477  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),onDataConnectionStateChanged,state = 2, networkType = 13
09-11 16:38:45.509  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),updateTelephony,connected = true, mDataState = 2,dataConnected = true
09-11 16:38:45.517  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:38:45.518  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = false,showDataIcon= false
09-11 16:38:45.519  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,showDataIcon= false,mStyle = 0
09-11 16:38:45.529  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),updateTelephony,connected = true, mDataState = 2,dataConnected = true
09-11 16:38:45.572  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity update transportType
09-11 16:38:45.574  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity======transportType = 0
09-11 16:38:45.575  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:38:45.576  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:38:45.576  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,showDataIcon= true,mStyle = 0

当主动开启数据业务的时候,callback上报了state = 2, networkType = 13状态,state代表数据连接状态而networkType 则代表当前的网络类型(3G和4G等等),紧接着updateTelephony函数中会根据state设置mCurrentState.dataConnected状态,最后在notifyListeners根据mCurrentState.dataConnected的状态设置了showDataIcon的值

09-11 16:40:32.840  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity update transportType
09-11 16:40:32.843  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:40:32.843  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = false,showDataIcon= false
09-11 16:40:32.843  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,showDataIcon= false,mStyle = 0
09-11 16:40:32.943  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),updateTelephony,connected = true, mDataState = 2,dataConnected = true
09-11 16:40:33.172  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),onDataConnectionStateChanged,state = 0, networkType = 13
09-11 16:40:33.181  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),updateTelephony,connected = true, mDataState = 0,dataConnected = false
09-11 16:40:33.185  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = false,showDataIcon= false
09-11 16:40:33.185  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = false,showDataIcon= false
09-11 16:40:33.185  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,showDataIcon= false,mStyle = 0
09-11 16:40:36.461  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),updateTelephony,connected = true, mDataState = 0,dataConnected = false


以上就是我们第二点要讲的,数据业务开关的流程,说白了状态栏就是依据onDataConnectionStateChanged callback来刷新UI,逻辑也是比较清晰明了的。

细心的你可能就会发现,showDataIcon 不是有两处赋值的地方吗?

boolean showDataIcon = mCurrentState.dataConnected || dataDisabled;
showDataIcon &= mCurrentState.isDefault || dataDisabled;

onDataConnectionStateChanged callback 只与第一次的赋值有关联,那第二次的赋值又与什么有关联呢?

  1. 数据业务的被动刷新
    你有否想过,在数据业务开启的情况下,手机又连接了wifi,这时状态栏显示了wifi icon而4G icon是怎么消失的呢?
09-11 16:42:34.264  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: WifiStatusTracker,handleBroadcast,WIFI_STATE,state = 2, enabled = false
09-11 16:42:34.278  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: WifiStatusTracker,handleBroadcast,WIFI_STATE,state = 3, enabled = true
09-11 16:42:37.596  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:42:37.596  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:42:37.596  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,showDataIcon= true,mStyle = 0
09-11 16:42:39.608  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:42:39.609  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:42:39.609  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,showDataIcon= true,mStyle = 0
09-11 16:42:56.984  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: WifiStatusTracker,handleBroadcast,NETWORK_STATE,connected = true
09-11 16:42:57.096  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity update transportType
09-11 16:42:57.097  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity======transportType = 1
09-11 16:42:57.101  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:42:57.101  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = false,showDataIcon= false
09-11 16:42:57.101  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,showDataIcon= false,mStyle = 0

09-11 16:44:26.877  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: WifiStatusTracker,handleBroadcast------>NETWORK_STATE,connected = false
09-11 16:44:26.913  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity update transportType
09-11 16:44:26.974  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: WifiStatusTracker,handleBroadcast------>WIFI_STATE,state = 0, enabled = false
09-11 16:44:27.007  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity update transportType
09-11 16:44:27.010  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity======transportType = 0
09-11 16:44:27.012  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:44:27.012  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:44:27.012  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,showDataIcon= true,mStyle = 0
09-11 16:44:27.622  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: WifiStatusTracker,handleBroadcast------>WIFI_STATE,state = 1, enabled = false
09-11 16:44:28.265  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:44:28.266  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:44:28.266  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,showDataIcon= true,mStyle = 0


wifi 开启
09-11 16:42:56.984  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: WifiStatusTracker,handleBroadcast,NETWORK_STATE,connected = true
NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:42:57.101  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = false,showDataIcon= false

wifi 关闭
09-11 16:44:26.974  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: WifiStatusTracker,handleBroadcast------>WIFI_STATE,state = 0, enabled = false
NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:44:27.012  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:44:27.012  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: 

在wifi开启或者关闭的时候,showDataIcon第一次赋值的地方始终是true,这也是正常的,因为数据业务本来就是开着的,而且onDataConnectionStateChanged callback也没有上报刷新,然后到了第二次showDataIcon赋值的时候却出现变化了
showDataIcon &= mCurrentState.isDefault || dataDisabled;

    public void updateConnectivity(BitSet connectedTransports, BitSet validatedTransports) {
        boolean isValidated = validatedTransports.get(mTransportType);
        mCurrentState.isDefault = connectedTransports.get(mTransportType);
        // Only show this as not having connectivity if we are default.
        mCurrentState.inetCondition = (isValidated || !mCurrentState.isDefault) ? 1 : 0;

SystemUI状态栏wifi和sim icon显示"x"号或者"!"号现象分析


     * Update the Inet conditions and what network we are connected to.
    private void updateConnectivity() {
        Log.d("SIGNALICON", TAG + ",updateConnectivity update transportType");
        for (NetworkCapabilities nc :
                mConnectivityManager.getDefaultNetworkCapabilitiesForUser(mCurrentUserId)) {
            for (int transportType : nc.getTransportTypes()) {
                Log.d("SIGNALICON", TAG + ",updateConnectivity======transportType = " + transportType);
                if (nc.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_VALIDATED)) {

        if (CHATTY) {
            Log.d(TAG, "updateConnectivity: mConnectedTransports=" + mConnectedTransports);
            Log.d(TAG, "updateConnectivity: mValidatedTransports=" + mValidatedTransports);

        mInetCondition = !mValidatedTransports.isEmpty();


     * Pushes the current connectivity state to all SignalControllers.
    private void pushConnectivityToSignals() {
        // We want to update all the icons, all at once, for any condition change
        for (int i = 0; i < mMobileSignalControllers.size(); i++) {
            MobileSignalController mobileSignalController = mMobileSignalControllers.valueAt(i);
            mobileSignalController.updateConnectivity(mConnectedTransports, mValidatedTransports);
        mWifiSignalController.updateConnectivity(mConnectedTransports, mValidatedTransports);
        mEthernetSignalController.updateConnectivity(mConnectedTransports, mValidatedTransports);

到这里我们就找到了mCurrentState.isDefault = connectedTransports.get(mTransportType)实现的逻辑,就是在收到信号刷新广播消息的时候,通过NetworkCapabilities中获取了transportType,而MobileSignalController在初始化的时候就传入了需要的数据类型NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR

public MobileSignalController(Context context, Config config, boolean hasMobileData,
            TelephonyManager phone, CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
            NetworkControllerImpl networkController, SubscriptionInfo info,
            SubscriptionDefaults defaults, Looper receiverLooper) {
        super("MobileSignalController(" + info.getSubscriptionId() + "_" + info.getSimSlotIndex() + ")", context,
                NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR, callbackHandler,


public SignalController(String tag, Context context, int type, CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
            NetworkControllerImpl networkController) {
        mTag = TAG + "." + tag;
        mNetworkController = networkController;
        mTransportType = type;


     * Representing the transport type.  Apps should generally not care about transport.  A
     * request for a fast internet connection could be satisfied by a number of different
     * transports.  If any are specified here it will be satisfied a Network that matches
     * any of them.  If a caller doesn't care about the transport it should not specify any.
    private long mTransportTypes;

     * Indicates this network uses a Cellular transport.
    public static final int TRANSPORT_CELLULAR = 0;

     * Indicates this network uses a Wi-Fi transport.
    public static final int TRANSPORT_WIFI = 1;

     * Indicates this network uses a Bluetooth transport.
    public static final int TRANSPORT_BLUETOOTH = 2;


wifi 开启
09-11 16:42:56.984  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: WifiStatusTracker,handleBroadcast,NETWORK_STATE,connected = true
09-11 16:42:57.096  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity update transportType
09-11 16:42:57.097  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity======transportType = 1
09-11 16:42:57.101  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:42:57.101  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = false,showDataIcon= false

wifi 关闭
09-11 16:44:26.877  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: WifiStatusTracker,handleBroadcast------>NETWORK_STATE,connected = false
09-11 16:44:26.913  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity update transportType
09-11 16:44:26.974  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: WifiStatusTracker,handleBroadcast------>WIFI_STATE,state = 0, enabled = false
09-11 16:44:27.007  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity update transportType
09-11 16:44:27.010  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController,updateConnectivity======transportType = 0
09-11 16:44:27.012  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners======dataDisabled = false,dataConnected = true,showDataIcon= true
09-11 16:44:27.012  1524  1755 D SIGNALICON: NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2_1),notifyListeners,dataDisabled = false,isDefault = true,showDataIcon= true

在wifi连接的时候上报了transportType = 1,导致isDefault = false;而wifi断开,数据连接上时,上报了transportType = 0,导致isDefault = true,log和我们的分析过程是完全吻合的。


通过上面的分析,我们也就比较容易定位问题了,加点log确认下,当时wifi connected = true的时候,updateConnectivity是不是也取到了transportType = 0的状态,从项目经验中看90%是因为这个原因,貌似Android有这样一个机制,当wifi信号很微弱的时候,会自动切换到数据流量,以免影响用户体验。此时就需要framework协助进一步确认了


  1. framework更新wifi和数据信号的流程

既然wifi和数据显示的逻辑是受NetworkCapabilities 中的 TRANSPORT_CELLULAR和TRANSPORT_WIFI影响,而获取这个状态的入口是updateConnectivity函数

     * Update the Inet conditions and what network we are connected to.
    private void updateConnectivity() {
        for (NetworkCapabilities nc :
                mConnectivityManager.getDefaultNetworkCapabilitiesForUser(mCurrentUserId)) {
            for (int transportType : nc.getTransportTypes()) {



    public NetworkCapabilities[] getDefaultNetworkCapabilitiesForUser(int userId) {
        // The basic principle is: if an app's traffic could possibly go over a
        // network, without the app doing anything multinetwork-specific,
        // (hence, by "default"), then include that network's capabilities in
        // the array.
        // In the normal case, app traffic only goes over the system's default
        // network connection, so that's the only network returned.
        // With a VPN in force, some app traffic may go into the VPN, and thus
        // over whatever underlying networks the VPN specifies, while other app
        // traffic may go over the system default network (e.g.: a split-tunnel
        // VPN, or an app disallowed by the VPN), so the set of networks
        // returned includes the VPN's underlying networks and the system
        // default.

        HashMap<Network, NetworkCapabilities> result = new HashMap<Network, NetworkCapabilities>();

        NetworkAgentInfo nai = getDefaultNetwork();
        NetworkCapabilities nc = getNetworkCapabilitiesInternal(nai);
        if (nc != null) {
            result.put(, nc);

这个函数中NetworkCapabilities nc = getNetworkCapabilitiesInternal(nai)就是从NetworkAgentInfo把信息取出来,最终给NetworkCapabilities设置mTransportTypes的地方

private NetworkCapabilities getNetworkCapabilitiesInternal(NetworkAgentInfo nai) {
        if (nai != null) {
            synchronized (nai) {
                if (nai.networkCapabilities != null) {
                    return new NetworkCapabilities(nai.networkCapabilities);
        return null;


public NetworkCapabilities(NetworkCapabilities nc) {
        if (nc != null) {
            mNetworkCapabilities = nc.mNetworkCapabilities;
            mTransportTypes = nc.mTransportTypes;
            mLinkUpBandwidthKbps = nc.mLinkUpBandwidthKbps;
            mLinkDownBandwidthKbps = nc.mLinkDownBandwidthKbps;
            mNetworkSpecifier = nc.mNetworkSpecifier;
            mSignalStrength = nc.mSignalStrength;
     * Gets all the transports set on this {@code NetworkCapability} instance.
     * @return an array of {@code NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_*} values
     *         for this instance.
     * @hide
    public int[] getTransportTypes() {
        return BitUtils.unpackBits(mTransportTypes);



private NetworkAgentInfo getDefaultNetwork() {
        return getNetworkForRequest(mDefaultRequest.requestId);
private NetworkAgentInfo getNetworkForRequest(int requestId) {
        synchronized (mNetworkForRequestId) {
            return mNetworkForRequestId.get(requestId);
private void setNetworkForRequest(int requestId, NetworkAgentInfo nai) {
        synchronized (mNetworkForRequestId) {
            mNetworkForRequestId.put(requestId, nai);
     * NetworkAgentInfo supporting a request by requestId.
     * These have already been vetted (their Capabilities satisfy the request)
     * and the are the highest scored network available.
     * the are keyed off the Requests requestId.
    // NOTE: Accessed on multiple threads, must be synchronized on itself.
    private final SparseArray<NetworkAgentInfo> mNetworkForRequestId =
            new SparseArray<NetworkAgentInfo>();



private void rematchNetworkAndRequests(NetworkAgentInfo newNetwork,
            ReapUnvalidatedNetworks reapUnvalidatedNetworks, long now) {
                    setNetworkForRequest(nri.request.requestId, newNetwork);
                    if (!newNetwork.addRequest(nri.request)) {
              , "BUG: " + + " already has " + nri.request);
private void updateNetworkInfo(NetworkAgentInfo networkAgent, NetworkInfo newInfo) {

            updateSignalStrengthThresholds(networkAgent, "CONNECT", null);

            // Consider network even though it is not yet validated.
            final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
            rematchNetworkAndRequests(networkAgent, ReapUnvalidatedNetworks.REAP, now);

            // This has to happen after matching the requests, because callbacks are just requests.
            notifyNetworkCallbacks(networkAgent, ConnectivityManager.CALLBACK_PRECHECK);


private void handleRegisterNetworkAgent(NetworkAgentInfo na) {
        if (VDBG) log("Got NetworkAgent Messenger");
        mNetworkAgentInfos.put(na.messenger, na);
        synchronized (mNetworkForNetId) {
            mNetworkForNetId.put(, na);
        na.asyncChannel.connect(mContext, mTrackerHandler, na.messenger);
        NetworkInfo networkInfo = na.networkInfo;
        na.networkInfo = null;
        updateNetworkInfo(na, networkInfo);

private class InternalHandler extends Handler {
        public InternalHandler(Looper looper) {

public int registerNetworkAgent(Messenger messenger, NetworkInfo networkInfo,
            LinkProperties linkProperties, NetworkCapabilities networkCapabilities,
            int currentScore, NetworkMisc networkMisc) {

        LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties(linkProperties);
        // TODO: Instead of passing mDefaultRequest, provide an API to determine whether a Network
        // satisfies mDefaultRequest.
        final NetworkAgentInfo nai = new NetworkAgentInfo(messenger, new AsyncChannel(),
                new Network(reserveNetId()), new NetworkInfo(networkInfo), lp,
                new NetworkCapabilities(networkCapabilities), currentScore,
                mContext, mTrackerHandler, new NetworkMisc(networkMisc), mDefaultRequest, this);
        synchronized (this) {
            nai.networkMonitor.systemReady = mSystemReady;
        if (DBG) log("registerNetworkAgent " + nai);
        mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_REGISTER_NETWORK_AGENT, nai));


public NetworkAgent(Looper looper, Context context, String logTag, NetworkInfo ni,
            NetworkCapabilities nc, LinkProperties lp, int score, NetworkMisc misc) {
        LOG_TAG = logTag;
        mContext = context;
        if (ni == null || nc == null || lp == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        if (VDBG) log("Registering NetworkAgent");
        ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)mContext.getSystemService(
        netId = cm.registerNetworkAgent(new Messenger(this), new NetworkInfo(ni),
                new LinkProperties(lp), new NetworkCapabilities(nc), score, misc);


 * A Utility class for handling for communicating between bearer-specific
 * code and ConnectivityService.
 * A bearer may have more than one NetworkAgent if it can simultaneously
 * support separate networks (IMS / Internet / MMS Apns on cellular, or
 * perhaps connections with different SSID or P2P for Wi-Fi).
 * @hide
public abstract class NetworkAgent extends Handler {}

用于处理bearer-specific code 和 ConnectivityService通信的实用类,如果这个bearer可以承载多个网络的话,那它就会有多个NetworkAgent,比如 (IMS / Internet / MMS Apns on cellular, or perhaps connections with different SSID or P2P for Wi-Fi)


private class WifiNetworkAgent extends NetworkAgent {
        public WifiNetworkAgent(Looper l, Context c, String TAG, NetworkInfo ni,
                NetworkCapabilities nc, LinkProperties lp, int score, NetworkMisc misc) {
            super(l, c, TAG, ni, nc, lp, score, misc);
class L2ConnectedState extends State {
        public void enter() {
            if (mEnableRssiPolling) {
                sendMessage(CMD_RSSI_POLL, mRssiPollToken, 0);
            if (mNetworkAgent != null) {
                loge("Have NetworkAgent when entering L2Connected");

            mNetworkAgent = new WifiNetworkAgent(getHandler().getLooper(), mContext,
                    "WifiNetworkAgent", mNetworkInfo, mNetworkCapabilitiesFilter,
                    mLinkProperties, 60, mNetworkMisc);

public WifiStateMachine(Context context, FrameworkFacade facade, Looper looper,
                            UserManager userManager, WifiInjector wifiInjector,
                            BackupManagerProxy backupManagerProxy, WifiCountryCode countryCode,
                            WifiNative wifiNative,
                            WrongPasswordNotifier wrongPasswordNotifier) {
        mNetworkCapabilitiesFilter.setLinkUpstreamBandwidthKbps(1024 * 1024);
        mNetworkCapabilitiesFilter.setLinkDownstreamBandwidthKbps(1024 * 1024);

在WifiStateMachine.java中发现了初始化NetworkAgent 的地方,我们看到了熟悉的身影

private class DcNetworkAgent extends NetworkAgent {
        public DcNetworkAgent(Looper l, Context c, String TAG, NetworkInfo ni,
                NetworkCapabilities nc, LinkProperties lp, int score, NetworkMisc misc) {
            super(l, c, TAG, ni, nc, lp, score, misc);
     * The state machine is connected, expecting an EVENT_DISCONNECT.
    private class DcActiveState extends State {
        @Override public void enter() {
            final NetworkMisc misc = new NetworkMisc();
            final CarrierSignalAgent carrierSignalAgent = mPhone.getCarrierSignalAgent();
            if (carrierSignalAgent.hasRegisteredReceivers(TelephonyIntents
                // carrierSignal Receivers will place the carrier-specific provisioning notification
                misc.provisioningNotificationDisabled = true;
            misc.subscriberId = mPhone.getSubscriberId();

            mNetworkAgent = new DcNetworkAgent(getHandler().getLooper(), mPhone.getContext(),
                    "DcNetworkAgent", mNetworkInfo, getNetworkCapabilities(), mLinkProperties,
                    50, misc);

NetworkCapabilities getNetworkCapabilities() {
        NetworkCapabilities result = new NetworkCapabilities();




private void updateNetworkInfo(NetworkAgentInfo networkAgent, NetworkInfo newInfo) {
        final NetworkInfo.State state = newInfo.getState();
        NetworkInfo oldInfo = null;
        final int oldScore = networkAgent.getCurrentScore();
        synchronized (networkAgent) {
            oldInfo = networkAgent.networkInfo;
            networkAgent.networkInfo = newInfo;

private void maybeHandleNetworkAgentMessage(Message msg) {
            NetworkAgentInfo nai = mNetworkAgentInfos.get(msg.replyTo);
            if (nai == null) {
                if (VDBG) {
                    log(String.format("%s from unknown NetworkAgent", eventName(msg.what)));
            case NetworkAgent.EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED: {
                    NetworkInfo info = (NetworkInfo) msg.obj;
                    updateNetworkInfo(nai, info);


private void handleRegisterNetworkAgent(NetworkAgentInfo na) {
        if (VDBG) log("Got NetworkAgent Messenger");
        mNetworkAgentInfos.put(na.messenger, na);
        synchronized (mNetworkForNetId) {
            mNetworkForNetId.put(, na);
        na.asyncChannel.connect(mContext, mTrackerHandler, na.messenger);
        NetworkInfo networkInfo = na.networkInfo;
        na.networkInfo = null;
        updateNetworkInfo(na, networkInfo);
     * Called by the bearer code when it has new NetworkInfo data.
    public void sendNetworkInfo(NetworkInfo networkInfo) {
        queueOrSendMessage(EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, new NetworkInfo(networkInfo));

我们看到NetworkAgentInfo 就是从初始化的时候handleRegisterNetworkAgent函数中,HashMap<Messenger, NetworkAgentInfo> mNetworkAgentInfos里面取出来的

                    AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)msg.obj;
                    Pair<Integer, Integer> drsRatPair = (Pair<Integer, Integer>)ar.result;
                    mDataRegState = drsRatPair.first;
                    if (mRilRat != drsRatPair.second) {
                    mRilRat = drsRatPair.second;
                    if (DBG) {
                        log("DcDefaultState: EVENT_DATA_CONNECTION_DRS_OR_RAT_CHANGED"
                                + " drs=" + mDataRegState
                                + " mRilRat=" + mRilRat);
                    ServiceState ss = mPhone.getServiceState();
                    int networkType = ss.getDataNetworkType();
                    if (mNetworkAgent != null) {
                    break; 中刷新信号类型的地方

class ConnectModeState extends State {
        public void enter() {
            if (!mWifiNative.removeAllNetworks()) {
                loge("Failed to remove networks on entering connect mode");
            // Let the system know that wifi is available in client mode.

            if (mNetworkAgent != null) mNetworkAgent.sendNetworkInfo(mNetworkInfo);

        public void exit() {
            // Let the system know that wifi is not available since we are exiting client mode.
            if (mNetworkAgent != null) mNetworkAgent.sendNetworkInfo(mNetworkInfo);





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