有一个学术名词,叫 Significant others,在挫折中给你安全感,让你逐渐找到自我,建设自己的内心,给你再次扬帆起航的勇气!
An individual receives and internalizes social messages coming from significant others (Baumeister, 1999; Brockner, 1988), and when these significant others believe in one’s worthiness, significance, and competency, one internalizes these beliefs and acts accordingly (Korman, 1970, 1976). When a person is valued in an organization, it is likely that she or he will feel competent to engage in creative behaviors, generate creative ideas, and solve problems creatively. Similarly, when people feel that they are known and loved for what they represent and bring with them to their work, they are likely to be more involved in creative activities.
In a creative process where members sense feelings of mutuality and positive regard, they are likely to feel safe engaging in a process that involves high risk. This assures the member that significant others (e.g., coworkers) will maintain their positive view of her or him, even when a failure occurs. When people hold a sense of being valued, they are likely to be authentic, present, and intellectually and psychologically available to engage in their work task (Kahn, 1990, 1992). These conditions are crucial to facilitating one’s engagement in creative work.
The broaden-and-build model of positive emotions (Fredrickson, 1998, 2001) suggests that when people experience positive emotions, their intellectual and psychological resources are enhanced, enabling them to explore, learn, and perform their jobs more creatively. Fredrickson (1998) noted that ‘‘experiences of certain positive emotions (e.g., joy and love) prompt individuals to . . . pursue novel, creative, and often unscripted paths of thought and action’’ (p. 304). Montgomery, Hodges, and Kaufman (2004) found that the dimension of positive moods vigor-activity was the strongest predictor of disciplined imagination, a facet of creativity. In addition, recent research indicates it is the arousal inherent in positive affect that explains the link between positive affect and creativity (Filipowitz, 2006). Recent empirical studies have shown that affective states (e.g., moods) are positively associated with creativity (Amabile et al., 2005). While affective states are some- what distinct from vitality and aliveness, people who sense feelings of vitality and aliveness are likely to have the energy to pursue creative paths.