How to finish my reading task?
Do you finish your reading goal what was set in 2018? I am so anxious to say no...
My reading task is 1 book once week in 2018, the time pasted 2 months, That's mean I need finish 8 books. but the result is not like that. Why?
I was thinking about the reasons and conclued as below:
1, The energy is not enough to support to reading more.
2, Time-management is not enough effectively.
3, Lazy
You know the reasons, but how do I find suitable solution to solve these proplem and make your goals happened?
1, Why energy is not enough? Three points: Less exercise ,bad sleep , Unhealth food.
Solution: Get up at 6:00am, exercise half hour every morning. Cook health breakfast by myself to avoid eating outside, go to bed before 11:00PM every night. I was building these habits these days. Cann't waiting for see the result.
2, Time-management skill need be improved. I realized I am not enought good at time-management. Waste much time in a daze,not so concentration when I was doing something.Easy to distract my attention by wechat message,friends post, other things interruption... Now, I was trying to reduce frequency of reviewing wechat. and would like to find more ways to improve.
3, Lazy. Lazy is the nature of humality, Are you agree? Not sure whether it is for everyone or not. But, Frankly I am the lazy people. How to overcome it? Think about the sense of achivement once you finish your task. It will motive you to keep going on. This is my opion .Welcome yours to inspire me.
Hope it will trun better in March. Less anxious,more power!