
2023-11-15  本文已影响0人  善水100

William Condon of the University of Pittsburgh studied the roots of language and discovered it was based on the motoric interchange between mother and child. 匹兹堡大学的威廉·康顿研究了语言的根源,发现它是基于母亲和孩子之间的机动交流。

——最近一直关注母婴的部分,母亲和孩子之间的互动交流是如此之重要。我常常在想,如果我可以提前知道这些会怎样的不同呢?我也会在头脑中安慰自己,一切都是最好的安排;似乎身体会say no. 难怪贝曼会说,“你不仅是复杂的,你是及其的复杂”;Maria也会说,我们是有限的。

His work indicates that language, the use of the voice, rhythmicity and melodiousness are assymetrical.In other words, the mother's voice, rocking or twisting movements, and the child's natural rocking and twisting movements are part of a communication process.母亲的声音,摇摆或扭曲的动作,以及孩子自然的摇摆和扭曲的动作,都是交流过程的一部分。


Patterns of muscular-emotional behavior are the substrata of bonding for the mother and child. Patterns of movement expand from basic intrauterine pulsations to hunger and breast feeding to language, all the while developing the skeletal and organ muscle movements of contact and distance.



Seeking closeness and being separate are patterns that extend throughout the whole of life. 寻求亲密和分离是贯穿整个一生的模式。


Life begins with given programs of behavior that seek development and response and the development of human shape calls for ongoing dialogue and interaction.

When a child is not responded to, he cries out for help and wails in anger hoping both to make contact and have some control over the mother or himself. 当孩子没有得到回应时,他会大声呼救,愤怒地哭泣,希望能联系并控制母亲或自己。


Muscular response comes before feeling.


This same symphony is repeated during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Children cringe, act helpless, become small when they want a different response from their parents, more closeness or more distance. Children learn to alternate acting big and small. 同样的交响乐在童年、青春期和成年期重复上演。当孩子们想要与父母不同的反应时,反应会畏缩,行为无助,变得渺小。孩子们学会了大大小小地交替表演。


A child becomes small when he wants the parent to be big, protective, or take charge. Likewise a child will stiffen up, be big and brave, cease crying, or be strong when he wants to be grown-up or more adult-like.当一个孩子希望父母变大、保护或负责任时,他就会变得很小。同样地,当一个孩子想要长大成人或更像成年人的时候,他也会变得僵硬,变得高大而勇敢,不再哭泣,或者变得强壮。

A person's muscular-emotional patterns acquire given meaning by his unique history. 一个人的肌肉-情感模式因其独特的历史而被赋予了意义。



