Francois Fillon, the republican candidate in France's presidential election, declared that he will continue his campaign despite being subject to an official criminal investigation over payments he made to his wife and children. Mr. Fillon said he had been unfairly singled out by magistrates and implied that the investigation was politically motivated. Francois Hollande, France's president, criticised Mr. Fillon for questioning the impartiality of the justice system.
法国总统选举中, 共和党候选人弗朗索瓦·菲永(Francois Fillon)宣布,他将继续竞选活动,尽管他给妻子和孩子的付款行为正处于官方刑事调查中。 Fillon先生说,他被法官挑选出来有失公正,并暗示调查具有政治动机。 法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德批评菲永先生质疑司法制度的公正性。
Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the european commission, proposed that the european union pull back from some activities that could be better handled locally by members, such as social policy. He also called for tighter EU intergration on key policies such as migration, defence and trade.
欧洲委员会主席让·克洛德·容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)建议欧洲联盟从某些领域中退出,这些领域可以由本地成员更好地处理,例如社会政策。 他还呼吁欧盟在诸如移民,国防和贸易等关键政策上加强整合。
Two German men were convicted of murder for staging an illegal drag race in the heart of Berlin's central shopping districe in February 2016, killing a 69-year-old pensioner. The judges ruled that the drag racers' extraordinary carelessness was grounds for a verdict of murder rather than manslaughter.
两名德国男子因在2016年2月在柏林中央购物区中心举行非法汽车加速赛而被判谋杀罪。此事件造成了一位69岁的已领取养老金的退休人员死亡。 法官裁定,车手的极度粗心大意是判决谋杀而不是过失杀人的理由。
In Britain, two by-elections in seats held by the Labour Party highlighted its directionless leadership under Jeremy Corbyn. It lost Copeland, which it had held since 1935,handling the Conservatives the first gain at a by-election for a governing party since 1982. It also lost ground in the safer seat of Stoke. Labour is trailing behind the government in polls by nearly 20 points and Mr. Corbyn's personal ratings are on the floor.
在英国,工党举行的两次补选凸显出杰里米·科比领导力的迷失。 它失去了科普兰,自1935年以来这是首次,这使得保守党成为1982年以来执政党补选的第一次获利。它也失去了在斯托克的本应更安全的席位。 工党在投票中落后将近20点,而科比的个人得分也趴在地板上。
The British government sufferd its first defeat in Parliament on the Brexit bill, which will allow it to trigger the legal means for leaving the EU. The House of Lords amended the bill in an effort to secure the rights of EU nationals living in Britain. Brexiteers point out that Brussels has failed to give similar guarantees for Britons living in the EU. The Lords told MPS to search "their consciences" as it voted 358 to 256 for the amendment, which is likely to be removed when the bill returns to the Commons.
英国政府首次在英国退欧法案中被击败。这将允许它触发离开欧盟的法律手段。 上议院修改了该法案,以确保居住在英国的欧盟国民的权利。 而退欧支持者指出,布鲁塞尔没有给生活在欧盟的英国人提供类似的保证。 上议院告诉MPS摸摸“他们的良心”,因为修正案票数对比为358票对256票,这可能会在法案送到下议院时被删除。
The Iraqi government's assault on the remaining Islamic State presence in west Mosul continued, with the government taking control of the city's airport and one of the bridges over the Tigris river. It also cut the last road out of west Mosul, preventing fresh supplies from reaching the Islamists.
伊拉克政府继续袭击伊斯兰国家在西摩苏尔的残余势力。政府控制了该市的机场和底格里斯河上的桥梁之一。 它还切断出入西摩苏尔的最后一条道路,防止伊斯兰教徒得到供应。
Malaysia announced that the poison used to killl the half-brother of Kim Hong Un, the North Korean dictator, was VX, an extremely toxic nerve agent. It charged two women involved in the attack, which took place at Kuala Lumpur airport, with murder. They say they thought they were taking part in a prank.
马来西亚宣布,用于杀死金的毒药是VX,一种毒性极强的神经毒药。 它指控两名妇女参与了在吉隆坡机场发生的袭击和谋杀。 他们说她们原以为只是参加恶作剧而已。
Donald Trump gave his first speech to Congress. In a departure from the shrillness that has characterised his presidency so far, a composed Mr. Trump gave a solemn address, though the themes of cracking down on illegall immigration, overturning Obamacare and erecting trade barriers sounded familiar. He also pledged his full support for NATO, having previously questioned the value of the military alliance.
唐纳德·特朗普发表了他的第一次国会演讲。 虽然打击非法移民,推翻奥巴马医疗改革方案(Obamacare)和建立贸易壁垒的主题听起来很熟悉,但是为了摆脱他担任总统以来的激进形象,特朗普此次表现的沉着而庄重。 他还保证他全力支持北约,以前他曾质疑此军事同盟的价值。
It emerged that Jeff Sessions, the new attorney-general,had held conversations with the Russian ambassador last year, contradicting his testimony to Congress during his confirmation hearing that he had not contacted Russian officials. As head of the justice Department, Mr. Sessions has ultimate oversight over an investigation into Russian interference in the election. Nancy Pelosi, the Democract' leader in the House, called for him to resign.
有迹象表明,新的检察长Jeff Sessions去年与俄罗斯大使进行过对话,这与他在听证会上对国会没有联系过俄罗斯官员的证词相矛盾。 作为司法部部长,Sessions就俄罗斯对美国大举的干预调查进行监督。 众议院议员,民主党领袖南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)呼吁他辞职。
Deluge. Storms in the Andes pushed mud and debris into the rivers that supply Santiago, Chile's capital, with water. Around 4m people were cut off from running water. At least three people died and 19 went missing during the storms, which struck the country during a normally dry season.
安第斯山脉的暴雨将泥石推入为智利首都圣地亚哥供水的河流。 大约400万人的自来水供应中断。 在暴风雨期间,至少有三人死亡,十九人失踪。暴雨在本应是旱季的时间突袭了这个国家。