
2020-03-09  本文已影响0人  乐山董小妹


我整理的歌谣是《Brown bear brown bear,what do you see?》以下是歌词内容:

Brown Bear, Brown Bear , What do you see? I see a Red Bird looking at me.

Red Bird, Red Bird , What do you see? I see a Yellow Duck looking at me.

Yellow Duck, Yellow Duck, What do you see? I see a Blue Horse looking at me.

Blue Horse, Blue Horse, What do you see? I see a Green Frog looking at me.

Green Frog, Green Frog, What do you see? I see a Purple Cat looking at me.

Purple Cat, Purple Cat, What do you see? I see a White Dog looking at me.

White Dog, White Dog, What do you see? I see a Black Sheep looking at me.

Black Sheep, Black Sheep, What do you see? I see a Gold Fish looking at me.

Gold Fish, Gold Fish, What do you see? I see a teacher looking at me.

Teacher,Teacher,What do you see? I see Children looking at me.

Children,Children,What do you see? We see a Brown Bear,a Red Bird,a Yellow Duck,a Blue Horse,a Green Frog,a Purple Cat,a White Dog,a Black Sheep,a Gold Fish,and a Teacher looking at us. That's what we see.


如果是低幼孩子,可以从Colors 和Animals入手,因为这两个主题比较简单,对于刚接触英语的还不会念长句的孩子来说,可以拆分为两组对话:“What do you see?”“I see a...”和“What color is the...?”“It's..."。如果是年龄大点的孩子或者已经接触英语一段时间的孩子,则可以直接从"I see a...looking at me."入手进行拓展和练习。

针对这首“Brown Bear,Brown Bear,What do you see?”,我会做以下的教学设计:

1.首先我会给孩子们播放一遍这首《Brown Bear,Brown Bear,What do you see?》的音频;



4.针对低幼儿童,可以玩一个"Filp the Bear"的游戏。打印出几只相同颜色的熊,让孩子们把熊的正反面都涂上颜色,然后引导孩子们把这些熊的正反面都加上眼睛,一面熊往右看,一面熊往左看,举例来说:先摆出一只蓝色的熊看着红色的熊,引导者问:“Blue bear,blue bear,what do you see?”,孩子们回答:“I see a red bear looking at me.”接着把红色的熊翻到反面后,放下另一只颜色的熊,让两只熊对望,继续一问一答的练习。游戏的主角锁定小熊,只针对颜色做变化,引导孩子认识颜色。



本人自小喜欢唱歌,从孩子开始英语启蒙进行磨耳朵后,都是我先学然后教她学,接触We Sing We Play以后也是自己比孩子先学习,所以我会的童谣绝对不止8首啦。以下列举一些日常唱的比较多的:

Row ,row, row your boat

The wheels on the bus

I'm a little teapot

How many fingers

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

Go away,Mr. Wolf

Make a circle

Sleeping bunnies

The Family

This little piggy

This is the way

Old MacDonald had a farm


London Bridge



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