South Korea's latest big export:
2019-05-25 本文已影响0人
·crunch n.短缺 e. job crunch 职位短缺
·unprecedented a.史无前例的
·state-run a.国营的
·chaebol n.财阀
·legacy a.老化的,老式的 n.遗产,遗留问题
legacy worker 关系户
·glut n.供过于求
·degrading a.贬低身份的,可耻的
·rosy a.美好的,乐观的
·menial a.不需技巧的,报酬低的,枯燥的
Facing an unprecedented job crunch at home, many young South Koreans are now signing up for government-sponsored programmes designed to find overseas positions for a growing number of jobless college graduates in Asia's fourth largest economy.