
remote debug本地docker container

2022-12-23  本文已影响0人  洪兴掌管一代

background: jdk11/idea2022/docker desktop v20.10.8

Firstly, deploy local java project into local docker machine. Please refer to deploy java project into docker container locally.

At this moment, I assume you have local development env and corresponding runnable docker container.

1. create a remote jave debuger.

Now we have a debug client. Please copy the content of argument and choose local debug source.


# -Xdebug:通知JVM工作在debug模式下;

# -Xnoagent 禁用默认调试器。 

# -Djava.compiler=NONE 禁止 JIT 编译器的加载。

# -Xrunjdwp:通知JVM使用(java debug wire protocol)来运行调试环境;加载JDWP的JPDA参考执行实例

# transport:监听Socket端口连接方式(也可以dt_shmem共享内存方式,但限于windows机器,并且服务提供端和调试端只能位于同一台机);

# server:server=y表示当前是调试服务端,=n表示当前是调试客户端

# suspend:suspend=n表示启动时不中断,一般用于设置主动连接;suspend=y表示启动时就进入调试模式,一般用于被动连接

Now we have a debug client. Please copy the content of argument and choose local debug source.

2. Config the application that will be deployed into docker container.

There are two ways. You can choose anyone.

Method one: Update Dockerfile.

The content of JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS is the content that is copied in the previous step.(Attention: the port 5005 can' t be occupied otherwise you need to set a new one. 8081 is the port of the application.)

FROM openjdk:11


ADD build/libs/grand-world-flight-service-latest-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar

ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","app.jar"]

ENV JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS -Xdebug-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005

EXPOSE 5005 8081

Method Two:  Edit configuration of application in idea.

expose ports.

Add environment variables. 

JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS =  -Xdebug -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005

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