2022-06-30 BQ题

2022-08-15  本文已影响0人  Tomasmule
  1. Tell me about a time you had to quickly adjust your work priorities to meet changing demands.
  1. What did you do when you needed to motivate a group of individuals?

  2. Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict while working on a team. How did you handle that?

  3. The last time you had to apologize to someone

  4. Describe a long-term project that you managed. How did you keep everything moving along in a timely manner?

  5. Describe a situation when you negotiated with others in your organization to reach an agreement.

  6. Tell me about a time when you received negative feedback from your manager. How did you respond?

  7. Tell me about a time when you missed an obvious solution to a problem

  8. A time when you faced a problem that had multiple possible solutions

  9. Tell me about a time when you were 75% through a project, & you had to pivot strategy

  10. Tell me about a time you had to deal with ambiguity

  11. Tell me about the toughest decision you've had to make in the past six months

  12. What’s the most innovative new idea that you have implemented?

  13. Tell me about a time you stepped up into a leadership role

  14. Describe a time when you sacrificed short term goals for long term success

  15. Tell me about a time when you had to push back to HQ or challenged a decision

  16. We all deal with difficult customers from time to time. Tell me about a challenging client-facing situation and how you handled it.

  17. Tell me about a time when you were not able to meet a time commitment. What prevented you from meeting it? What was the outcome and what did you learn from it?

  18. Tell me about a time you failed and what you learned from it

  19. What's your strength / weakness

  20. Tell me about yourself

  21. Why Amazon

ask quesion

  1. Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of this job?
  2. How do you define success for this position? What metrics are you using to measure my accomplishments?
  3. Do you have any hesitations about my skills or experience for this job?
  4. Where do you think the company is headed in the next 5 years?
  5. What are the biggest opportunities facing the company/department right now?
  6. What have been the biggest challenges this year for the team?
  7. What do you like best about working for this company?
  8. What are the opportunities for advancement and growth in this position?
  9. Why did you decide to join this company?
  10. What are your favorite and least favorite things about working here?

1 Failure:(Customer Obsession, Earn Trust , Ownership)

2 most challenging (Insist on the Highest Standards, Ownership , Learn and Be Curious )
3 miss deadline (Customer Obsession,Deliver Results ,Ownership,Dive Deep)
4 conflict (Customer Obsession, Earn Trust )
5 took a risk, or do not have much time to make a decision (Bias for Action, Ownership )
6 challenges from customers. (Customer Obsession, Earn Trust )
7 negative feedback (Earn Trust )
8 sacrifice short for long goal (Think Big)
9 tough decision (Bias for Action )
General bq
Why amazon?

Amazon is the largest cloud service company in the world, and it services for millions of small and middle size company. that is very meaningful for them. if I join in amazon, i will proud of it.
and event thought amazon is an international company now, but it also keep customer-oriented, this point is the same as Huawei. I couldn't agree more with this values. the finally, I want to be an international engineer , not only in china. i want to join an internet company. and i think amazon and Canada is an perfect place for me. I also believe that i can drive company forward by my experiences and skills.

Introduce yourself
my name is Rex, I graduated from sun-yet-sen university in 2016, my major is software engineering. and I got the bachelor degree. I have 6 years experiences as software engineer. and I have been work in huawei about for 3 years. and before in huawei . I work as software engineer for 2 start-up company. I'm in charge of security protocols at Huawei.
I am a self-motivated and high stand emplyoee. over the years i have built up lots of transferable skill and expecices

Weakness and strength

S: 虽然我不想犯错,但是每个人都会犯错。 我记得那一天是星期五,周六我们团队约定去爬山有时候我们周六会加班。 然后周五我要发布一个软件的版本给到无线部门,他们周六将会联调,我急忙忙完代码的修改,憧憬着第二天的爬山活动。经过简单自验证后快速的给他们发布了联调版本。 我很满意的下班了。 第二天我们就去爬山了,享受着沿途的风景,漂亮的水库。 放松自己。 但是一个电话打了过来,然后电话那头告诉我周五发布的版本有bug。
T 然后他们周一要联调完成,希望我尽快解决。
A 当我收到这个消息是有点沮丧的,但是很快振作起来了,毕竟要对自己的结果负责,不能因为我的错误而延误了客户的进度。所以我做了个艰难的决定,立即驱车2小时回到工位(我们一直在工位办公),立即着手解决问题。
R 很快问题得到了解决,在发现问题的当天就立即修复并且发布了新的联调版本。
最后我总结了这次经验,有时候越着急做好什么事,反而做不好。还是要细心,认真一丝不苟的完成当下的工作。 不管明天是升职加薪的日子还是节假日,都要活在当下。


我是一个和善的人,但是有时候遇到工作上的冲突时我也会很较真。 比如有一次,
s: 华为的工作有一项clean code要求,这是应对西塞机构的指责我们代码风格很丑陋推出的一项措施。当中有一项要求,即要求API入参不能超过5个。有一天我需要设计一个API给客户使用,为了方便客户使用我的入参达到了6个,然后commiter出来指责,认为入参不能超过5个,这个规定。
t: 我为了方便客户使用,坚持使用6个参数,虽然某种意义上是不符合公司规定的。但是公司的规定的初衷也是为了更方便客户使用,所以我认为有讨论的空间,我需要说服他们这个场景是公司规定的一个例外场景。
a: 我找来业界很多C语言风格的API来试图证明超过5个参数也是可以接受的现象,另外站在客户使用方便的角度来进行辩驳,模拟两个API在客户使用场景上的差别,列出优缺点(包括兼容性,易使用性,可读性,可维护性)。最终拿到会议上去讨论,到底是否需要将这些参数封装成结构体。
r: 最终讨论的结果是可以使用6个参数的API,可以是规则的一个例外。对于C语言的API,处于兼容性考虑很多接口都可能会超过5个,我们需要尽量的保证新设计的接口入参是在5个以内。最终这个API方便了客户,也得到了客户的认可。

S: 一个下午manager紧急将我叫到会议室,告诉我说现网出现了bug,沃达丰在设备升级的时候提示内存不足,设备升级需要20M的整块内存,影响将近3000+用户的使用,并且不保证其他设备没有这个问题,这件事引起了轮值懂事长的重视,必须尽快解决。
T: 公司协调沃达丰一个月后再升级设备,所以我必须在这之前解决解决问题。时间非常紧迫。但是在我接到任务前,我对此不了解。
A: 首先我花了两天时间了解到事故的原因并且重现了问题,是来自一个异常的外部输入,一个具有超大的吊销列表的证书发送到我们设备上,然后我们设备使用openssl的ASN1 解析这个证书。 但是由于openssl会将每个字段都会开辟一小块内存,这就导致了严重的内存碎片化。 从而使得设备大块内存不足。对于那一本证书,我测试得到内存开辟的次数为20万次。 接下来我就要想办法将开辟次数降下来。
然后花3天的时间选定解决方案,在这三天里,我无数次运行openssl解析证书的模块,一步一步执行代码,试图搞懂他的解析机制。最后了解到ASN1解析证书的运行机制。并且在解析完证书后也会保持他的元数据, 这点发现很重要。这样就能使用内存偏移的方法去解析证书了,字段的内容只要偏移到元数据对应的地址就好了。这会节省部分内存开销。
最后汇报给manager 决定使用内存偏移和内存池结合的方案来解决内存碎片化严重的问题。
R: 最后测试发现在同一本证书的情况下,解析证书时开辟内存次数从20万次,下降到200多次。问题得到成功的解决。获得部门好评。



tell me about a time when you didn't meet customer expectation.


Disagree with manager
Disgreee/conflicts with peer
Did you have to push back a request
Receive negative feedback and how do you respond

didn't meet deadline
tell me about a time where you delivered a project late.
What do you do when you have two conflicting priorities and can only deliver one on time?
When was the last time you were unable to deliver within the timeframe originally specified?
What happens when you realize you will be unable to deliver by the set deadline?

my department is a platform, and it service for other department in HUAWEI company. so our product is dynamic librarys. each time I finish the development of requirements, I will push a dynamic library to library database, and my client pull the library and integrate the library into their system. so my client will push me when the deadline is coming. We coordinate our delivery plan together. one day, I have aready left one merge request need to be merge, so I was very confident and I made a promise to publish dynamic today, but I ignore a unfortunately fact that many colleague push merge requests today. and our pipline is so heavy and break down. in the afternoon today, I noticed that i would losse my worlds. I was the project's owner, I need to take the ownership . the first thing I comunicated with my client. And explain why I

one of my job is to provide dynamic libraries to clients. After the req
s: 我的工作内容之一就是为客户提供动态库。 在需求完成后,发布版本到版本控制工具。 我们开发使用的是IPD(Integrated Product Development)流程。 统一的需求分析-》设计-》开发-》测试-》发布联调版本。 基本需求交付的截止日期快到时,会有很多MR待合入。我们合入代码前都要跑流水线,流水线包括UT测试用例,SDV(SYSTEM DESIGN VERIFY)测试用例,等等,因为用例很多跑一次会花费20分钟。 这就导致了在deadline最后几天会有很多人竞争流水线资源,合入代码困难。我记得有一次也是周五,客户催的很急,在上午9点的时候就问我几点钟能够提供库给到他。此时我还有最后一个MR需要合入,然后测试通过后就可以发布联调版本了。 然后我就很自信的承诺了一个比较急促的时间点给到客户。下午4点前发布版本。 但是我忽略了一个事实,那天有很多人都在合入代码,并且流水线不凑巧的在那时罢工了。 MR合入需要排队。我在12点提交了MR。但是我发现流水线一直不工作。 这个时候我就有点着急了,叫了维护工具的同事定位解决问题,与此同时我向客户解释这个情况。
我很想推迟到第二天,但是我是这个项目的owner,并且我承诺了今天将库发布。 在下午2点的时候,眼看着有没法兑现承诺了。只能跟客户说明流水线的情况。然后表示今天内解决问题并且发布。 客户对这个方案跟时间点表示接受。然后我就一直等着流水线修复,并且发布版本,进行测试,在晚上10点的时候发布了动态库给到客户。 通过这次事件,我学会了在给出承诺的时候给自己留更多的时间buffer以应对突发情况。 并且及时跟客户沟通难处,通过沟通赢取客户的信任。 最后及时发布赢取了客户的信任,虽然我错过了deadline, 但是还是克服困难在当天发布了动态库。

S: in the project of Design a solution of certificate manager system. I got a negtive feedback from my custermer. first day I discuss a deliver plan with my custermer. and list all the feature that they want it. (include how to load certificate, how to store certificate, and how to use new certifcate chain to verify the certificate.) I watch the list and discuss a plan with my custermer. my custermer compress my delivery time. I am so cofidence and agree with it. (give me about two week to develop the feature and delivery a Joint debugging version to him.) but we make cofuse about memroy optimize. I think the optimize of memory in the second version. but my custermer think that inlucding in first version. the second day we talk aout the plan, and criticize about my plan with my manager.
T: so for earn trust with my custermer and base for custermer obsession . I need give a solution in a hurray.
i find out the solution with my manager. I Evaluate the workload again, and told my manager. I will finish the memory

ti: work out of your responsibility.


