
Amazing goal set up tips to crea

2020-03-26  本文已影响0人  Liru_职业转型教练

Liru – Career Transition Coach

When comes to goal setting, the real question in your mind is actually– how can I live a better life?

•   You want to look better, feel better. That’s where your new year’s resolution for eating better and losing weight comes from. 

•    You want to be more successful in life. You make ambitious goals and plans, but find at the end that you did not stick with two-third of them…

So, the real question is: What is the secret recipe for a better life?

Making a goal is one of the key elements of your success. You need a plan in place to go forward.

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.– Jim Rohn

What else do you need to be more successful?

The most successful people have three common traits:

1.    They have smart goals in mind. They know what they want, which reflects who they are.

2.     They are focused. They use their energy, time, and focus purposefully working toward their goals and plan.

3.     They take actionable steps toward their goals. They are balanced and determined walking to their goals one step at a time.

One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular. - Tony Robbins

Obviously, having goals in life is crucial. However, how to set your goals is very tricky. And to realize your goals is the only way to make you more successful.

1. Never have a lack of a goal

Life is busy.

Life is dynamic.

Life can become crazy when you are facing uncertainty, stress, and pressure.

We may be drafted away in our daily busy routines – to fill out roles as parents, managers, bosses, spouses, daughter or son, sister or brother…

It's not enough to be busy, so are

the ants. The question is, what are we busy about? -- Henry David Thoreau

The question is – what are you busy about? Do you have time to take a stop and examine what’s going on with your life? What do you want?

I am sure you have set goals in your life, or you have thought about setting up your goals many times.

Having goals that we are passionate about can give us something to look forward to each and every morning when we wake up. Not having goals is an excellent recipe for average living.

If you want to have an extraordinary life, find your goal in life.

If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals. –Lou Holtz

If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.

When you know your goals, you have clarity. It reduces your pressure and increase your purpose in life. Goals also reduce your decision paralysis or decision deficiency. Goals make you more focused on what you do.

Goals can make our vision clear and our dream come true.

Highly successful individuals all have an extremely clear vision of where they are going.

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. –Les Brown

Nothing will be benefited your life more than shooting for the moon and dreaming enormously big dreams. When you dream big and shoot for the moon, you are forcing yourself to get out of your comfort zone.Youare growing. You are getting closer to realizing your dream.

2. Why did many people fail to realize their goals?

Goals are the directions. They give us clarity on what we do next to the near and far future.

However, are you sure at the bottom of your heart that you believe your goals? Or do you set up your goals because these are something successful people do? Or you are inspired at the moment setting your goal without thinking through carefully? or It is a trend or fashion to follow?

You need to haveYOUR goals, not someone’s goals.

You need to spend some time with yourself. It is very important for you to put this as your priority – set up your goals in life.

Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent, and not enough time on what is important. - Steven Covey

You need to change your mindset when you set up your goals. Otherwise, it is difficult for you to make this goal come true.

Here is how it goes…

       • When you think about your goals, you need to feel excited. You need to feel yourself in the goals. You need to see your future in your goals. And you know they are important to you.

       •   When you think about your goals, you know your personal identity is in your goals. They reflect who you are and who you will become. Your goals have your values in them.

Goals will lead you to be more successful. However, you may not be able to get overnight success. But they can redirect you to your destination of success.

You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.– Jim Rohn

3.     How to make our goal stick?

When you search for your goals, you need to be able to answer these questions first:

- Why am I doing this?

- Why is now the time to start?

- What do I believe?

- Why do I care?

- What do I value?

- What promises do I want to make and keep?

The crucial thing here is your mindset and your psychology. Do you believe in your goals? Do you convince yourself that they are worthy of your investment – your time, your energy, and your focus on your life? Think goal setting is your investment for a better future.

The key is in not spending time, but in investing it. -- Stephen R. Covey

A goal properly set is halfway reached.

Set up your goals today, if you haven’t done so.

Modify your goals according to the new reality if you need to.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. - Mother Teresa

There are a couple of ways to set up your goals properly. Answer the questions above from these two areas:

1)   Search meaning in your work.

2)    Create meaning in your work.

In all things that you do, consider the end. What do your goals bring you at the end? What do you see yourself at the end of your goals? … say at the end of one year, three years, or five years?

A smart goal is a proper goal. It will lead you to be more fulfilled and satisfied. Invest your time, thinking, and soul searching on finding your goals. Make them specific, measurable, attainable(actionable), relevant and timely.

You need to spend as much time as you need to craft your goals properly and modify them as time goes.

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. - Abraham Lincoln

Having a proper goal is the best ground for you to jumpstart your career. Take action right away. Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time. Whether you are ready or not, do it anyway.

There is one crucial determinant– you have to believe in your goals in order to achieve them.

Tony Robbins said something like this:

If you raise your standards but don’t really believe you can meet them, you’ve already sabotaged yourself. You won’t even try; you’ll be lacking the sense of certainty that allows you to tap the deepest capacity that’s within you… Our beliefs are like unquestioned commands, telling us how things are, what’s possible and impossible and what we can and cannot do. They shape every action, every thought and every feeling that we experience. As a result, changing our belief systems is central to making any real and lasting change in our lives.

4. Take action.


You have reached a half-way point: you have your smart goals. Now take action.

Why many people having smart goals do not reach their goals at the end? Usually, there are two main reasons:

- They are too ambitious. They work 80 hours a week. They burn out.

- They lose hope that they can realize their goals.

When you work too hard toward to your plan, you burn out easily. Like, if you stretch elastic to its fullest all the time, it breaks fast. You need recharging time. You need to recover from your busy plan. You need a balanced mentality –feeling good about what you do while you are doing it. That’s why you need to feel meaningful and enjoyable when you create your goals.

Secondly, you have one-year or longer goals. When you work on your plan on a daily basis, you are doing specific small steps. When you focus on these detailed things, sometimes you lose sight of the forest because you only see the things in front of you – trees. This time, you need to step back and check your goals, so that you can see your forest – your future picture.

There are two tips for you to reach your goals:

1) Have small wins. Take action towards your goal one step at a time. You will need to make your priority and focus on one thing at a time. To do two things at once is to do neither. Enjoy your small progress every day. Celebrate your little gain often.

2) Focus the trees, don’t lose sight of the forest. While work to your destination every day, you need to come back to check your goals constantly. You can do this through your journaling, which is a very powerful tool to gain your sense of clarity and get grounded.



- Goal setting is a must for you if you want to have an amazing life.

- Goal setting will elicit your delight, meaning, and drive in life.

- When you set up smart goals, you probably have set up proper goals.

- Your goals are your lighthouse in the sea to your destination for your self-realization – your value, meaning, and happiness.

- Take an action with an end in mind and enjoy your ride.


Liru is a career transition coach. She helps you to explore your great opportunity during transitions, help you to prepare your transitions, get unstuck, and find the joy in your life and career. 


