
Business Meeting - Lesson 1

2022-03-17  本文已影响0人  他瑞Taurui

Starting a Meeting

Meeting A - Formal Meeting
~~On behalf of Vision Corporation, I’d like to call this meeting to order[1].This is a meeting of some of the key players in our company: our top managers. Our purpose this morning is to hear a presentation about a new initiative for outreach and marketing, and to discuss this plan with all of you. [2]
~~This is a presentation that all of us have looked forward to. This initiative marks a new milestone in the evolution of our company. First, it serves as an assessment of where our company is now in terms of communicating its message to its customers domestically and abroad. Furthermore, this plan has the potential to drive our company forward by transforming our corporate outreach and marketing strategies.
~~We are delighted that all of the major contributors to this initiative are here today. They will use their unique perspectives to talk about the current state of affairs in terms of outreach and marketing, give details about the new proposed initiative, and outline the path for implementation.

1. To call a meeting to order
2. Purpose of the meeting

  1. Starting a meeting formally

  2. Introducing the purpose of the meeting

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