A Mother's Love
Yasmine Ellaz
Mum, thank you for keeping me close to your heart.
Thank you for never allowing me to fall apart.
Thank you for holding me up for all these years,
But most of all, thank you for drying my tears.
Thank you for teaching me how to be strong.
Thank you for showing me right from wrong.
When I fell down and had nowhere to go,
You held me close to your heart and called it home.
When the whole world let me down and left me astray,
You told me that tomorrow comes a new day.
Thank you for keeping me ashore through this mystic storm.
Thank you for carrying me until I was born.
I never told you how much you mean,
But through these words, hopefully you will see
You saved me from the fire and pain.
You walked me through every ounce of rain,
And I know that I have hurt you more than enough.
I have let you down and made life rough.
Even through this, you remained my only charm.
You protected me within your arms,
And for this, heaven must be under your feet.
I know that our hearts will always meet.
You managed to set my aching soul free.
今年还需更努力,一定要拿下目标院校的 offer, 同时我也必须要更努力提升自己才可,才能在为了能够有富余的资本买给妈咪任何她想要东西和轻松快乐的晚年生活!