

2019-03-29  本文已影响77人  90d219b59a2c

The difference between Love and Fate is you can fall in love with anyone, but FATE decides who you will love in the end.爱情和命运的不同在于你可以爱上任何人,但命运会决定你最终会爱上谁。

Love it, and to realize the truth all subversive.什么付出就有回报,什么努力与成果相等,在爱情里统统什么都不是。

Love is like sand.. If you hold it too tightly.. It will slip away.. 爱情就像攥在手里的沙子,攥的越紧,流失的越快。

To enter the time between, I learned how to use a bystander attitude to explain everything.爱情这个东西,把一切悟出的道理都颠覆。

Love means finding the beauty in someone's imperfections. 爱情就是在那个人的不完美中找到美。表达爱意的句子英语

I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love. 我很好,但不是天使,我偶尔做做坏事,但也不是恶魔。我只是个小女孩,是个在这个大千世界里寻找爱情的女孩。

Love is like a bus. Don't worry, if you missed one. More are on the way. 爱情就像公交车。如果你错过了一辆,不用担心,还有更多的在路上呢。

My love story: I like this guy but he doesn't like me. This other guy likes me but I don't like him. The end.我的爱情故事:我爱的人不爱我。爱我的人我不爱。剧终。

Try to trust love one more time. 再鼓起勇气相信爱情一次吧。

Flirtationship: more than a Friendship, less than a Relationship.暧昧,比友情多一点,比爱情少一点。

Love is strange,because sometimes it becomes reason to LIVE LIFE and sometimes it become reason to LEAVE LIFE... 爱情是奇怪的东西,有时候它是你活着的理由,有时候它也是你不想活的理由?

Breaking a woman's heart is deeper than we realize. It destroys her outlook on love, her future relationships, and her peace within herself. 伤害一个女人的心比我们想象的要严重。这会毁掉她的爱情观,她未来的恋爱,以及她内心的平静。


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