Knight’s Fall

Knight’s Fall
On the northern part of the continent,there are lots of independent states fighting against each other. Finally,after 2 hundred years of gruesome wars, every state is exhausted and hoping for peace and stability. To prevent more pointless wars, the Commonwealth of Imperial States was formed. The president of the Commonwealth is elected per 5 years, and a military organization called the Order of Holy Sea will protect the realm from foreign invasions. Peace lasts over another 2 hundred years, until the Gaoth Khanate in the south under a leader called the Mad Khan started their full invasion. Having no choice, the Order go to the front to stop the bloodthirsty enemies.
But the young knight Alastriona didn’t get the permission to go to the front. “Everyone has his own work to do to win the war”, the Grand Master tells her, “You are still too young for such brutality. And I don’t see you prepared. You may stay here and do some administration work if you like.”
“But I am ready”, Alastriona argues, “No one can fight against my greatsword. I can protect the realm and push those invaders back.”
“I’m not talking about your battle skills. In fact, I think you are the most talented knight in our Order. What I ‘m talking about is your mind. You are too irritable sometimes. You need to remember, you cannot simply win a war by just slaying everyone.”
Though very upset, Alastriona has to stay at the headquarter. This is unbearable for a knight like her. Feeling depressed, she decides to take a walk. Walking alongside the river, she finds an old man in a dark robe stands in front of her. “Could you just get out of my way?”, she says impatiently.
“I’m sorry”, the old man replied, “but may I ask you a question. Why do such a great knight like you stay at home during wartime instead of joining the battle?”
“I don’t really know either. The Grand Master said I’m still unprepared so he doesn’t allow me to go the battlefield.But I don’t really understand that!”
“Oh, that doesn’t make sense at all”, the old man nods, “I think you are born to fight in the battlefield. I can see your true destiny here, that you will be the savior of the Commonwealth.”
“But the Grand Master said…”
“They are going to lose the war, because they are too old to accept any new changes. But you, my great knight, you can be the vanguard of your brothers and sisters, and lead us to win the war. That,is your true destiny. So, now go to where you should be at.”
Hearing that words, Alastriona feels very happy and encouraged. That night, she sneaks out of the castle and goes straightly to the battlefront. But once she arrived, she realizes that it is too late. Thousands of corpses are lying on the ground which has been painted into red by blood. Screams and groans can be heard from every corner. Most of the survivors are badly injured that have no hope to survive hold any longer.And, then, Alastriona hears a voice calling her name, and that voice is from the Grand Master.
Following the voice, Alastriona finds the Grand Master leaning on a wall, with many arrows in his chest. “Hold on! I will cast a heal magic for you”, she said.
“No, young Alas… ”, the Grand Master struggles to speak, “It’s too late for me… It’s a trap and the enemies are too strong. But the war is not over yet. Here, take this talisman”, he takes off the red talisman on his neck and gives it to Alastriona. Its shape is like as word crossing a hammer.
“This is the symbol of our order held by every Grand Masters before. Now I need you to take that responsibility. In fact, ever since you joined us, I can hear it calling your name. I just didn’t know I need to give it too you so early… Now you need to evacuate the people inour capital. The enemy is marching towards it, and if you failed, lots of innocents will die. You must protect our land and our people…
And then, the old man passes away.
After burying her dearest mentor,Alastriona leaves the battlefield. But she is not going to the capital.Instead, she is heading to the palace of the Mad Khan. “The war must be stopped”, she thinks,” while their army is marching to the capital, the Khan himself must be defenseless, and that means I have the chance to assassinate him now. But that means people in the capital will face their armies alone…”.After a long time of hesitation, she finally makes her decision:” That’s the necessary sacrifice because I can save more people through that. I must go to kill the Khan to end the war once and for all!”
Sitting on his throne, the Mad Khan is waiting for news from the battlefront. His army is now marching on the streets of the capital. Soon the Commonwealth will bow to the great Khanate, and to the Khan himself. He can even see himself sitting on a much bigger throne, ruling the whole world.
And then, the gate opens. A girl with a greatsword in her hands walks in, slowly,but full of determination.
“A bold attempt”, he says, holding his axe in his hands, “but your attempt ends here.”
“So does your tyranny”, the girl replies,and then jumps into the air, and then attacking the Khan with her greatsword.
The Khan uses his axe to block the attack,but that attack is so powerful that he feels great pain on his two arms. And the greatsword doesn’t stop, instead, it continues hacking like an angry storm,and the strength becomes bigger and bigger…Alastriona feels her anger is unleashing as the attack becomes more and more destructive. Finally, the Khan cannot hold it any longer. His axe drops on the ground, and then, the great sword ends his life brutally.
“It’s over…finally…”
But not yet. She hears someone’s laugh coming from the gate, so familiar but so freaky. While looking at the gate, an old man walks in. She instantly recognizes that he is the man she met before going to the battlefront.
“Good work. I told you, you can be the savior”, he says
“And who are you?”
“Oh, good question”, he smiles, “I know you are suspecting me. You’re right. The Mad Khan is my little puppet. But he is useless now. In fact, he is just a tool, a tool to start a war, a war that can help me find someone strong enough to lead the mankind. And now, I’ve found you.”
“So, what do you want from me?”
“Oh, it’s very simple. As you can see,humans are weak. They cannot defend themselves on their own. They need some to rule them, to guide them. And I can make you powerful enough to rule them…if you could only kneel before me.”
The air in the throne room is frozen.
And then, Alastriona kneels.
The old man cannot stop laughing. After all these years of preparing and waiting, his dream finally comes true. This world now belongs to him. He feels so content and joyful that he doesn’t notices that a talisman before Alastriona’s neck starts to shine in red light.And then, before event understanding what is going on, flame cast by the talisman set him on fire and kills him at once.
“The talisman has told me everything. I already know that you are a demon who seeks to tempting and rule the mankind.You cannot decisive me”, she says, “but you are still right maybe. The Mad Khan cannot resist your temptation, the Order and the Commonwealth cannot even defend themselves. They do need a strong leader who is willing to sacrifice anything for the common good to protect him. And they need to be loyal of course.”
Looking at the twisted corpse, Alastriona says, “And I don’t need your power to do that.”
Now, as people begin to rebuild their home, Alastriona, the young girl who killed the Mad Khan and ended the war,finally returns.
Although the weather is cold, misty and rainy that day, and the capital is still in ruins due to the invasion before,thousands of survivors still gather at the road and welcome their hero. They cheer and applaud for their savior, but the savior just keeps silent and continues her walk. A little girl gives her a bunch of flowers, but she doesn’t even touch it,
Finally, at the center of the square, as everyone staring at her doubtfully, the savior finally opens her mouth.
“Now, all of you, kneel before your new Empress…”
And this, is the beginning of the Dark Age.