
2022-02-27  本文已影响0人  瑜伽客

早上的瑜伽很棒!闭眼 7 到 8 小时(希望如此)后,我们的身体会对运动做出亲切的反应,我们的头脑清晰并能接受积极的想法和信息。我们的呼吸已经准备好让我们加深和扩大它的效力,我们的能量正等待在长时间的午睡后被唤醒。

有无数的体式和很棒的瑜伽姿势都有惊人的好处,所以我实际上发现选择 10 个列表真的很有挑战性。



Yoga in the morning is amazing! After 7-8 hours (hopefully) of shut eye, our body responds affectionately to movement, and our mind is clear and receptive to positive ideas and messages. Our breath is ready for us to deepen and expand its potency, and our energy is just waiting to be stirred up after a long siesta.

There are countless asanas and awesome yoga poses that all have amazing benefits, so I actually found it really challenging to pick a list of 10.

The poses I’ve chosen are perhaps not overly traditional (my list is missing most of the classical floor postures), but I like to adapt my practice to suit my modern day lifestyle.

So here are my current favourites for an early day practice and the reasons why.

  1. Surya Namaskar(拜日式)

这种被称为向太阳致敬的姿势序列有几种变化。它们传统上在太阳升起时进行练习,无论您练习哪种版本的 Surya Namaskar,它们都是热身并开始使身体的运动与呼吸的流动同步的好方法。

当它们作用于所有 7 个主要脉轮时,它们将帮助您精力充沛地发光,而有节奏的运动可以帮助营造一种内心平静的感觉。

There are several variations to this sequence of postures known as salute to the sun. They’re traditionally practiced as the sun is rising, and whichever version of Surya Namaskar you practice, they’re a great way to warm up and start to sync movement of the body with the flow of the breath.

As they work all of the 7 major chakras, they’ll help you light up energetically and the rhythmic movement can help create a sense of inner calm.

  1. Utkatasana(幻椅式)

它最常被称为椅子姿势,这有点暗示舒适和放松。就个人而言,我认为使用 Utkatasana 的其他翻译、Thunderbolt、Fierce Pose 或 Awkward Pose 更合适。

随心所欲地称呼它,Utkatasana 是一种在体内产生热量并快速建立能量的神奇方式。它可以激活核心和腿部,并挑战您的思想以保持现状和积极,这对晨练来说都是很大的好处。

It’s most commonly called Chair Pose, which kinda suggests something comfortable and relaxing. Personally, I think it’s more appropriate to use one Utkatasana’s other translations, Thunderbolt, Fierce Pose or Awkward Pose.

Call it what you will, Utkatasana is an amazing way to generate heat in the body and quickly build energy. It activates the core and the legs and challenges your mind to stay present and positive, all great benefits for a morning practice.

  1. Parivrtta Utkatasana(单腿幻椅式)


I mean, if you’re going to go to all the trouble of sitting down in your not-so-comfy Chair, you might as well get the twisting benefits of the revolved variation right?! Twisting poses have a squeeze and release effect on your digestive system and internal organs so they help promote detoxification. And on that note, I’d hold off on breakfast until after your practice if you plan on getting twisty…

  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana(下犬式)


If you only have time for one in the morning, I’d make it this one. The whole body’s involved so it’s a great way to wake up every part of your physique. That beautiful stretch through the backs of the legs and hips just feels incredible. It’s little wonder our canine friends do this one naturally when they wake up…

  1. Anjaneyasana(低弓步)

我的腰大肌有问题,喜欢抓住并缩短它可能获得的任何机会,所以 Anjaneyasana 就像我的髋屈肌泡泡浴一样。你会通过臀部、手臂和躯干获得那种可爱的张开有弹性的感觉,它还可以增强腿部的力量。


I’ve got a problematic psoas muscle that likes to grip and shorten any chance it can get, so Anjaneyasana is like a bubble bath for my hip flexors. You get that lovely open stretchy feeling through the hips, arms and torso, and it also builds strength in the legs.

A really nice morning variation is to interlace the fingers behind the lower back and gently drawing the hands away to open the chest and heart space.

  1. Trikonasana(三角式)

Trikonasana 是经典的瑜伽体式之一,通过激活和平衡海底轮的根脉轮,帮助您获得强烈的基础感和稳定性。它为腿部和核心提供动力,微妙的扭曲让您打开并照亮心脏空间。美丽的。

One of the classic yoga asanas, Trikonasana helps to give you a strong sense of grounding and stability through activating and balancing the root chakra, Muladhara. It powers up the legs and core, and the subtle twist allows you to open and light up the heart space. Beautiful.

  1. Virabhadrasana III(战士 3)

当我在 Warrior 3 中花费 30 秒时,我感觉自己正在服用一种精力充沛的复合维生素!它激活腿部、核心并激发Manipura、太阳神经丛脉轮,鼓励自信、决心和意志力的感觉。


I feel like I’m taking an energetic multivitamin when I spend 30 seconds in Warrior 3! It activates the legs, the core and fires up Manipura, the solar plexus chakra encouraging feelings of confidence, determination and willpower.

Of course those qualities are awesome at any time of the day, but a dose in the morning means we can approach our work and daily activities with a true sense of inner strength.

  1. Natarajasana(舞王式)


Ah, an opportunity to find a few moments of grace on the mat. I’ve added it to the list for two reasons. Firstly, the backbend opens the heart space and creates a surge of beautiful energy and secondly, because it’s a balance it encourages equilibrium in both the body and the mind.

  1. Prasarita Padottanasana(开腿向前折叠)

我更喜欢早上的 Uttanasana 这个阔腿向前折叠,因为它似乎在我的身体中感觉更好,但当然两者都是不错的选择。你的脊椎得到了显着的延长,腿筋得到了伸展,倒立的效果帮助你平静而清晰地面对这一天。Prasarita Padottanasana 有 3 种变体,你可以做所有,或者选择最适合你身体的一种。

I prefer this wide-legged forward fold to Uttanasana in the morning because it seems to feel better in my body, but of course both are great options. You’ve got glorious lengthening in the spine,a stretch through the hamstrings, and the effects of the inversion help you face the day with calmness and clarity. There are 3 variations of Prasarita Padottanasana, you could do all, or pick one that works best for your body.

  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana(半鱼王式)

Ardha Matsyendrasana 是经典的瑜伽体式之一,这是有充分理由的。像所有扭转姿势一样,它可以促进健康的脊柱。它还有助于刺激内脏器官,促进健康消化和促进排毒。早餐前要做的另一个姿势。


Ardha Matsyendrasana is one of the classic yoga asanas for a good reason. Like all twisting postures, it promotes a healthy spine. It also helps stimulate the internal organs, promoting healthy digestion and encouraging detoxification. Another pose to do before breakfast.

Whether you’ve got time for one pose, or all of these and more, finding a connection between your body, mind and breath is going to set you up for an amazing day.

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