

2018-12-14  本文已影响0人  珊大王King


1、The general ordered that the prisoners of war be put to () immediately.





2、She seems to be too short for a( ).

A.twenty-year old girl

B.girl twenty-year-old

C.twenty-years-old girl

D.girl of twenty

3、The students successfully () the answer to the problem.

A.gave up

B.worked out



4、the boy() his time between work and play.





5、Don’t be too() about things you are not supposed to know.





6、Good care must() babies particularly while they are ill.


B.take of

C.be taken

D.be taken of

7、Last summer I took a course on( ).

A.how to make dresses

B.how dresses to make

C.how to be made dresses

D.how dresses to be made

8、the americans and the british not only speak the same language but also ()a large number of social customs.





9、(      ), mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

A.However late is he

B.However he is late

C.However is he late

D.However late he is

10、Little() about his own safety though he was in great danger himself.

A.does he care

B.did he care

C.he cares

D.he cared

11、She() his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.

A.looked up

B.looked for

C.picked out

D.picked up

12、I carry only enough money to make change for a() bill.





13、(), the more you are aware of content and meaning.

A.The more words you are familiar to

B.The more words you are familiar with

C.You are familiar to more words

D.You are familiar with more words

14、Do you agree with me() that?





15、Bill told me that() live with his roommates again next year.

A.he’d rather not

B.he won’t rather

C.he’ll rather

D.he’d rather didn’t

16、By the time he was twelve, Edison() to make a living by himself.

A.would begin

B.has begun

C.had begun

D.was begun

17、We haven’t seen the Swans for over a week. They () on a trip abroad.

A.could go

B.must go

C.may have gone

D.would have gone

18、Police officers working on the murder have() hundreds of families.





19、()that leather shoes are hand-made, the price seems reasonable.

A.In view of




20、The water will be further polluted unless some measures() .

A.will be taken

B.are taken

C.were taken

D.had been taken

21、I() up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 8 o’clock a.m. .

A.needn’t have got

B.didn’t need to get

C.shouldn’t have got

D.can’t have got

22、“Are you ready for your paper?” “Not yet. I need() to read through it.”

A.other three minutes

B.another three minutes

C.three other minutes

D.more three minutes

23、Don’t be too() about things you are not supposed to know.





24、“Where() the recorder? I can’t see it anywhere.” “I() it right here. But now it’s gone.”

A.did you put; have put

B.have you put; put

C.had you put; was putting

D.were you putting; have put

25、His handwriting is bad and(      )is worse.





26、()you have done might do harm to other people.





27、I’d like to ()_ this old car with a new model, but I can’t afford it.





28、This hotel () $ 60 for a single room with bath.





29、early to bed and early to rise() a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


B.had made


D.will make

30、They finally got to the village (  )a rainy evening.







marketing consists of advertising and promoting your product or service in order to sell it. your business produces goods and services. marketing is what lets __1___ customers know that they are available for sale. sales, advertising, and public relations are each essential ___2___ of marketing and each require specialized skills and expertise. while a small business may have only one person performing all these functions under the marketing umbrella, knowledge of each area is important to develop a ___3___ effort.

a focus ___4____ what the customer wants and needs is essential __5____ successful marketing efforts. this customer-orientation should go hand-in-hand with the company’s objectives of maintaining a __6____ volume of sales. marketing is a creative process combining all the activities needed to __7___ both of these objectives.

the process of marketing begins __8____ discovering what product customers want to buy. providing the features and quality customers want is a/an ___9____ first step in marketing. you will be facing an uphill battle if you provide something you want to produce and then try to ___10_____ someone to buy it.

1. a. future          b. potential     c. invisible       d. visible

2. a. components     b. elements     c. features       d. factors

3. a. focusing        b. focused      c. fixed         d. fixing

4. a. to             b. on           c. at           d. in

5. a. on            b. at           c. to           d. in

6. a. profit          b. profitable    c. many        d. much

7. a. reach          b. get to       c. accomplish    d. achieve

8. a. with           b. in          c. at           d. by

9. a. critical         b. important    c. significant     d. necessary

10. a. ask            b. advise       c. persuade      d. convince


it was sunday and there was  1    school that day.

“look! john, it’s snowing  2  ,” said jack. john rushed to the window and saw it was really true. different   3    other days, john got up, washed and put clothes on himself as  4   as possible. in a few minutes he stood watching the garden turn white as the snow fell.

after the snow had stopped, johnand jack ran into the garden. they threw snowballs   5    each other. then their six-year-old neighbour, peter,   6   them. they ran, laughed and played  7    snowballs. soon they became tired of this and jack said, “why   8    make a snowman?”

so they started to work, using a garden spade and their hands to build the body.

when the body was finished, some stones were used for making the nose, eyes, ears and mouth. john put his hat on the snowman’s head.

the work was   9   and the snowman stood there, the same size   10    john.

1. a. not                       b. not a                        c. little                         d. no

2. a. big                       b. heavily                     c. heavy                       d. hardly

3. a. as                        b. in                             c. from                        d. like

4. a. quick                    b. soon                        c. quickly                     d. slowly

5. a. at                         b. on                            c. for                           d. with

6. a. took part in           b. joined in                   c. attended                   d joined

7. a. with                         b. the                           c. of                            d. on

8. a. don’t                    b. won’t                       c. not                          d. not to

9. a. off                       b. up                            c. end                          d. over

10. a. like                     b. as                            c. of                            d. for


 andy loved the idea. mary arthur   1   it. kurt mendez didn’t think it was any big deal. mr. el thought it was a brilliant idea. after all, it was   2   idea.

“it’s only fair, ” mr. el explained to his new fourth graders as they stood in line waiting for the lunch bell   3   , “that we turn things around. every year you guys line up in alphabetical order. alphabetical order to go to lunch, to go to gym, to go home, and so on. this year we’re using reverse alphabetical order.”

mindy vale put her hand down as mr. el pointed   4   her. “i’ve always had to stand at the back of the line, ever since kindergarten! now i’m near the   5  . thank you, thank you!”

the teacher smiled.   6  , he called on christopher cash, a serious and thoughtful young man. “mr. el, i think you should   7   this policy. this is very drastic and unnecessary. this could confuse our fragile young minds!”

“put a lid on it, chris!” shouted david tyler.

“we won’t have any outbursts like that, david! ” mr. el said firmly. he turned   8   christopher. “don’t   9  , christopher. we only have strong minds in this class.”

“how many of you think this is a good idea?” mr. el asked. as you would probably   50  , most of the hands that went up were in the latter half of the line.

1. a hated       b liked        c heard        d needed

2. a no         b that         c his          d her

3. a ring        b to ring       c ringing       d rung

4. a out         b for          c in          d to

5. a last         b front        c bottom       d forward

6. a. so         b. therefore        c. then       d. after

7. a reconsider       b carry         c think       d make

8. a at          b in          c toward         d down

9. a move        b worry        c scream         d speak

10.a expect        b doubt         c forget        d review


34、以My Hobby为题,写一篇80词的短文。

My Hobby


35、 因为没有亲生儿女,他们决定领养一个孤儿。(adopt,orphan)

6.Having no children of their own, they decided to adopt an orphan.

36、他父亲只在周末的时候才准他看小说。(allow sb. to do sth.)

 His father only allows him to read novels on weekends.


The outbreak of any disease will be a disaster to the human beings.

38、 虽然英国人喜欢看赛马,他们对人类的比赛却并不感兴趣。(be fond of)

 Although the English are so fond of watching horse racing, they are not very interested in human being races. 

39、 据说这位老人是镇上最富有的人。(it is said)

10.It is said that the old man is the richest one in the town.

40、学校在民主的基础上运行,所有的员工都参与决策。(democratic, be involved in)

the school is run on democratic lines, and all the staff is involved in making decisions.

41、这位电影明星拒绝就他的私生活发表任何评论。(comment on)

 The film star refused to comment on the rumors(谣言) of his private life.

42、 几天前竣工的那座建筑是城里最宏伟的一幢建筑。(largest one)

The building completed a few days ago is the largest one in our city.




按上述方法写一篇以“My Bedroom”为题的小短文。

my bedroom

    i have a bedroom of my own. it is not very big, but it looks beautiful and is comfortable. the window is opposite the door. the door’s color is like wood. near the door, there is a big white desk. a blue lamp is on the desk. my bed is behind the desk. it is so lovely. there is a clothes closet on the right of the bed. a pink teddy bear is on it. you can see the curtain in my bedroom. there’re some pretty flowers on it. that’s my bedroom. do you like it?


