数量级order of magnitude
2020-08-04 本文已影响0人
title: order of magnitude
date: 2020-08-04 17:11:18
NO_sents: 8
NO_references: 3
order of magnitude
- For the other traits, both estimates of narrow-sense heritability were of the same order of magnitude, especially for piceol and pungenol, for which dominance effects appeared to be low. (Beaulieu et al., 2020)
- The total genetic correlations (AD effects, Table 5), as well as the phenotypic correlations (Table S3), between traits were generally of the same order of magnitude and in the same direction than the additive genetic correlations and the phenotypic correlations estimated with the additive-only effects models (Table 3 and Table S2). (Beaulieu et al., 2020)
- PA was of the same order of magnitude between the ABLUP and the GBLUP models, but it was slightly larger for three of the six traits (DBH, volume, and pungenol) under the GBLUP models. (Beaulieu et al., 2020)
- Expected genetic gains or losses, depending on the targeted traits, were of the same order of magnitude when selecting trees based on the highest genetic values instead of the highest breeding values. (Beaulieu et al., 2020)
- The total genetic correlation coefficients (additive-dominance models) between the acetophenone aglycones estimated in the present study are of the same order of magnitude than those previously reported in M鮤ez-Espinoza et al. (Beaulieu et al., 2020)
- Implementation of GS at such higher marker densities will require a reduction of at least an order of magnitude of the per-sample cost. (Grattapaglia, Resende, 2011)
- The latter will require substantial【大量】 resources, probably an order of magnitude greater than resources required for identifying causal variants with additive effects. (Joshi et al., 2020)