

2019-01-07  本文已影响54人  Moon_star


1. department store 百货商店

2. ware sth. inside out 把…穿反了

3. death toll 死亡人数

4. rock and mud slides 泥石流

5. golden window 救援黄金时间即灾后72小时

6. mental trauma 精神创伤

7. plague prevention 疫情防控

8. 地震灾区: the earthquake-hit area

                      the quake-stricken area

                      the scene of the disaster

9.  哪里发生了地震:an earthquake hit/


10. 震级的表达: a magnitude-数字

      a 5-magnitude earthquake

      a magnitude-5 earthquake

11. 表达“我不明白,不理解”:

        It's beyond me.

        It's over my head.

        I'm in the dark.

12. a battery of 一批,一群,一系列,所接名词有相同的属性。

13. medium height 中等个头

14. well-built 体格健美的

15. absent-minded 心不在焉的

16. introverted 内向的

      extroverted 外向的

      easy-going 随和的,平易近人的

17. wrap up  把…包起来;wrap up the books and mail them out .

      结束, 完成;The president wrapped up a three-day trip to Chinese.

18. The Belt and Road 一带一路。        缩写为B&R

19. work our bodies out to exhaustion.疲惫不堪地工作。

20. How to get a six-pack? 六块腹肌

          Aerobics exercise 有氧运动

          push-ups  俯卧撑;sit-ups 仰起坐; pull-ups 引体向上;

21. I'm down and out. 我穷困潦倒

22. cannot put one's finger on sth. 搞不懂,一头雾水,毫无头绪。eg. I still cannot put my finger on who wrote me that card.

23. like gold dust 形容某物难找,抢手。eg. Skilled workers are like gold dust in the engineering industry.

24. have a thing for sb. 喜欢。eg. I think he  has a thing for you.

25. live life as fully as possible.

26. Here's the thing 这样吧。eg. Ok, here's the thing–let's.meet at 4 p.m. What do you say?

27. on the sly 偷偷地,秘密地。 eg. They have been seeing each other on the sly.

28. revise for 温习,复习。

29. too spineless and too stupid.又怂又蠢。

30. give me a thumbs up. 给我点赞。

31. soul mate 灵魂伴侣

32. unrequited love/ unrequited

passion 单相思

33. in a love triangle with sb 三角恋

34. 收购: merger; acquisition; takeover; buyout ;

      并购: mergers & acquisition  简称M & A

35. Not a single fuck was given.( I don't give a fuck. ) 我不在乎。

36. second choice / back up 备胎

37. love affair 风流韵事

38. 曝光:  go official; be exposed; produce a stream of exposures of sth.

39. love-struck 痴情的,神魂颠倒

40. trading company 贸易公司

41. the policy of reform and opening 改革开放政策

42. common interest 共同利益;  common prosperity 共同繁荣富裕

43. profile photo; my profile 头像

44. trusting 容易相信的,轻信的。

      I'm a trusting person.我很愿意相信别人。

45. lineal 直系的; collateral 旁系的;

        collateral evidence 旁证;  collateral relatives 旁系亲属。

46. get up: prepare for.

get up a party for the newcomers.

47. 直升飞机: chopper/ helicopter.

48. severe torture 严刑拷打; suffer the torture 受折磨; eg. She suffered the torture of toothache.

49. cheap and nasty 物廉价劣的; cheap and cheerful 物美价廉的。

50. permanent committee/ standing committee 常务委员会; permanent member 常任理事国。

51. stay grounded 保持脚踏实地

52. in the early stage of… 在…的早期

53. a walking proof 一个活例子

54. mediocre 平庸的

55. kill your latent ability  潜能力

56. act vigorously and resolutely 雷厉风行

57. cold spell 寒流; spell 有“一段时间”的意思。

58. lingua franca 国际语言,通用语言

59. wear several hats 身兼数职

60. be rich with possibility 充满了可能性

61. live under the cats' paw/foot 形容怕老婆

62. as blind as a bat 有眼无珠

64. holy cow 我的天啊!

65. cat sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠

66. curry favour 讨好,奉承,拍马屁。eg. After currying favour with my boss, I will probably become the new manager.

67. passage to adulthood 成人礼

68. on a roll 做得很顺,顺风顺水,走好运。 eg. His business is really on a roll recently.

69. apply for patronage 申请资助

70. make amends 弥补过错,做出补偿

71. rise from the ashes 浴火重生,在废墟和毁灭中重生。

72. self-abasement 自卑,自谦。

73. I get the picture 我懂了。

    big picture 大局,整体情况。eg. Don't focus on the details, take care of the big picture.

74. catch/ get wind of sth. 听到风声。eg. They got wind of our plans for a party.

75. take: 想法,看法。 key takeaway 重点知识。What's your take on sth?对一件事的看法; take it with a grain( /

pinch) of salt. 长个心眼,不要全信。

76. move a motion 提起动议

      treat politics as a game 把政治当游戏。

77. one-off 一次性的

78. run-up 预备阶段

79. fight us every step of the way 反对我们的每一步行动。

80. grind to a standstill 陷入停顿

      grind the business of government to a standstill.

81. strike trade deals 签订贸易协定

82. chart its own way 展开自己的道路

83. there can be no turning back. 没有回头路可走。

84. grand slam 大满贯, 指某位选手在一个赛季中包揽各大重要比赛的冠军。 Will France win the grand slam this year?

85. dark horse 意想不到的,之前并不被看好却最终获得奖的人。surprise winner. 爆冷门: produce an unexpected winner/ black hourse

86. confidence man 骗子

87. mall rat 喜欢逛街的年轻人

88. sa poor as church mouse 一贫如

89. go on an expedition 去远征

90. strike gold 获得巨大成功或财富

91. beef up :strengthen 增强

92. I got shanghaied in shanghai 我在上海被骗了。 shanghai: 做动词表示“诱拐,坑骗,胁迫”。

93. Jim is fond of a leap in the dark. 冒险行

94. Those words flow easily from my pen. 轻易地写出来

95. You got a minute? 你有空吗?

96. two-time (v.)脚踩两只船 ;two-timer

97. extramarital affair 婚外情,出轨。

98. shirk responsibility 推卸责任

99. squander public funds 挥霍公款

100. severe disciplinary violations 严重违纪。

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