

2018-07-17  本文已影响25人  王诗翔

默认,R分为两类作图系统,一类是base plot,另一类是非基础绘图系统,像grid,以及基于它的ggplot2等。



> x = seq(1,10,1)
> y = 1.5*x
> windowsFonts(A = windowsFont("Times New Roman"))
> plot(x, y,
+      family="A",
+      main = "title",
+      font=2)
base plot



> windowsFonts(Times=windowsFont("Times New Roman"))
> library(ggplot2)
> ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg)) + geom_point() +
+     ggtitle("Fuel Efficiency of 32 Cars") +
+     xlab("Weight (x1000 lb)") + ylab("Miles per Gallon") +
+     theme_bw() +
+     theme(text=element_text(family="Times", face="bold", size=12)) #Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold



> windowsFonts(Times=windowsFont("Times New Roman"))
Error in windowsFonts(Times = windowsFont("Times New Roman")) : 
  could not find function "windowsFonts"


extrafont package 提供了更多的特性,它的操作更为普适,而且它可以导入系统中的字体库!这样我们在绘图时有了更多的选择。


# or
install.packages("extrafont", dependencies=TRUE)



> font_import()
Importing fonts may take a few minutes, depending on the number of fonts and the speed of the system.
Continue? [y/n] y
Scanning ttf files in C:\Windows\Fonts ...
Extracting .afm files from .ttf files...
C:\Windows\Fonts\AGENCYB.TTF => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/AGENCYB
C:\Windows\Fonts\AGENCYR.TTF => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/AGENCYR
C:\Windows\Fonts\ahronbd.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/ahronbd
C:\Windows\Fonts\ALGER.TTF => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/ALGER
C:\Windows\Fonts\andlso.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/andlso
C:\Windows\Fonts\angsa.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/angsa
C:\Windows\Fonts\angsab.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/angsab
C:\Windows\Fonts\angsai.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/angsai
C:\Windows\Fonts\angsau.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/angsau
C:\Windows\Fonts\angsaub.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/angsaub
C:\Windows\Fonts\angsaui.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/angsaui
C:\Windows\Fonts\angsauz.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/angsauz
C:\Windows\Fonts\angsaz.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/angsaz
C:\Windows\Fonts\ANTQUAB.TTF => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/ANTQUAB
C:\Windows\Fonts\ANTQUABI.TTF => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/ANTQUABI
C:\Windows\Fonts\ANTQUAI.TTF => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/ANTQUAI
C:\Windows\Fonts\aparaj.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/aparaj
C:\Windows\Fonts\aparajb.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/aparajb
C:\Windows\Fonts\aparajbi.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/aparajbi
C:\Windows\Fonts\aparaji.ttf => C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics/aparaji
Found FontName for 544 fonts.
Scanning afm files in C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/metrics
Writing font table in C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/fontmap/fonttable.csv
Writing Fontmap to C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.0/library/extrafontdb/fontmap/Fontmap...


> loadfonts(device="win")       #Register fonts for Windows bitmap output
                                                #device参数   The output device. Can be "pdf" (the default), "postscript", or "win".

Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Agency FB
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Aharoni
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Algerian
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Andalus
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Angsana New
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): AngsanaUPC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Aparajita
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Arabic Typesetting
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Arial Black
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Arial
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Arial Narrow
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Arial Rounded MT Bold
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Arial Unicode MS
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Baskerville Old Face
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bauhaus 93
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bell MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Berlin Sans FB
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Berlin Sans FB Demi
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bernard MT Condensed
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Blackadder ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bodoni Bd BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bodoni Bk BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bodoni MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bodoni MT Black
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bodoni MT Condensed
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bodoni MT Poster Compressed
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Book Antiqua
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bookman Old Style
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bookshelf Symbol 7
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Bradley Hand ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Britannic Bold
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Broadway
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Browallia New
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): BrowalliaUPC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Brush Script MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Calibri
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Calibri Light
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Californian FB
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Calisto MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Cambria
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Candara
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Castellar
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Centaur
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Century
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Century725 Cn BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Century751 No2 BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Century751 BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Century751 SeBd BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Century Gothic
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): CentSchbkCyrill BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Century Schoolbook
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Chiller
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Clarendon Blk BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Clarendon BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Clarendon Lt BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Colonna MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Comic Sans MS
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Consolas
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Constantia
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Cooper Black
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Copperplate Gothic Bold
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Copperplate Gothic Light
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Corbel
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Cordia New
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): CordiaUPC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Courier New
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Curlz MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DaunPenh
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): David
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DejaVu Sans Mono
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DengXian
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DengXian Light
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DeVinne Txt BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DFGothic-EB
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DFKaiSho-SB
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DFKai-SB
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DFMincho-SU
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DFMincho-UB
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DFMincho-W5
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DFPOP1-W9
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DilleniaUPC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): DokChampa
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Ebrima
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Edwardian Script ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Elephant
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Embassy BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): EngraversGothic BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Engravers MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Eras Bold ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Eras Demi ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Eras Light ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Eras Medium ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Estrangelo Edessa
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): EucrosiaUPC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Euphemia
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Exotc350 Bd BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Exotc350 DmBd BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): FangSong
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Felix Titling
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Footlight MT Light
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Forte
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Franklin Gothic Book
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Franklin Gothic Demi
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Franklin Gothic Demi Cond
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Franklin Gothic Heavy
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Franklin Gothic Medium
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Franklin Gothic Medium Cond
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): FrankRuehl
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Freehand521 BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): FreesiaUPC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Freestyle Script
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): French Script MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Futura Md BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Futura Bk BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): FZLanTingHeiS-UL-GB
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): FZShuTi
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): FZYaoTi
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Gabriola
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Gadugi
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Garamond
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Gautami
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Geometr212 BkCn BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Geometr415 Blk BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Geometr706 BlkCn BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): GeoSlab703 Md BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): GeoSlab703 MdCn BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Georgia
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Gigi
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Gill Sans Ultra Bold
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Gill Sans MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Gill Sans MT Condensed
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Gisha
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Gloucester MT Extra Condensed
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Goudy Old Style
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Goudy Stout
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Haettenschweiler
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Harlow Solid Italic
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Harrington
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): High Tower Text
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Humanst521 BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Humanst521 Lt BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Humnst777 Blk BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Humnst777 BlkCn BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Humnst777 Cn BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Humnst777 Lt BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Humnst777 BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Impact
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Imprint MT Shadow
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Informal Roman
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): IrisUPC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Iskoola Pota
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): JasmineUPC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Jokerman
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Juice ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): KaiTi
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Kalinga
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Kartika
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Kaufmann BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Khmer UI
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): KodchiangUPC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Kokila
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Kristen ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Kunstler Script
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Lao UI
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Latha
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Wide Latin
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Leelawadee
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Levenim MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): LilyUPC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): LiSu
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Lucida Bright
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Lucida Calligraphy
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Lucida Console
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Lucida Fax
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Lucida Handwriting
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Lucida Sans
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Lucida Sans Typewriter
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Lucida Sans Unicode
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Magneto
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Maiandra GD
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Malgun Gothic
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Mangal
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Marlett
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Matura MT Script Capitals
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Microsoft Yi Baiti
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Microsoft Himalaya
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Microsoft JhengHei
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Microsoft New Tai Lue
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Microsoft PhagsPa
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Microsoft Sans Serif
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Microsoft Tai Le
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Microsoft Uighur
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Microsoft YaHei
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Miriam
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Miriam Fixed
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Mistral
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Modern No. 20
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Monaco
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Mongolian Baiti
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Monotype Corsiva
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): MoolBoran
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): MS Outlook
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): MS Reference Sans Serif
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): MS Reference Specialty
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): MV Boli
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Narkisim
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): News701 BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): News706 BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): NewsGoth BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): NewsGoth Lt BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): NewsGoth Cn BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Niagara Engraved
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Niagara Solid
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Nirmala UI
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Nyala
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): OCR-A BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): OCR A Extended
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): OCR-B 10 BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Old English Text MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Onyx
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Palace Script MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Palatino Linotype
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Papyrus
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Parchment
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Perpetua
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Perpetua Titling MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Plantagenet Cherokee
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Playbill
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Poor Richard
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Pristina
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Raavi
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Rage Italic
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Ravie
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Rockwell
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Rockwell Condensed
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Rockwell Extra Bold
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Rod
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Sakkal Majalla
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Schadow BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Script MT Bold
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Segoe Print
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Segoe Script
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Segoe UI
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Segoe UI Light
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Segoe UI Semibold
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Segoe UI Semilight
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Segoe UI Emoji
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Segoe UI Symbol
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Shonar Bangla
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Showcard Gothic
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Shruti
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): SimHei
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Simplified Arabic
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Simplified Arabic Fixed
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): SimSun-ExtB
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Snap ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Square721 BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Square721 Cn BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): STCaiyun
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Stencil
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): STFangsong
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): STHupo
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): STKaiti
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): STLiti
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): STSong
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): STXihei
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): STXingkai
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): STXinwei
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): STZhongsong
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Swis721 Blk BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Swis721 BlkCn BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Swis721 WGL4 BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Swis721 BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Swis721 Cn BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Swis721 Hv BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Swis721 Lt BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Swis721 LtEx BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Sylfaen
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Symbol
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Tahoma
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Tempus Sans ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Times New Roman
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Traditional Arabic
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Trebuchet MS
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Tunga
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Tw Cen MT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Tw Cen MT Condensed
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): TypoUpright BT
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Utsaah
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Vani
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Verdana
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Vijaya
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Viner Hand ITC
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Vivaldi
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Vladimir Script
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Vrinda
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Webdings
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Wingdings
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Wingdings 2
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): Wingdings 3
Registering font with R using windowsFonts(): YouYuan
> fonts()                       #vector of font family names
  [1] "Agency FB"                       "Aharoni"                         "Algerian"                       
  [4] "Andalus"                         "Angsana New"                     "AngsanaUPC"                     
  [7] "Aparajita"                       "Arabic Typesetting"              "Arial Black"                    
 [10] "Arial"                           "Arial Narrow"                    "Arial Rounded MT Bold"          
 [13] "Arial Unicode MS"                "Baskerville Old Face"            "Bauhaus 93"                     
 [16] "Bell MT"                         "Berlin Sans FB"                  "Berlin Sans FB Demi"            
 [19] "Bernard MT Condensed"            "Blackadder ITC"                  "Bodoni Bd BT"                   
 [22] "Bodoni Bk BT"                    "Bodoni MT"                       "Bodoni MT Black"                
 [25] "Bodoni MT Condensed"             "Bodoni MT Poster Compressed"     "Book Antiqua"                   
 [28] "Bookman Old Style"               "Bookshelf Symbol 7"              "Bradley Hand ITC"               
 [31] "Britannic Bold"                  "Broadway"                        "Browallia New"                  
 [34] "BrowalliaUPC"                    "Brush Script MT"                 "Calibri"                        
 [37] "Calibri Light"                   "Californian FB"                  "Calisto MT"                     
 [40] "Cambria"                         "Candara"                         "Castellar"                      
 [43] "Centaur"                         "Century"                         "Century725 Cn BT"               
 [46] "Century751 No2 BT"               "Century751 BT"                   "Century751 SeBd BT"             
 [49] "Century Gothic"                  "CentSchbkCyrill BT"              "Century Schoolbook"             
 [52] "Chiller"                         "Clarendon Blk BT"                "Clarendon BT"                   
 [55] "Clarendon Lt BT"                 "Colonna MT"                      "Comic Sans MS"                  
 [58] "Consolas"                        "Constantia"                      "Cooper Black"                   
 [61] "Copperplate Gothic Bold"         "Copperplate Gothic Light"        "Corbel"                         
 [64] "Cordia New"                      "CordiaUPC"                       "Courier New"                    
 [67] "Curlz MT"                        "DaunPenh"                        "David"                          
 [70] "DejaVu Sans Mono"                "DengXian"                        "DengXian Light"                 
 [73] "DeVinne Txt BT"                  "DFGothic-EB"                     "DFKaiSho-SB"                    
 [76] "DFKai-SB"                        "DFMincho-SU"                     "DFMincho-UB"                    
 [79] "DFMincho-W5"                     "DFPOP1-W9"                       "DilleniaUPC"                    
 [82] "DokChampa"                       "Ebrima"                          "Edwardian Script ITC"           
 [85] "Elephant"                        "Embassy BT"                      "EngraversGothic BT"             
 [88] "Engravers MT"                    "Eras Bold ITC"                   "Eras Demi ITC"                  
 [91] "Eras Light ITC"                  "Eras Medium ITC"                 "Estrangelo Edessa"              
 [94] "EucrosiaUPC"                     "Euphemia"                        "Exotc350 Bd BT"                 
 [97] "Exotc350 DmBd BT"                "FangSong"                        "Felix Titling"                  
[100] "Footlight MT Light"              "Forte"                           "Franklin Gothic Book"           
[103] "Franklin Gothic Demi"            "Franklin Gothic Demi Cond"       "Franklin Gothic Heavy"          
[106] "Franklin Gothic Medium"          "Franklin Gothic Medium Cond"     "FrankRuehl"                     
[109] "Freehand521 BT"                  "FreesiaUPC"                      "Freestyle Script"               
[112] "French Script MT"                "Futura Md BT"                    "Futura Bk BT"                   
[115] "FZLanTingHeiS-UL-GB"             "FZShuTi"                         "FZYaoTi"                        
[118] "Gabriola"                        "Gadugi"                          "Garamond"                       
[121] "Gautami"                         "Geometr212 BkCn BT"              "Geometr415 Blk BT"              
[124] "Geometr706 BlkCn BT"             "GeoSlab703 Md BT"                "GeoSlab703 MdCn BT"             
[127] "Georgia"                         "Gigi"                            "Gill Sans Ultra Bold"           
[130] "Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed"  "Gill Sans MT"                    "Gill Sans MT Condensed"         
[133] "Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold" "Gisha"                           "Gloucester MT Extra Condensed"  
[136] "Goudy Old Style"                 "Goudy Stout"                     "Haettenschweiler"               
[139] "Harlow Solid Italic"             "Harrington"                      "High Tower Text"                
[142] "Humanst521 BT"                   "Humanst521 Lt BT"                "Humnst777 Blk BT"               
[145] "Humnst777 BlkCn BT"              "Humnst777 Cn BT"                 "Humnst777 Lt BT"                
[148] "Humnst777 BT"                    "Impact"                          "Imprint MT Shadow"              
[151] "Informal Roman"                  "IrisUPC"                         "Iskoola Pota"                   
[154] "JasmineUPC"                      "Jokerman"                        "Juice ITC"                      
[157] "KaiTi"                           "Kalinga"                         "Kartika"                        
[160] "Kaufmann BT"                     "Khmer UI"                        "KodchiangUPC"                   
[163] "Kokila"                          "Kristen ITC"                     "Kunstler Script"                
[166] "Lao UI"                          "Latha"                           "Wide Latin"                     
[169] "Leelawadee"                      "Levenim MT"                      "LilyUPC"                        
[172] "LiSu"                            "Lucida Bright"                   "Lucida Calligraphy"             
[175] "Lucida Console"                  "Lucida Fax"                      "Lucida Handwriting"             
[178] "Lucida Sans"                     "Lucida Sans Typewriter"          "Lucida Sans Unicode"            
[181] "Magneto"                         "Maiandra GD"                     "Malgun Gothic"                  
[184] "Mangal"                          "Marlett"                         "Matura MT Script Capitals"      
[187] "Microsoft Yi Baiti"              "Microsoft Himalaya"              "Microsoft JhengHei"             
[190] "Microsoft New Tai Lue"           "Microsoft PhagsPa"               "Microsoft Sans Serif"           
[193] "Microsoft Tai Le"                "Microsoft Uighur"                "Microsoft YaHei"                
[196] "Miriam"                          "Miriam Fixed"                    "Mistral"                        
[199] "Modern No. 20"                   "Monaco"                          "Mongolian Baiti"                
[202] "Monotype Corsiva"                "MoolBoran"                       "MS Outlook"                     
[205] "MS Reference Sans Serif"         "MS Reference Specialty"          "MV Boli"                        
[208] "Narkisim"                        "News701 BT"                      "News706 BT"                     
[211] "NewsGoth BT"                     "NewsGoth Lt BT"                  "NewsGoth Cn BT"                 
[214] "Niagara Engraved"                "Niagara Solid"                   "Nirmala UI"                     
[217] "Nyala"                           "OCR-A BT"                        "OCR A Extended"                 
[220] "OCR-B 10 BT"                     "Old English Text MT"             "Onyx"                           
[223] "Palace Script MT"                "Palatino Linotype"               "Papyrus"                        
[226] "Parchment"                       "Perpetua"                        "Perpetua Titling MT"            
[229] "Plantagenet Cherokee"            "Playbill"                        "Poor Richard"                   
[232] "Pristina"                        "Raavi"                           "Rage Italic"                    
[235] "Ravie"                           "Rockwell"                        "Rockwell Condensed"             
[238] "Rockwell Extra Bold"             "Rod"                             "Sakkal Majalla"                 
[241] "Schadow BT"                      "Script MT Bold"                  "Segoe Print"                    
[244] "Segoe Script"                    "Segoe UI"                        "Segoe UI Light"                 
[247] "Segoe UI Semibold"               "Segoe UI Semilight"              "Segoe UI Emoji"                 
[250] "Segoe UI Symbol"                 "Shonar Bangla"                   "Showcard Gothic"                
[253] "Shruti"                          "SimHei"                          "Simplified Arabic"              
[256] "Simplified Arabic Fixed"         "SimSun-ExtB"                     "Snap ITC"                       
[259] "Square721 BT"                    "Square721 Cn BT"                 "STCaiyun"                       
[262] "Stencil"                         "STFangsong"                      "STHupo"                         
[265] "STKaiti"                         "STLiti"                          "STSong"                         
[268] "STXihei"                         "STXingkai"                       "STXinwei"                       
[271] "STZhongsong"                     "Swis721 Blk BT"                  "Swis721 BlkCn BT"               
[274] "Swis721 WGL4 BT"                 "Swis721 BT"                      "Swis721 Cn BT"                  
[277] "Swis721 Hv BT"                   "Swis721 Lt BT"                   "Swis721 LtEx BT"                
[280] "Sylfaen"                         "Symbol"                          "Tahoma"                         
[283] "Tempus Sans ITC"                 "Times New Roman"                 "Traditional Arabic"             
[286] "Trebuchet MS"                    "Tunga"                           "Tw Cen MT"                      
[289] "Tw Cen MT Condensed"             "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold"  "TypoUpright BT"                 
[292] "Utsaah"                          "Vani"                            "Verdana"                        
[295] "Vijaya"                          "Viner Hand ITC"                  "Vivaldi"                        
[298] "Vladimir Script"                 "Vrinda"                          "Webdings"                       
[301] "Wingdings"                       "Wingdings 2"                     "Wingdings 3"                    
[304] "YouYuan"                        


> ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg)) + geom_point() +     
+     ggtitle("Fuel Efficiency of 32 Cars") +
+     xlab("Weight (x1000 lb)") + ylab("Miles per Gallon") +
+     theme_bw() +
+     theme(text=element_text(family="YouYuan", face="bold", size=12)) 






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