2020-08-11 本文已影响0人
新闻内容来着听写当天一条BBC one-minute world news headline。再加一条新西兰当地媒体的,刷下这个常被人们遗忘的国家的存在感。我会日更,每天几分钟,开始我们的积累吧。
1. Melting Antarctic
A major study into Antarctica's thinning ice shelves has found they shrunk significantly over the past 25 years.
thinning v.
thin v. a. 薄的;细的;瘦的;稀少的;稀疏的;
Antarctic n. a. 南极,南极的
Antarctica n. 南极洲
2. Auckland is preparing to return to Alert Level 3 from noon on Wednesday, after four new cases of Covid-19 from an unknown source were recorded in the city. The rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2.